God forbid I should approach this lightly, advocating peace and personal accountability when everyone else deems themselves so crucially helpless to the world's governmental "powers"...
We we are not victims.... judge me unintelligent, or anything that you wish, but I will not surrender to such a falsity.
Actually, I agree with most of what you are saying, however, what I can;t help but feel is actually you are looking down your nose at us, and that is much more repellent and ignorant than our ignorance or frustration with your arrogance.
The impression you give us is in my best words, is that we who find information gathering a thrilling hobby, or talking about these possibilities with the intention to be prepared for them, as if we are all talking about these things as if we are monkeys simply throwing poop, when many of us have genuine empathy and knowledge about things going on in the world that you prefer to shut out, for your own reasons that have nothing to do with a superior worldview or philosophy. Well get to that though. . .
I myself, do not condone what I call "fear-mongering" but however, sharing information, communicating knowledge, even if that knowledge is frightening to some, is not necessarily negative.
I don't know why you got the strong reaction you did from others, about the sexualizing comment, but I think it is because it is seen over your other comments as if you are belittling the rest of us for being concerned. That is what the problem is here.
I happen to be one of those "fringe" people by the very nature of my sexual identity. Sometimes in my human weakness, I fear soon some law will pass that limits my freedom. I am unlike you I suppose in that way. However..I am also unlike you that I am not afraid to admit it or admit when I am wrong.
I will say though that when I am in my personal power position, I am aware, grounded, connected and compassionate to others. I am aware that there may be a day, when people begin to dissapear in black vans accross the street from me, or I may dissapear in a black car, simply because of who I am or what I said. I desire to be prepared for that day, and I desire other people to be prepared. Especially be prepared for the fact that even if I said nothing at all and someone simply pointed a finger, I might dissapear.
The fact is its already happening. It happened, it happens it will happen! (I am a bit of a history buff as well.) In the us, it is mostly the undocumented that dissappear these days (truth, my mother teaches many undocumented children), in places like china however, simply having a blog that circumvents the firewall will get you imprisoned and tortured to death.
It is my philosophy of life that it is better for us to be talking freely and without fear as long as we can. Let us stick together and support each other as human beings then against tyranny! Let us fight to protect each other, with continued communication, (warnings) compassion and togetherness.
I hope if I get taken away ever, or someone I know does, I hope you aren't the person witnessing from across the street. My instinct tells me, you would do nothing, which is probably the impression that other people are reacting to as well and of course its not popular. You are going to have to accept that. In all forms of my own truth, my truth tells me that is not the way we are supposed to be as human beings. We are not supposed to be cold and distant and self-serving. Forgive me, it might not be true that you are this way, but I feel you may have a problem like that.