I read, i forget exactly where.. in astrocartography a saturn line runs up the east coast. And saturn in scorpio i know played out a role in this, along with neptune being in pisces. though mercury would greatly factor in as well. Because communications, electricity, and transportation have been greatly been damaged as well. And NJ was hardest hit by this hurricane/storm. ALL of nj. Along with new yorks often disliked and forgotten burrough staten island. I think if someone wants to do an accurate event chart to see what went on. Begin in Hoboken, or Atlantic City NJ or Staten Island, NY. The date should be Monday, October 29th, 2012 at 6pm. The hurricane, or superstorm... made landfall here at 6pm.
there is a predicted nor'easter approaching our area next week sometime so it's not over. i am sure the death count is going to skyrocket unfortunately if this snowstorm does hit us. as there are still 1 million people without power, in nj alone. - which means no heat or hot food or showers.
hopefully it won't come to fruition, i think the east coast has experienced enough.