Lilith, I sure felt ugly at your age. It wasn't helped by immature morons at school who could be terribly cruel, as they jockeyed for position in their little social cliques. I grew out of the ugly phase; but more importantly, I grew out of those thoughtless kids-- most of whom actually grew up to be decent adults.
You know what?? I'll bet you look just fine. With Scorpio rising, you may have a kind of closed, brooding appearance. But Scorpio rising is often described as "magnetic."
I see you as a kind of woman warrior. (OK, don't laugh, or say, "No, no.") The traditional ruler of Scorpio is Mars, and it is very happily placed in the 5th house which deals with children plus your leisure, recreational activities-- in its own sign of Aries. Are you a bit of a tomboy?
If I wanted to be traditional like D-Rok I'd also note that your Venus (the girl planet) is really well placed in Pisces (exalted, in its own terms.) It makes a happy trine to Saturn and a sextile to Mercury (your thinking and communicating processes) so she may just be waiting for you to bloom a bit more.
Venus rules the performing arts, and Mercury rules the hands (playing an instrument,) lyrics, songwriting, &c. I think this could be an option for you as a career, but of course that is some distance out just yet. With that Saturn trine, I think you would have the self-discipline to practice, take lessons, and improve your art.
In the mean time, you might think about how to look your best, whatever shape you're in. Have you got a flattering hairstyle? Do you wear colours suited to your skin tone? These are easy fixes for most of us.
What I think is going on, though, is more that you are extremely sensitive emotionally. Some people can brush off infantile insults, but you tend more to take them to heart. You have a little planetoid called Chiron conjunct your moon (emotional nature) that shows us "where it hurts." This is kind of a standing order for hurt feelings. But if you stay open to those hurts and not just shut down around them, Chiron will grant you compassion and wisdom. For example, the next person you meet might feel ugly and fat, and you know how to empathize with her in a way that a facially beautiful person could not.
If you are undecided about music, I note that a combination of Capricorn and Aquarian planets is often good for STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, math.)
I would go so far as to say that you might consider a career as a health professional. D-Rok warned you about your health. This is good advice for all of us, but Mars rules doctors (surgeons in particular) and a Capricorn moon is a good placement for someone like a nurse of doctor, because you can be practical and efficient without feeling overwhelmed by sick people.
I practice a kind of choice-centered astrology, where we acknowledge that each planet, sign, and house has multiple meanings that are nonetheless consistent with its core meaning. Normally we get to choose empowering meanings. So rather than thinking of yourself as unhealthy, you might learn more about health.
Best wishes, fellow Aquarian!