The SR is corresponding with your experiences so far...
SR Mercury/Mars on Dsc - conflict with your boyfriend
(plus your natal Mars in 7th usually brings a turbulent partnership because either you or your partner have a very strong character)
SR Dsc in your natal 6th - concern over health (low ovarian reserve)
SR Sun/Venus in 5th - in your case, focus on children came into the spotlight
SR Moon/Neptune in 2nd - focus on security and comfort
(perhaps you feel that having children will provide you that - security within this partnership)
Moon/Neptune in Pisces will cause you to be very sensitive, maybe also unrealistic about what you want vs what you can have. Pisces is a very dreamy sign and you have Neptune exacerbating it. And they are falling in your natal 1st so you're expressing these feelings more.
My advice - freeze your eggs but leave the children topic aside for now as it will only bring more quarrels and possible breakup. He may not want kids now but who knows, he may change his mind?
E.g. My friend was dating a divorcee who didn't wanna get remarried. She was devastated because her biggest dream was to be married. The "old" her would break up and find another marriageable guy but somehow she stuck to him and didn't press him on it. Some time later, he changed his mind and they got married. So you see? Don't lose hope if you really think he's the one for you. But you have to decide for yourself... is he more important than having kids?
I don't have kids btw and I'm 44 this year... nothing wrong with my health but just never found the one I wanna have it with...or I found but we broke up. I may have no chance to have kids anymore due to my age and tbh, it makes me a little sad BUT I'm fine... now I want a life partner more than a kid.
I also have SR Saturn/Pluto/SN in my SR 12th house this year and they all fall in my natal 8th!! With SR Asc in there as well.
You mentioned the year you had planets in 8th and it sounds so scary.
I'm 2 months into my SR and I still don't know what to expect. A lot of introspection, for sure.