Hurricane sandy

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I cee

Well-known member
Jun 19, 2012
What astrological patterns are causing this?
Don't know much about mundane astrology!
Hope all you New Yorkers are okay:love:
Relationship of Neptune to Saturn, both in water signs, Neptune strong 0 Pisces, might be involved; notice also that Mars and Jupiter are in opposition (with Jupiter in airy Gemini)-this pattern might be somewhat suggestiive of the conditions.
Relationship of Neptune to Saturn, both in water signs, Neptune strong 0 Pisces, might be involved; notice also that Mars and Jupiter are in opposition (with Jupiter in airy Gemini)-this pattern might be somewhat suggestiive of the conditions.
What really interests me is that, these weather patterns happen every year!
But they seem to be moving each year further up, so is this a seasonal cyclical or astrological???
They happen every year...but planets move, so what is the underlying factor here?
Is it more to do with the usa natal chart that involves these patterns?
The parallax full Moon had the Mars-Jupiter opposition straddling the MC-IC in New York City. Mars-Jupiter can often bring storms, particularly if an air sign is involved.

Overall, I think the Uranus-Pluto square is bringing a lot of disruptions with it, including disruptions involving weather.

For those interested in midpoints there are some interesting ones on the full moon chart:

MC-Mars = Pluto/Node indicating quite a lot of violence and upheaval affecting a group of people.
Sun-Moon = Pluto/Descendant: suggesting a very powerful full moon that had a strong affect on the populace.
Uranus = Moon/Ascendant: Sudden disruptions involving the locality and the public
antiVertex = Uranus/Ascendant: the Vertex axis often intensifies a situation.

I always use the parallax (position of the Moon calculated from the location) lunations for all matters to do with a location, including the weather.



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Excellent analysis by Ms McDermott-thanks!

Using the above chart I would add the Neptune/Mercury partile square as a possible factor, noticing also that Jupiter disposits both planets (Neptune in Pisces, Mercury in Sagittarius), and remembering what Ms McDermott posted above regarding the Mars/Jupiter opposition on the MC/IC in the NYC map (above) I also notice the watery ascendant (Pisces) and the conjunction of Neptune with the ascendant (notice also that the ascending degree is in the monomoiria-ie degree rulership-of Moon, and that Neptune is in the monomoira of-Jupiter!)
Re: Hurricane Sandy

There has been alot of discussion on the internet about the 1997 FEMA drill for a possible disaster scenario hitting NY also called 'Hurricane Sandy'. The drill was planned for October 1997, almost the same time as this hurricane and followed exactly same path as Hurricane Sandy 2012....coinicidence? The conspiracy theory on the net is that very bad weather like hurricanes and even earthquakes can now be man-made by using HAARP technology.

The conspiracy theory believes that HAARP is now being (mis)used by many powerful goverments to create chaos in order to controll the masses with fear...or to generate business to fuel the poor economy...or even to delay elections....

If I study the midoints pointed on NY full moon chart, there appears to be some evidence of the above theory:
MC-Mars = Pluto/Node indicating quite a lot of violence and upheaval affecting a group of people.
Sun-Moon = Pluto/Descendant: suggesting a very powerful full moon that had a strong affect on the populace.
Uranus = Moon/Ascendant: Sudden disruptions involving the locality and the public.
Excellent analysis by Ms McDermott-thanks!

Using the above chart I would add the Neptune/Mercury partile square as a possible factor, noticing also that Jupiter disposits both planets (Neptune in Pisces, Mercury in Sagittarius), and remembering what Ms McDermott posted above regarding the Mars/Jupiter opposition on the MC/IC in the NYC map (above) I also notice the watery ascendant (Pisces) and the conjunction of Neptune with the ascendant (notice also that the ascending degree is in the monomoiria-ie degree rulership-of Moon, and that Neptune is in the monomoira of-Jupiter!)

I'll add that the ascending degree in the reference chart (5 Pisces) is within 1 degree 14 minutes conjunction (in longitude) with the star Sadalmelek (in the constellation of Aquarius, the Water-bearer); this star has a reputation (relative to events and mundane matters rather than to personal/natal horoscopes) of being connected with "...extreme and sudden destruction..." (v. Robson's "Fixed Stars...")
Be careful!! Hope things turn out well for you and your friends (and everyone else going through this massive disruption)
I note that there has been no mention in this thread of the T-square currently formed by Venus, Pluto and Uranus. Here is the PAT chart showing the planetary alignments at 5 p.m. EST on November 1, when the Venus-Uranus opposition was exact.


With an orb of 9° for oppositions and 7° for squares this T-square began on October 28 and will end on November 8, just the time from the beginning of the effects of Hurricane Sandy to the time of (hopefully) recovery from its effects.

At this time three planets are retrograde, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. And the Sun is at the midpoint of Jupiter and Uranus.

I note that contemporary astrologers seem to pay scant attention, even in mundane astrology, to aspect patterns such as this. They might consider, following the view of Johannes Kepler, to pay more attention to them than to signs and houses. Venus, I believe, is in some cases associated with violence. Informed astrologers here might care to comment further on the significance of this T-square.
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I read, i forget exactly where.. in astrocartography a saturn line runs up the east coast. And saturn in scorpio i know played out a role in this, along with neptune being in pisces. though mercury would greatly factor in as well. Because communications, electricity, and transportation have been greatly been damaged as well. And NJ was hardest hit by this hurricane/storm. ALL of nj. Along with new yorks often disliked and forgotten burrough staten island. I think if someone wants to do an accurate event chart to see what went on. Begin in Hoboken, or Atlantic City NJ or Staten Island, NY. The date should be Monday, October 29th, 2012 at 6pm. The hurricane, or superstorm... made landfall here at 6pm.

there is a predicted nor'easter approaching our area next week sometime so it's not over. i am sure the death count is going to skyrocket unfortunately if this snowstorm does hit us. as there are still 1 million people without power, in nj alone. - which means no heat or hot food or showers.
hopefully it won't come to fruition, i think the east coast has experienced enough.
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We got the power back on Thursday afternoon. But there are still lot of ppl without power.
We still don't have internet. I am using a 4G to get on to internet.
We got the power back on Thursday afternoon. But there are still lot of ppl without power.
We still don't have internet. I am using a 4G to get on to internet.

It actually won't take them very long to restore your internet service if you have power. Just make sure you call and set up an appt. We called and set up an appt and they were here in 2 days time. Our entire neighborhood still has no power-( literally for miles), and there are 3 blocks that do have power. I am not sure if that made a difference in how fast they were able to be here. But i thought i'd just pass it along.

take care of yourself.
The New Moon, Solar total eclipse of 13 November 2012 conjunct Mercury and square Neptune
is causing this hurricane at the New York coast area when it was Full Moon on 29 October 2012.

i am trying to process what you have written here..

If the total solar eclipse of november 13th, 2012 has not occured yet.. how could it have created the hurricane that we had on the 29th? I thought solar eclipses dictate things for 6 months following an eclipse.
I understand that aspects might not be exact yet, before an event... and they might be felt or color situations a bit ahead of time or whathaveyou. But don't solar eclipses work differently?
The transiting Uranus/Pluto square is triggering US charts venus and Jupiter.
(More exact with precessed transits).

Venus and Jupiter are placed in Nakshatra of Ardra.
Ardra is associated with storms as the ruling deity of this nakshatra is Rudra.
Rudra is the ancient vedic deity of storms from the rigveda.


Katrina did happen on a day with the moon in ardra that day.
Ardra is spanning fro sidereal 6'.
40' - 20'

During the research of this I found also from Vedic astrologer David Goldstein this info: 72&Itemid=100&limit=1&limitstart=2
"Ardra stands out as the most prominent nakshatra directly associated with storms and hurricanes. Gemini is also an air sign, so we might expect some prominent placement of the Moon in one of the air signs under hurricane conditions. It is interesting to note that yet again, under Hurricane Andrew (1992), another devastating category 5 hurricane, the Moon was also in Ardra and conjunct Ketu, when the storm made landfall in Homestead, FL ).

So in addition to the katrina strorm there was also moon in ardra nakshatra of the storm "Howard"

Below sidereal sibley chart for with transits for Sandy storm .
Radix Venus and Jupiter in Ardra nakshatra. 6.40-20.00 Gemini.


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The disaster can be seen using the USA birth Chart by Sibly that gives Ascendant at 12 of Saggitarius.

When Sandy hit N.Y. and N. Jersey there was a Jupiter/Mars Opposition on the radical Horizon. This aspect means an Assault on a great scale!

I remind you that there were a similar heavy Pluto/Saturn opposition on the same radical Horizon on 11/9/2001 when the Twins collapsed...
The disaster can be seen using the USA birth Chart by Sibly that gives Ascendant at 12 of Saggitarius.

When Sandy hit N.Y. and N. Jersey there was a Jupiter/Mars Opposition on the radical Horizon. This aspect means an Assault on a great scale!

I remind you that there were a similar heavy Pluto/Saturn opposition on the same radical Horizon on 11/9/2001 when the Twins collapsed...

Yes I see. Thank you very much for that Juperios. The ascendent is wrong in my posted chart, I checked it.
It was a sidereal chart posted with ascendent 8 degree scorpio. That is not true.
The sidereal ascendent should be 21 scorpio sidereal which equals 12 sag tropical. Don't know what happened ? :unsure:

Anyway there are many charts for US. Normally I use the Kelleher chart with 18:30 time.
This is used by most western based vedic astrologers.
This chart was the result of months of rectification work by james kelleher who was paid by a wealthy client to come up with a chart. After months of research he came up with a chart, I think it works ok.

This chart had transiting Mars/Ketu conjunction right on ascendent at 9/11.

I post the Kelleher 18:30 chart for you here...not stating that it is the correct chart and others wrong though..



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Ok talking about Ardra as a nakshatra associated with storms and various disasters I might complete the ardra post by some further comments.

Looking at chart for 9/11 I see now that on that day transiting Jupiter and south node was
in Ardra (6'GE40'-20'GE00' sidereal)

And transiting moon was also in ardra that day making a conjunction with south node.

Yesterday I saw also that the 26 december Tsunami had a fullmoon in Ardra on that day
at sidereal 10' GE.

attached chart for fullmoon on tsunami day.



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