I am afraid of this Solar Return

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Nov 14, 2017
Athens, Greece
Hello everyone,
My last year Solar return has an ASC on natal 8th and the Solar return sun to 8th.
Now... I have my birthday in about a month and the Solar Return is awful. SR ASC in 12th natal. Pluto and Saturn in 12th house of SR and Pluto conjunct SR ASC. Additionally SR Mars at the end of SR 6th house oppose Pluto in 12th!!!!:crying::crying::crying:
Can you pleeeeeease tell me your opinions??


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Hi Ntina! The internet explanations give the 12th house a bad reputation. I assure you, the 12th house in solar returns is really misunderstood. Personally, my favorite solar return years have had loads of 12th house energy.

With that said, the first thing to note is that your SR Sun is in the 6th house. This would indicate more focus on your daily life. You could be taking more care of yourself, going to doctors for check ups, eating healthier, being more involved at work. One thing to note is your Ascendant this return is in Capricorn, so you'll have more ambition, be career focused/goal focused, and in general more serious/sombre. The Ascendant ruler Saturn sits in your 12th, so this might indicate a lot of alone time. I've had similar returns when I've just been going to work, coming home, and needing my alone time away to de-stress. Pluto in your 12th -- breaking down your own psychological walls and assessing who you are and want to be. Your MC is in Scorpio so this could be career related.

With Mercury conjunct Mars in the 7th house your relationships with others will come into play, maybe having some foot in mouth moments. Be careful not to come across as bossy, controlling, or argumentative. Especially at work. You could be signing a contract this year too, perhaps a job change or promotion. Overall, you'll feel a little cut off from others due to obligations.

But with an SR Gemini Venus in 5th resting in your natal 4th house, I do believe you'll be finding more enjoyment at home, like watching shows, listening to music, reading, etc. And as it's opposite SR Jupiter in the 11th house, you might find people coming to your house for entertainment.

SR Moon in 2nd shows your need to be stable emotionally and financially. With Neptune conjunct it, there might be some confusion in this area every now and then. That's why I feel there could be a job change in the works.

Let me know if I can answer any other questions.

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Tina: With your fun loving natal Moon in Leo I can understand your anxiety about all this 12th and 8th house emphasis. Your solar Moon is in Pieces conj Neptune so there will be more sensitivity and changing moods this year. This will make you more aware of your 12th house fears and anxieties. Asc. Capricorn is a cardinal sign and about being decisive, taking action on those fears and not let them control you. Moon sextile Saturn emphasis is on controlling your emotions. Moon in Pieces needs their friend's support but drama queens will not make the grade and only make matters worse.

Others may have more to add,

Chin up!

Moon Dance
Thank you very much...
I really think that is a very dark solar return. But then something came up..
On the day of my birthday I am going to be somewhere else in Greece. When I made the solar return for this city the ASC moved to 11th house but 2 degrees away from 12th house gusp.And Pluto moved to 1st house of Solar return.
Can you see that? Is different then?


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Thank you very much...
I really think that is a very dark solar return. But then something came up..
On the day of my birthday I am going to be somewhere else in Greece. When I made the solar return for this city the ASC moved to 11th house but 2 degrees away from 12th house gusp.And Pluto moved to 1st house of Solar return.
Can you see that? Is different then?

It may help moving the Asc from house of fears to house of hope and dreams. It doesn't change your Asc is still in Capricorn conj Saturn ruler of 1st house and in the 12th. This is a year you will be tested. Also noticed Solar Uranus is in tight square aspect to your natal Moon suggesting restless anxiety, change in relationships, a possible relocation.

Problem with studying astrology is it can bring your worst fears into your mind when in reality you don't know how it will truly manifest in your life. Take each day as it comes, make no more or no less of the situations you encounter. Life is an adventure.

Moon Dance
Grateful for this thread as I too have a very similar SR coming up in Oct. Sat/Pluto conj SR ASC which falls in my natal 12th (Capricorn). I also have MC in Scorpio in the SR, Neptune in SR 2nd and I just finished having Uranus square my natal Moon. It is now moving toward a conjunction with natal Chiron (eek!).

So thank you to Dani and Moon Dance for your comments, I found them helpful as well!
It is not your solar return you should fear, but the fear itself.

If I were you (Thank the High Heavens,I'm not) I would sit myself down and ask how it is that I am paralyzed by fear over a handful of imagination, of unrealistic expectations. What a magnificent opportunity for self-examination and liberation from fear.

Oh, by the way...the 12th house is the House of Bondage. And it is also the House of Liberation from Bondage. What a coincidence, huh?
The main theme I see here is someone and/or something coming into your life. Probably about two months after your birthday, give or take. And this is strongly karmic. May bring up a "been there and done that," or, if this is a person, an "I've known you before" feeling. Maybe a "aha, so this is what was waiting for me all along!" feeling.

SR AC moving to your natal twelfth means DC moving into your natal sixth. The most angular planets in your SR chart are Mercury and Mars conjoining over the DC: speaks very strongly to others in your life. If you're married or partnered, that partnership is likely to be a focus. If you are not, this looks like a likely time for a partner to enter your life. Or, you might find a new partner in a non-romantic sense. Business partner, activities partner, debating partner, something like that. The natal sixth house placement suggests someone who you work with, or who shares your daily life. Duties, responsibilities.

But here's what's really karmic: you're having a nodal return. It's your second, which perfects roughly two months after your 37th birthday. I've noticed a nodal return theme of someone or something that reflects the node placement turning up at that time. And, while your nodes return to their natal position, Saturn has recently transited over your south node. That, too, suggests karmic connections: a situation and/or person that helps you complete unfinished business, which may be from this lifetime or previous ones. The twelfth house placement even more strongly emphasizes that karmic past connection. Since Saturn has already crossed your south node, it's possible that you've already seen this part.

At your solar return, Saturn will be in a pretty exact square to its natal position. That's another transit that everyone gets at the age of 37. Saturn square is a corner to turn: maybe a change you want to make in your life. Maybe a change that happens to you. Maybe taking on some new responsibility, or a new serious pursuit. You're also having a Pluto square right now, which adds to the karmic implications.
Thank you all very much.
After going through the 8th house experience (SR ASC in natal 8th, with moon and Jupiter, and Sun in SR 8th house), the only thing that I can remember from that SR is that i was the most of the time frustrated, alone, and full of fear about my future.
My life is a complete mess right now, I'm in a relationship with a divorced guy with an 8th year old daughter that he doesn't want another child. After my birthday last year i took some blood tests that showed I have Low ovarian reserve and if I ever want a child I should try immediately. My partner said to me that if I want a child we must break up. I started to save money (I found a 2nd job) to freezing my eggs just in case... I'm in this situation now. And we live together so I don't have the money to live from the house if i want right now.
I also want to point that my SUN/MOON midpoint is at 18.43 Cancer witch was hit by Pluto, Saturn and will again. I feel exhausted already psycologically speaking. And of course Uranus.... will square my natal moon... aw boy.....
On the other hand let me tell you that my boyfriend's solar return for 2019 in November is soooooo good. Stellium in 5th(Jup, Saturn, Pluto, vertex) SA ASC in 7th natal house Leo and SA Moon in 7th.
And i really want things to fix, but this year's solar return tells me that the war is still going on...:sad::sad::sad:
Make good time of Saturn retrograde in the 12th to reassess your options. That is rough being with someone who doesn't share your hopes and dreams. Saturn is the great teacher and the more you resist and ignore his lessons the greater your pain. With Capricorn Asc you can be decisive and take action for your best interests. Your not stuck and it can be a very empowering time. Saturn will go direct in Sept. so until then take a deep breath, quiet your mind. Then you can begin to take steps to resolve some of your issues. Early next year Saturn will leave the 12th and enter the 1st and you may start feeling like your beginning anew.

Moon Dance
And it's already began... My boyfriend and I had a huge fight..
He told me that "the thing that I don't want (another child) is bigger than being with you and the thing you want is bigger than being with me and that is all".. I'm crying, I don't want kid now I don't even know that I will someday...
Sooo frustrated... so unfair to be with a man that he doesn't want anything more from you...
Saturn - Pluto - ASC I'm already afraid of you...
The SR is corresponding with your experiences so far...

SR Mercury/Mars on Dsc - conflict with your boyfriend
(plus your natal Mars in 7th usually brings a turbulent partnership because either you or your partner have a very strong character)

SR Dsc in your natal 6th - concern over health (low ovarian reserve)

SR Sun/Venus in 5th - in your case, focus on children came into the spotlight

SR Moon/Neptune in 2nd - focus on security and comfort
(perhaps you feel that having children will provide you that - security within this partnership)

Moon/Neptune in Pisces will cause you to be very sensitive, maybe also unrealistic about what you want vs what you can have. Pisces is a very dreamy sign and you have Neptune exacerbating it. And they are falling in your natal 1st so you're expressing these feelings more.

My advice - freeze your eggs but leave the children topic aside for now as it will only bring more quarrels and possible breakup. He may not want kids now but who knows, he may change his mind?

E.g. My friend was dating a divorcee who didn't wanna get remarried. She was devastated because her biggest dream was to be married. The "old" her would break up and find another marriageable guy but somehow she stuck to him and didn't press him on it. Some time later, he changed his mind and they got married. So you see? Don't lose hope if you really think he's the one for you. But you have to decide for yourself... is he more important than having kids?

I don't have kids btw and I'm 44 this year... nothing wrong with my health but just never found the one I wanna have it with...or I found but we broke up. I may have no chance to have kids anymore due to my age and tbh, it makes me a little sad BUT I'm fine... now I want a life partner more than a kid.


I also have SR Saturn/Pluto/SN in my SR 12th house this year and they all fall in my natal 8th!! With SR Asc in there as well.

You mentioned the year you had planets in 8th and it sounds so scary. :crying:

I'm 2 months into my SR and I still don't know what to expect. A lot of introspection, for sure.
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Dear Ellie,
Thank you for your comment. Tomorrow it's my 37th birthday.. And the solar return is already show her teeth to me. A lot of lonely time full of thoughts. Fights with my partner.. A total mess in my head.. I don't know what to do.. I change my mind almost every day!!
Last year's SR I had SR Asc Scorpio in natal 8th with SR moon and SR Jupiter on it and SR 12th.I was afraid very very much...
Things that happened to me are: I found out I have Low Ovarian Reserve (20days before my birthday). The denial of my partner (if you want kids we will break up to find someone to have kids). I found a second job (1 month before my birthday). I become obsessed and make arguments out of nothing.. I put on weight (not much 2-3 kilos). I froze my first egg on April 1st.I wanted to sleep more, I felt tired and bored almost every day. My mother had a home on her own after my grandmother died. These are the most significant points I can remember... and of course as you mentioned a lot of introspection..
SR Asc Scorpio is tough! I also had it last year falling on my natal 6th cusp. SR Moon was in SR 12th. It was so painful. :pinched: Disappointments in love/biz partnerships, malicious rumours and jealousy attacks thrown at me, felt betrayed by a close friend... A lot of tears.

SR Asc in Capricorn this year. Close friend and I made up after my birthday but I broke up with my guy. *sob* Now doing a lot of soul searching...finding myself all over again and basically, trying to regain self-esteem.

If you're feeling lost..changing your minds every day.. then don't make any hasty decision and just calm down and think.

SR Asc in 12th might signal that you need a lot of alone time this year. Pluto is transformative and Saturn is self-critical.. so I believe that when you emerge from this, you will find a whole new you.

How's your progressed chart and transits?
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See for yourself...
The most I think worth speaking is the progressed moon which passed over my natal MC one month ago and now is in my 10th house. But I don't have anything until now career related. Transits...... This Saturn is all over me... One year on and off opposes my natal Sun/Moon midpoint (18,43 Cancer in 5th natal). I think that's why all the dissapointments... Before that Pluto on and off my natal Sun/Moon midpoint, which made my life upside down..(2016 - broke up 6.5 years relationship, 8 months before wedding, leaving from the house we lived together and make a new relationship with the guy I am now with, mooving together after a year with the results I wrote before - not a good decision after all..)
And transit Jupiter in 10th house but nothing....
Is anything that you can see in my charts???


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On Friday morning, a very close friend of mine found her brother dead from heart attack. She is devastated of course... 4 months before se had lost also her mother.. I knew her brother and it was a shock for me also.. First time that a young person (40) close to me dies...