i feel extremely ugly

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Jan 13, 2018
I'm in the middle of puberty right now, and I feel ugly as hell even my classmates are saying this. and I am overweight so that dosen't help.
based on my chart do you think I can remotely become goodlooking?


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Forget your classmates. They must be saying things to rile you up. You have a dignified (very strong) Asc. (Scorpio) ruler, Mars, in Aries. You have a strong appearance. You must actually make a statement wherever you go.

2018 is a positive year for you as a Scorpio Asc. because Jupiter if going over your Asc. and into your first house. You will do well, don't worry. Just don't waste this year with Jupiter going over your first house by listening to your shallow and petty-minded classmates.

Instead, set yourself some goals and then try and achieve them this year. This chance comes once in 12 years, so Jupiter will go into Sco. next in 2030.

WIth Jupiter going over your Asc., you will feel more optimistic and confident, but, yes, Jupiter also means a tendency to over do things, even food. So, yes, you got to be careful this year with your diet.
Work on yourself, do the things that would make you boost your confidence in yourself, sports, art, something, respect yourself and love yourself, listen to yourself .
Well, you have Scorpio on the ascendant, ruled by a Mars in rulership (good) from the sixth house in his joy and under the horizon. I think this is Hayz which is AWESOME, but I don’t like Mars ruling the first from the sixth no matter how much HE may like it.

A friendly reminder in this: what’s good for the planet may not be good for the person. Mars is pretty potent here but his ability to do bad is kind of lessened I would think due to being in a cadent house. Still...I would watch your health.

As far as being ugly or not, I really don’t know, but at least your ascendant is ruled by an essentially strong (if not malefic) planet.

Lilith, I sure felt ugly at your age. It wasn't helped by immature morons at school who could be terribly cruel, as they jockeyed for position in their little social cliques. I grew out of the ugly phase; but more importantly, I grew out of those thoughtless kids-- most of whom actually grew up to be decent adults.

You know what?? I'll bet you look just fine. With Scorpio rising, you may have a kind of closed, brooding appearance. But Scorpio rising is often described as "magnetic."

I see you as a kind of woman warrior. (OK, don't laugh, or say, "No, no.") The traditional ruler of Scorpio is Mars, and it is very happily placed in the 5th house which deals with children plus your leisure, recreational activities-- in its own sign of Aries. Are you a bit of a tomboy?

If I wanted to be traditional like D-Rok I'd also note that your Venus (the girl planet) is really well placed in Pisces (exalted, in its own terms.) It makes a happy trine to Saturn and a sextile to Mercury (your thinking and communicating processes) so she may just be waiting for you to bloom a bit more.

Venus rules the performing arts, and Mercury rules the hands (playing an instrument,) lyrics, songwriting, &c. I think this could be an option for you as a career, but of course that is some distance out just yet. With that Saturn trine, I think you would have the self-discipline to practice, take lessons, and improve your art.

In the mean time, you might think about how to look your best, whatever shape you're in. Have you got a flattering hairstyle? Do you wear colours suited to your skin tone? These are easy fixes for most of us.

What I think is going on, though, is more that you are extremely sensitive emotionally. Some people can brush off infantile insults, but you tend more to take them to heart. You have a little planetoid called Chiron conjunct your moon (emotional nature) that shows us "where it hurts." This is kind of a standing order for hurt feelings. But if you stay open to those hurts and not just shut down around them, Chiron will grant you compassion and wisdom. For example, the next person you meet might feel ugly and fat, and you know how to empathize with her in a way that a facially beautiful person could not.

If you are undecided about music, I note that a combination of Capricorn and Aquarian planets is often good for STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, math.)

I would go so far as to say that you might consider a career as a health professional. D-Rok warned you about your health. This is good advice for all of us, but Mars rules doctors (surgeons in particular) and a Capricorn moon is a good placement for someone like a nurse of doctor, because you can be practical and efficient without feeling overwhelmed by sick people.

I practice a kind of choice-centered astrology, where we acknowledge that each planet, sign, and house has multiple meanings that are nonetheless consistent with its core meaning. Normally we get to choose empowering meanings. So rather than thinking of yourself as unhealthy, you might learn more about health.

Best wishes, fellow Aquarian!
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Lilith, I sure felt ugly at your age. It wasn't helped by immature morons at school who could be terribly cruel, as they jockeyed for position in their little social cliques. I grew out of the ugly phase; but more importantly, I grew out of those thoughtless kids-- most of whom actually grew up to be decent adults.

You know what?? I'll bet you look just fine. With Scorpio rising, you may have a kind of closed, brooding appearance. But Scorpio rising is often described as "magnetic."

I see you as a kind of woman warrior. (OK, don't laugh, or say, "No, no.") The traditional ruler of Scorpio is Mars, and it is very happily placed in the 5th house which deals with children plus your leisure, recreational activities-- in its own sign of Aries. Are you a bit of a tomboy?

If I wanted to be traditional like D-Rok I'd also note that your Venus (the girl planet) is really well placed in Pisces (exalted, in its own terms.) It makes a happy trine to Saturn and a sextile to Mercury (your thinking and communicating processes) so she may just be waiting for you to bloom a bit more.

Venus rules the performing arts, and Mercury rules the hands (playing an instrument,) lyrics, songwriting, &c. I think this could be an option for you as a career, but of course that is some distance out just yet. With that Saturn trine, I think you would have the self-discipline to practice, take lessons, and improve your art.

In the mean time, you might think about how to look your best, whatever shape you're in. Have you got a flattering hairstyle? Do you wear colours suited to your skin tone? These are easy fixes for most of us.

What I think is going on, though, is more that you are extremely sensitive emotionally. Some people can brush off infantile insults, but you tend more to take them to heart. You have a little planetoid called Chiron conjunct your moon (emotional nature) that shows us "where it hurts." This is kind of a standing order for hurt feelings. But if you stay open to those hurts and not just shut down around them, Chiron will grant you compassion and wisdom. For example, the next person you meet might feel ugly and fat, and you know how to empathize with her in a way that a facially beautiful person could not.

If you are undecided about music, I note that a combination of Capricorn and Aquarian planets is often good for STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, math.)

I would go so far as to say that you might consider a career as a health professional. D-Rok warned you about your health. This is good advice for all of us, but Mars rules doctors (surgeons in particular) and a Capricorn moon is a good placement for someone like a nurse of doctor, because you can be practical and efficient without feeling overwhelmed by sick people.

I practice a kind of choice-centered astrology, where we acknowledge that each planet, sign, and house has multiple meanings that are nonetheless consistent with its core meaning. Normally we get to choose empowering meanings. So rather than thinking of yourself as unhealthy, you might learn more about health.

Best wishes, fellow Aquarian!
I mean I am a tomboy and everyone around me (even parents) say I'm pessimistic and very cynical. AND also I'm extremely lazy and I don't feel like actually choosing outfits to suit my style. AND about the career path I don't hate stem its just that I love the peforming arts
and arts in general much better. Also I want to be a singer and musician, but I guess I don't have the placements for it? and also, so I'm gonna have a late glo up and when I grow up i'll actually not be ugly?
Many many many models have been mocked at school, it's really common for beautiful people to be laughed at by peers at your age.
You might not perceive it yet, but your chart suggests you're quite stunning: venus trine saturn and venus trine ascendant... you'll be widely and intensely admired for your looks! Just wait for the right environment, it will happen.
I mean I am a tomboy and everyone around me (even parents) say I'm pessimistic and very cynical. AND also I'm extremely lazy and I don't feel like actually choosing outfits to suit my style. AND about the career path I don't hate stem its just that I love the peforming arts
and arts in general much better. Also I want to be a singer and musician, but I guess I don't have the placements for it? and also, so I'm gonna have a late glo up and when I grow up i'll actually not be ugly?

I think it's super important for you not to take to heart what other people think or say about you. I know it's very difficult especially at your age. But it's something you will need to work on in your life. And usually the mean or nasty things people say is more a reflection of them, than it is about you. Most bullies are miserable people, with low self esteem, who try to hurt others to make themselves feel better. So really let it go, it has nothing to do with you.
You have an unaspected neptune with it's only major aspect being square your ascendant and neptune is in pisces. This likely has much to do your creative ability and love of the arts. Mars in the 5th also helps. That's where your passion lies. So develop your creative abilities take classes in your area of interest, and develop your talent. Leo on the MC is great for performers! As is neptune being involved with the ascendant.
You can achieve anything you set your mind to in life, don't let anyone's opinions of you stop you, or get in the way.
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I mean I am a tomboy and everyone around me (even parents) say I'm pessimistic and very cynical. AND also I'm extremely lazy and I don't feel like actually choosing outfits to suit my style. AND about the career path I don't hate stem its just that I love the peforming arts
and arts in general much better. Also I want to be a singer and musician, but I guess I don't have the placements for it? and also, so I'm gonna have a late glo up and when I grow up i'll actually not be ugly?

Well, hey-- it's your life. Hmmm.... feeling lazy and ugly vs. feeling confident about your appearance no matter what your weight? Are you somehow committed to feeling ugly and overweight as a way not to draw attention to yourself? (Fairly common, if so, incidentally.)

If you analyze attractive women, some of them would look fine dressed in paper bags and with a Mohawk. But most attractive women work at their appearance to a greater or lesser degree. This is kind of important for show biz, where you may get one chance at a try-out, and your appearance will matter when you're singing your heart out on stage. In my life, I don't think I suddenly became physically beautiful as an adult. Rather, I learned how to present myself to better advantage.

Saturn rules disappointments and delays. He also rules hard work, perseverance, deferred gratification, and the ability to soldier on despite life's inevitable disappointments. Learning Saturn's lessons is actually very helpful for singers and musicians, because you will probably benefit from lessons, hours of practice, risking possible defeat in try-outs, the ability to thrive in a competitive environment, and learning to bounce back from rejection just because this is the stand you take for yourself.

A lot of very talented people simply don't have the staying power, but I think you do if you activate your inner Saturn. But you cannot do this so long as you define yourself as lazy. That's optional, incidentally. You can choose more empowering ways to define yourself.

For the reasons I described in my previous post, I think you do have musical talent, but talent is only latent until you set some goals and work very hard to achieve them.
Many many many models have been mocked at school, it's really common for beautiful people to be laughed at by peers at your age.
You might not perceive it yet, but your chart suggests you're quite stunning: venus trine saturn and venus trine ascendant... you'll be widely and intensely admired for your looks! Just wait for the right environment, it will happen.
im also a venus dominant but idk like i feel like i'll never glo up.
so you were a venus dominant?
and also is a venus dominant known for good looks?

Yes, I am Venus dominant too. And yes, it is known for good looks, often a pleasant disposition, a need for harmony etc etc
It took longer with me as I am a capricorn ascendant and have a saturn square to my venus, but time was my friend and I expect it to prove it's your friend too ;)
Perhaps the feeling stayed a bit... but the reactions will change, you'll see! Make sure you will enjoy it, the square unfortunately makes it hard for me to accept that people really think so, but you got a trine, which should unfold beautifully and bring you joy!
Also, you will attract people with high standards, saturn first makes you suffer, but it brings the best gifts (with delay).
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Oh, you are very young.

You have saturn-venus trine in your chart. I read some articles about saturn-venus aspects create ugly ducklings. :)

I have an opposition between saturn and venus in my chart and i was ugly in my childhood and early puberty years. I was getting beautiful in high school. Now, i am 24, strangers walk up to me in public and say ''you are very beautiful.'' :)

To tell the truth, no one have to be beautiful or hot like vs models or blonde hair with blue eyes etc. Beauty standards are created by media and related sectors. But i can understand that a young girl want to be good-looking in other people's eyes. When you grow up, you will realize that beauty can not help.