And at the risk of flooding this thread with more than anybody wants to read...
Mggirl, in your original post you described yourself this way:
Rather than being friendly, talkative, outgoing, energetic or mischievous I am shy, brooding, low energy, and extremely practicle... How did I turn out so anti Gemini? Any insights as to what has made me a very serious, hardworking, pessimistic introvert would be appreciated.
Continuing from my last long post, I have two more thoughts I’d like to share that might speak to this self-description.
First, I’m sure you’ve already noticed there are no planets in your chart in fire signs. That doesn’t mean you are entirely devoid of fire energy. The four energies are meant to represent qualities that all of us have to some degree. But, the idea goes, without a planet in a fire sign that kind of energy won’t be prominent in your personality. Fire, of course, of the four energies, is the one we associate with drive, inspiration, enthusiasm, optimism, what we might call “spirit,” a certain kind of passion. I’d expect a person without fire planets to be low energy for sure, and perhaps shy and either primarily emotional and/or practical as well. With Aries on your Descendent, I’d even say that in this life where you experience that kind of energy it will less likely come from inside yourself and more as an infusion from somebody else. You might consciously or unconsciously seek partners in life (lovers and close friends) who tend to inject this kind of energy into you, or at least into your life in some way. Aries in particular, as cardinal fire, I think of the raw drive to exist. A picture that always comes to mind for me when thinking about Aries is the brave little flower pushing itself, against all odds, through the pavement. The baby snake fighting to break its eggshell. The painful push of a new mother pushing her baby out of her uterus and into the world. That kind of thrust to be alive is the raw seed of Aries, as I see it, and not only is your planetary configuration just low on that kind of energy but your Libra Ascendant (and therefore Aries descendant) suggests your look for it, subconsciously or otherwise, in other people more than yourself.
Second, I have to admit that the Moon’s Nodes play a central role in how I look at astrology charts, and I realize that’s not the case for everyone. I accept that the Moon’s Nodes are likely complicated and mysterious enough that we don’t entirely understand them (though personally I’d say that about everything in astrology), but I also accept the commonly held idea that the South Node represents something we can think of as what we already know well, karmically speaking (what we’ve already well explored in past lives, if you believe in them) or at least an energy we start with an abundance of, or resonate easily with. And so the North Node represents something less familiar, even difficult for us, but something we should be aiming at. The Nodes are for me a sort of compass arrow that point at something that tells us a lot about our “Purpose” and what we’re doing on earth. So, of course, does the Midheaven. So does the Sun. So does the whole chart. But I just find the nodes to be important in that.
I’m tempted to ramble on about the fact that your North Node is in Scorpio in the 2nd house, which puts your South node in Taurus, 8th house. But because I’ve already written too much I’ll try to be quick. Though I would suggest you pursue these positions in your chart if you haven’t already and decide for yourself whether or not they are as helpful in understanding the trajectory of your life as mine have been for me.
So even though you are a Libra Ascendant and Gemini Sun, the Nodes suggest you are very comfortable with Taurus energy but want to move towards something more Scorpionic in life. What does that mean? Well, I tend to find Taurus energy is really great at finding a place in the world and sitting in it, steadily building a life around itself, usually with well-earned material goods, watching the world revolve around it and finding genuine peace in that. Again, I could see this fitting with your self-description as shy, low energy, introverted and practical.
But the nodes suggest, if you accept my heavy emphasis on them, that karmically speaking one of the key points or even missions of your life is to dig more into the darker aspects of human existence. To see hidden truths, and where power and even violence are at work beneath the more high-minded rationales and happy veils we try to hide it with. Not necessarily to become dark yourself – though I’m sure this has something to do with how you see yourself as “pessimistic.” Perhaps ultimately the point is to heal it. Scorpio in its higher expression is about transforming the pains and poisons of the world. But the Scorpionic person is drawn to the poison, even if it is to suck it out. And your NN suggests that’s something you’re looking to learn.
BUT, because of that Libra Ascendant again, you have this tricky situation where your NN is in the opposite house. If Scorpio is associated with the 8th and Taurus with the 2nd, you have Scorpio NN in 8th. I’ve read this called a “switcheroo,” and I have found it to be very complicated. I have it myself (different signs and houses, but I have this switcheroo thing going on) and I still find myself struggling with it. In a sense what I think you have to do is really study not just Scorpio and/or Taurus but the Scorpio/Taurus axis. Study them as polarities. Because when the nodes are in this switcheroo placement, you’re “mission” involved balancing the basic messages of this whole axis. For example, in your case, perhaps it’s something like seeing the darkness in yourself (Scorpio, 2nd house) in order to understand the darkness in others, but also, probably, visa versa. (!!!)