I feel like a pisces (sun conjunct neptune 14 degree orb)

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Aug 19, 2015
Out of all of the signs of the zodiac, I feel closer to the description of pisces. I have its awful characteristics and the good ones.

Neptune is in a stellium in my chart in capricorn with mars, uranus, and mercury. Neptune conjuncts all of these planets. Mars conjunct neptune is within one degree.

I have sun in capricorn but 14 degrees away from the stellium but the first planet it touches is neptune.

My moon also trines neptune, uranus, mars, and mercury, opposes pluto.

I also have saturn in pisces. And my water hourses are filled (stellium in the 4th house, and moon in 8th)

Anyways, I hear that you extend the orb when it comes to the sun and some stuff about how stellium's power is magnified. So my question is should I count the sun conjunct neptune or not? And how does a stellium work? It seems I embody so much different energies. The only energies I don't contain is probably sagituarrius and leo energy.

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In my findings stellium makes everything in the sign conj. To one another. Where are your MC and AC? What sign is the moon in? Look at the rulers of the MC and AC. Also find the sun/moon midpoint and MC/AC midpoint (enter them in your chart via finding fixed stars and seeing what planetary aspects bring them to life).
In my findings stellium makes everything in the sign conj. To one another. Where are your MC and AC? What sign is the moon in? Look at the rulers of the MC and AC. Also find the sun/moon midpoint and MC/AC midpoint (enter them in your chart via finding fixed stars and seeing what planetary aspects bring them to life).

My moon is in taurus in the 8th house trine neptune, uranus, mercury and mars, and opposite pluto.

My MC is in cancer conjunct BML

And my Ascendent is libra conjunct chiron

Posted my chart if you want to have a look.
Yeah your sun moon mp is in Pisces, sextile Neptune loosely, conj. Sat., and trine the MC. The place where your ego, spirit and sense of self meets your emotions, moods, and caring tendencies is in Pisces.
Yeah your sun moon mp is in Pisces, sextile Neptune loosely, conj. Sat., and trine the MC. The place where your ego, spirit and sense of self meets your emotions, moods, and caring tendencies is in Pisces.

What's your say on what the sun moon midpoint is. The Internet tells me it has something to do with soul mate.
As I see it, while the orb of Sun/Neptune is wide, both express through the same sign, so that serves to confirm the influence.Your water count is not especially high, so the Capricorn influence is apt to help you be more practical in terms of dealing with your emotions. It's not surprising that you resonate with Pisces since Saturn rules over the stellium spanning the 4th H. Do you deal with depression or melancholy at times?

Your expression of the outer persona is a combination of Libra [air] Capricorn [earth] and Taurus [earth] which comes across as being a creative, sociable and earthy/sensual type. The trine between Moon and Mars/Neptune can deepen a mystical, perceptive individual.

Saturn with Mars/Neptune would tend to increase that tendency. If you harbor inner fears about being alone or disconnected, that too can be mitigated by it's aspect with that conjunction. Your past inheritance and conditioning plays a strong role on the person you are becoming.
You really don't have a lot of variable energies, with the focus mainly being on Capricorn. You may have ambitions towards outer success and recognition, but Saturn in Pisces urges you not to forget about spirituality in your search for fulfillment.

Since the Moon is the only planet above the horizon the emphasis of energy expresses through the lower half of the chart, which is about relying mostly on your own resources and developing your own skills, rather than being dependent on others to provide you a sense of fulfillment.

Your only real challenge in the chart is the opposition of Moon/Pluto and that can be a difficult one to overcome. You have strong emotional issues from the past and these can interfere with your relationships now. You may need to
channel them into more productive outlets to avoid encountering power struggles or control issues, and the key to that will be in finding balance between your inner provocations and your outer interactions with others. If you repress your emotions though, that can be just as bad.
Out of all of the signs of the zodiac, I feel closer to the description of pisces. I have its awful characteristics and the good ones.

Neptune is in a stellium in my chart in capricorn with mars, uranus, and mercury. Neptune conjuncts all of these planets. Mars conjunct neptune is within one degree.

I have sun in capricorn but 14 degrees away from the stellium but the first planet it touches is neptune.

My moon also trines neptune, uranus, mars, and mercury, opposes pluto.

I also have saturn in pisces. And my water hourses are filled (stellium in the 4th house, and moon in 8th)

Anyways, I hear that you extend the orb when it comes to the sun and some stuff about how stellium's power is magnified. So my question is should I count the sun conjunct neptune or not? And how does a stellium work? It seems I embody so much different energies. The only energies I don't contain is probably sagituarrius and leo energy.

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Ok, you’re a Pisces.
As I see it, while the orb of Sun/Neptune is wide, both express through the same sign, so that serves to confirm the influence.Your water count is not especially high, so the Capricorn influence is apt to help you be more practical in terms of dealing with your emotions. It's not surprising that you resonate with Pisces since Saturn rules over the stellium spanning the 4th H. Do you deal with depression or melancholy at times?

Your expression of the outer persona is a combination of Libra [air] Capricorn [earth] and Taurus [earth] which comes across as being a creative, sociable and earthy/sensual type. The trine between Moon and Mars/Neptune can deepen a mystical, perceptive individual.

Saturn with Mars/Neptune would tend to increase that tendency. If you harbor inner fears about being alone or disconnected, that too can be mitigated by it's aspect with that conjunction. Your past inheritance and conditioning plays a strong role on the person you are becoming.
You really don't have a lot of variable energies, with the focus mainly being on Capricorn. You may have ambitions towards outer success and recognition, but Saturn in Pisces urges you not to forget about spirituality in your search for fulfillment.

Since the Moon is the only planet above the horizon the emphasis of energy expresses through the lower half of the chart, which is about relying mostly on your own resources and developing your own skills, rather than being dependent on others to provide you a sense of fulfillment.

Your only real challenge in the chart is the opposition of Moon/Pluto and that can be a difficult one to overcome. You have strong emotional issues from the past and these can interfere with your relationships now. You may need to
channel them into more productive outlets to avoid encountering power struggles or control issues, and the key to that will be in finding balance between your inner provocations and your outer interactions with others. If you repress your emotions though, that can be just as bad.

Interesting reading you have got here for me. The reason why astrology is so confusing is sometimes I don't know whether to give myself the traits of my sign placements, house placements, and/or aspects.


So I took these tests and got a very strong neptune, venus, moon, uranus, mercury and moderately strong pluto with the least signs being leo and sagitarrius.

My chart is unique in the fact that my sun is in the house that is opposite to the sun sign. This also applies with my moon sign(moon in taurus in 8th house). I don't know if you count house placements as representing any such characteristics of a person. But if that's how you'd figure it out, it means I have very contradictory persona and my nature is very conflicted.

I think the stellium kind of makes me even more conflicted because I don't know who I am. I go from ambitious cold and collected strong women(capricorn) to soft, warm, dreamy, sweet talker glam queen within days. I tell people what they want to hear and if I sense any sign of disappointment, I turn on the cold, calm collected persona on. People have witnessed these distinctive personas of me and are often taken aback and surprised. I also have very dissociative tendencies. I get lost in books, tv shows, and films and want to be the characters and sometimes act and be just like them. Sometimes I also want to be an activist. (like uranus) I wouldn't surprised if I'll turn into some hippie some day either. And I love to roleplay, I'll get lost in it for hours. I feel like if my stellium were to be in a bad sign, where a lot of planets would be debilitated, I feel like I would in fact have multiple personalities.

I feel like my moon-pluto activates which persona depending on whether I sense danger from you.

I know one thing through, I lack fire in my chart. That is very apparent in my personality as well.
As I see it, while the orb of Sun/Neptune is wide, both express through the same sign, so that serves to confirm the influence.Your water count is not especially high, so the Capricorn influence is apt to help you be more practical in terms of dealing with your emotions. It's not surprising that you resonate with Pisces since Saturn rules over the stellium spanning the 4th H. Do you deal with depression or melancholy at times?

Your expression of the outer persona is a combination of Libra [air] Capricorn [earth] and Taurus [earth] which comes across as being a creative, sociable and earthy/sensual type. The trine between Moon and Mars/Neptune can deepen a mystical, perceptive individual.

Saturn with Mars/Neptune would tend to increase that tendency. If you harbor inner fears about being alone or disconnected, that too can be mitigated by it's aspect with that conjunction. Your past inheritance and conditioning plays a strong role on the person you are becoming.
You really don't have a lot of variable energies, with the focus mainly being on Capricorn. You may have ambitions towards outer success and recognition, but Saturn in Pisces urges you not to forget about spirituality in your search for fulfillment.

Since the Moon is the only planet above the horizon the emphasis of energy expresses through the lower half of the chart, which is about relying mostly on your own resources and developing your own skills, rather than being dependent on others to provide you a sense of fulfillment.

Your only real challenge in the chart is the opposition of Moon/Pluto and that can be a difficult one to overcome. You have strong emotional issues from the past and these can interfere with your relationships now. You may need to
channel them into more productive outlets to avoid encountering power struggles or control issues, and the key to that will be in finding balance between your inner provocations and your outer interactions with others. If you repress your emotions though, that can be just as bad.

Yes I've suffered through suicidal tendencies and depressive tendencies. I cope with it interestingly enough in both saturnian and neptunian ways. I either study my *** off, work, and get good grades and I don't come out of my room and binge watch shows, write about them and even want to integrate some of their personality traits on to mine. I sometimes even daydream for hours. I remember when I was little and my dad threw away a movie because according to him I was becoming stubborn like a character inside the movie. I'm kind of cray cray now that I think about it lol.
While the stellium can make one conflicted, it's the oppositions that often denote this. More likely it could make one more driven.
Have you ever thought about 'acting' for television or theatre. Sounds like you might be a natural...
Your NN in Libra in the 1stH, combined with Venus trine ASC could be beneficial for that. There are many occupations involving role playing that can also be put to good use in healing or counselling services. Have you reached out for help regarding your depression and suicidal tendencies? You need to look into that before your Pluto/Moon overtakes you. With your stellium in the 4th H this could be a genetic/karmic inheritance that needs attending to; there are some very good therapies out there now...