I am confused on my ultimate vocation

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eclipses from last year september have hit you hard with squares to saturn and now pluto. It basically activates your war like potential with saturn pluto at loggerheads creating unlivable conditions. Personal commitments and choices at war with community resources…..its a survival stresspoint you have inherent in your saturn pluto square in the natal…. but its not over. This one continues the burdens and frustrations with the lunar one foretelling of endings Which pressurises you emotionally. the next one actively accents endings.…but at least this one trines your moon which eases pressure.

What i would say with this is that you like these events that happen every 18 years (so look back and consider the period more or less exact to the year)…. This is a repeat. its clear the decks of deadwood that has accumulated in a forced way. Saturn cancer never parts easily with anything. Its clearly not easy For you. But it needs to happen so you preloaded in this one so it can he activated at certain regular periods, before you came here!

the next set in 18 years time more or less exact you can now make a diary event and prepare for!!!

if difficulty arises, try renting the house and move to a studio or shared house just to cover your costs While these eclipses pass.

that actually would clear a lot of deadwood!

the september 2025 has you finally coming out that hole and supports improvements.

this at least gives you a deadline to aim for.. knowing its not for ever somehow removes the sting and allows plans to be put into place.

ultimately you arent doing anything wrong, just need to factor in the stress of forced spring clean at intervals…which is not natural for your saturn cancer accumulative behaviour.

and sometimes a stray eclipse hits within the 18 year cycle as there are four points. Now you are experiencing the cardinal libra, aries set.

But the cardinal cancer capricorn ones also need to be factored in…same ****…different cycle!
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Astro-seek.com has all the eclipses listed in a menu. Find it. i suggest you get on board and diarise! Apply a ten degree orb and be ready!!
same sting, but surprise element now removed!
eclipses from last year september have hit you hard with squares to saturn and now pluto. It basically activates your war like potential with saturn pluto at loggerheads creating unlivable conditions. Personal commitments and choices at war with community resources…..its a survival stresspoint you have inherent in your saturn pluto square in the natal…. but its not over. This one continues the burdens and frustrations with the lunar one foretelling of endings Which pressurises you emotionally. the next one actively accents endings.…but at least this one trines your moon which eases pressure.

What i would say with this is that you like these events that happen every 18 years (so look back and consider the period more or less exact to the year)…. This is a repeat. its clear the decks of deadwood that has accumulated in a forced way. Saturn cancer never parts easily with anything. Its clearly not easy For you. But it needs to happen so you preloaded in this one so it can he activated at certain regular periods, before you came here!

the next set in 18 years time more or less exact you can now make a diary event and prepare for!!!

if difficulty arises, try renting the house and move to a studio or shared house just to cover your costs While these eclipses pass.

that actually would clear a lot of deadwood!

the september 2025 has you finally coming out that hole and supports improvements.

this at least gives you a deadline to aim for.. knowing its not for ever somehow removes the sting and allows plans to be put into place.

ultimately you arent doing anything wrong, just need to factor in the stress of forced spring clean at intervals…which is not natural for your saturn cancer accumulative behaviour.

and sometimes a stray eclipse hits within the 18 year cycle as there are four points. Now you are experiencing the cardinal libra, aries set.

But the cardinal cancer capricorn ones also need to be factored in…same ****…different cycle!
Good morning @Outlook,

So interestingly, I came on here last year, very frustrated. I read my chart early in the year, in truth I am always reading it, some more days than others and it said that finances would disappear by year-end. I did not want to claim government support, and let's just say the Universe has supported me. If I had taken government support, I would have had to give up my business registration. Someone on here kindly advised that my business would fail. Either way, I need to do self-employment now, so whether the business is registered or not, I don't need the government to prevent me from doing self-employment, even though I am yet to make money from it.

The work I did to prepare my home to start taking in lodgers paid off, not to pay everything off, but to help get me to today. However, now I am looking at providing lodgings combined with the therapy I offer because I cannot guarantee anyone will stay indefinitely, and my home is not one that I can rent out. The only other option is to lose my home, and at this point, I am almost at the point of surrender, even though I have nowhere else to go.

Thinking about myself 18 years ago - at age 31 - I can't think of anything significant. I was in the process of saving for a deposit and my first home purchase, which took place a few years later. I was also working, so actually, that was a comfortable time when it came to housing and employment. Although, I did have someone I was sharing a house with who was giving me hell from his room upstairs, above my head, for a while, now that I think of it. I was determined not to move until I was moving to a house I could be in for the long term, i.e., a first purchase. I stayed in that house for a few years before I could get what I wanted. He moved out two years before I was finally able to.

I don't know much about eclipses. I used to read Susan Miller, but then a lot of her readings just didn't match my life as it stands. Even with regard to September last year, it was actually October when panic fully set in, and the last few months have been a real headache, each month end when things need paying, my stomach has had a work out and I live to fight another day promoting myself for self-employment and advertising my space to rent. I'm working on filling the rooms, and if that doesn't work, then the Universe will just need to take it away because honestly, my brain power is done with it now. It has not been easy.

I have felt a complete push towards self-employment, and yes, it was all read and expected, but I did not expect it to happen in this way. And if I am to lose my home, there's really nothing more I can do now. There has been a block on having 'normal' lodgers, but now I am being inspired to offer it alongside therapy, so I will see if that makes any difference to bookings.

I'm doing the best I can with what I have, but if I have learned anything from last year, even when I read something is going to happen, it is not something I can avert or avoid in most cases. Maybe eighteen years from now, I will be better prepared.

Thank you for your help in troubleshooting.

Have a good day.

Astro-seek.com has all the eclipses listed in a menu. Find it. i suggest you get on board and diarise! Apply a ten degree orb and be ready!!
same sting, but surprise element now removed!
The only surprise was I was getting so much interest in the rooms and then from October little to none. I went from having people queuing up, to nothing, it was supposed to have been my passive income whilst I built my online business. To be fair, with the rooms occupied, I was struggling to sleep, so in a sense the vacancy has been a blessing, not helped my finances though so maybe that is the similarity to 18 years ago.

I've looked again at the date. That period was when my Saturn return took place - 2005, I think, the first time I took astrology seriously. I moved to a shared house in 2004. I was unemployed not long after moving in and in and out of temporary roles for a spell - a long spell until finding real employment in 2006, if I have my dates right. That time, actually wasn't so bad, I was frustrated but all my needs were met and I had a stable residence I stayed in until I could buy. It was actually a relief staying in that place as I had moved so much beforehand.


This has definitely been the most stressful financially I have experienced in my whole life time since end of last year. I am surprised I made it so far.

I am doing what I can but money and finance definitely needs to materialise now.
Its one thing to experience a personal crisis in a positive economy and quite another to have double trouble. Before 2008 it was boom. Hell…before 2016 it was still boom. Relative to that, where we are now is utter disaster.

i think you need to rethink because people are so stretched they can do without massages. It wont be your saviour.

you will probably make more from offering rooms for storage! Or storage space and divide the rooms…fire up hammer and nails! Or just divide the space to half rooms and rent out half price….. You have to start being creative. Times are tough and getting worse. you have a base. Fight to keep it. Rent every bit of space any way you can…price is the key always. People are desperate. Pack them in. Fight to survive.

get earplugs.

where i am students are living 10 in a one bed Apartment. I got earplugs! They are good kids and just talking with ten is pretty loud. Earplug worked!

You have 1.5 years to go to a turnaround.

the beginning of the crisis is easy. By the time you get to the last 30% its really tough…coldest before dawn.
Its one thing to experience a personal crisis in a positive economy and quite another to have double trouble. Before 2008 it was boom. Hell…before 2016 it was still boom. Relative to that, where we are now is utter disaster.

i think you need to rethink because people are so stretched they can do without massages. It wont be your saviour.

you will probably make more from offering rooms for storage! Or storage space and divide the rooms…fire up hammer and nails! Or just divide the space to half rooms and rent out half price….. You have to start being creative. Times are tough and getting worse. you have a base. Fight to keep it. Rent every bit of space any way you can…price is the key always. People are desperate. Pack them in. Fight to survive.

where i am students are living 10 in a one bed Apartment.

You have 1.5 years to go to a turnaround.

the beginning of the crisis is easy. By the time you get to the last 30% its really tough…coldest before dawn.
It's not massage but yes I get your meaning. Yes I have a base and if I lose it, I will need to share accomodation elsewhere - the irony is not lost on me. I am not in a Town. The area is very much about 'the alternative', otherwise I most certainly would have experienced full occupancy, I think. Ultimately - all I can do is my best. I know what I am working with and it has been harsh. I will see how it goes. Thank you, I appreciate you. @Outlook.
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Hi there @Outlook, pray you are well and still around. I am due to gift this platform however I am still going through trails of fire, in fact I thought July things were getting better but end year it started to decline and early January - almost back to where I started in 2023. I keep remembering what you wrote and have looked back often. I read all of this ends 2025 in September. I'm here as I would love to know exactly what you read so I can get better educated, prepare myself and maybe assist others, if I get through, in the future. Each plumbing job that shows up I remember you. I suspect there was an eclipse that affected me yet again but, I think you or someone suggested Astro Seek, I don't really understand it. I know you mentioned different influences. It was a long time ago. I wonder, if and when you have time, if you can guide me to reading material. I had a lot of books but gave the majority of them away last year, or probably the year before; my home is small and I need space. It has been crash after crash, affected my health but apparently I still have time to turn my health around.

I write too much.

Hope my request is okay.

Back another month without a clue how bills will be paid. Surprised I made it this far and well bill cycle coming so I will think about it again then.

Thank you.

Please be aware this platform is completely free. you dont need to gift it to get replies.

I will reply later when I have reminded myself of your chart.

Maybe to be helpful to get more replies, you should consider an updated new post, short explanation and chart with current transits to help others respond.

Otherwise its quite a long read.
Please be aware this platform is completely free. you dont need to gift it to get replies.

I will reply later when I have reminded myself of your chart.

Maybe to be helpful to get more replies, you should consider an updated new post, short explanation and chart with current transits to help others respond.

Otherwise its quite a long read.
Hi @Outlook

I am working my part time job. Just found out I have lost more money again. Safe reading the whole thing can I create a brief summary and do a chart?

I will finish 14:30