I am planning on breaking up with him, but will we get back together if I do?

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Sep 20, 2012
Will we get back together if we break up? I am planning on ending it with a guy-- I'll tell him to call me once he decides to be with me for real- but I wonder if we will get back together if I do that (in the future). Jupiter and Mercury in detriment, RX and in mutual reception by aversion. Moon aspects Mars and Venus first, then trines the man, Mercury. Do these aspects prohibit the Mercury trine? South node in the 7th house looks like a No or a contraction. Venus and Mercury are also in our 5th houses.

If you entertain any hope of getting back together, you might question your intention to split in the first place. There are excellent reasons why some relationships should not continue, but is yours one of them? Mercury is turning away from Jupiter (you) so he probably has his own unhappiness about your relationship.

Mercury (him) is hurting, as you note, in his turned 3rd house of communication. I'd have to consult an ephemeris to see which planet pings Mercury first (Mars also in the mix,) but Venus and Mars look to get involved.

My hesitancy is because we see a lot of posts from women who broke up with their BFs, then express regret and the hope that they will reconcile. Unfortunately a poorly handled break-up, which devolves into an argument, creates its own dynamic.

With a reconciliation, you'd have to assume that the causes of the relationship get resolved before that happens, which may or may not be realistic.
With you two as Jup and Merc, I don't see a lasting coming together but rather a series of getting back together only to separate, based on the cycle of unfolding oppositions between the two planets. That is, until they each run into a square with Saturn, which at the very least is a hard stop. In a more modern description, it might be described as the two of you each learning a very hard life lesson.
Will we get back together if we break up? I am planning on ending it with a guy-- I'll tell him to call me once he decides to be with me for real- but I wonder if we will get back together if I do that (in the future). Jupiter and Mercury in detriment, RX and in mutual reception by aversion. Moon aspects Mars and Venus first, then trines the man, Mercury. Do these aspects prohibit the Mercury trine? South node in the 7th house looks like a No or a contraction. Venus and Mercury are a
Will we get back together if we break up? I am planning on ending it with a guy-- I'll tell him to call me once he decides to be with me for real- but I wonder if we will get back together if I do that (in the future). Jupiter and Mercury in detriment, RX and in mutual reception by aversion. Moon aspects Mars and Venus first, then trines the man, Mercury. Do these aspects prohibit the Mercury trine? South node in the 7th house looks like a No or a contraction. Venus and Mercury are also in our 5th houses.

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event charts are not for living beings. You need to post a synastry chart for the both of you and look at the transits.

["The horary section is only for horary charts. If you want to explore the same question through a natal chart, that belongs on a different board. Do not advise people to post non-horary charts in the horary section."]
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event charts are not for living beings. You need to post a synastry chart for the both of you and look at the transits.
I would add, a horary chart is not an event chart.
A horary chart is for living beings; it is a chart for the time of a question posed by a living being possibly about another living being or occasion.

No doubt synastry and transits may yield additional information.
I would add, a horary chart is not an event chart.
A horary chart is for living beings; it is a chart for the time of a question posed by a living being possibly about another living being or occasion.

No doubt synastry and transits may yield additional information.
Because of the way the question is worded the chart represents the "if I break up" then what would the consequences be.
A bit tricky.

As Ilene wrote, the mercury/jupiter aspects coming soon don't promise stability, and with the saturn square, there is a cutting off, a blocking of the relationship.
Note also sun exactly squares the asc/des axis, creating further stress involving the 6th house (work and health) and the 9th (law and foreign places).
By your words, "once he decides to be with me for real" are you referring to marriage?
Because saturn as a binding tie is in your 12th house, working against you.

Both moon and North Node in the 1st house, could indicate that you will decide to not break up in the end.