I have an intense life ... Feeling lost and I have a 3 years Uranus Opposition Sun transit coming up...

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Oct 24, 2020
Could anyone tell me what my 'life path' would be? Life has been so intense these past few years, that I never feel like I'm standing upright...One moment I do, the next, everything crumbles dramatically. I don't seem to have time to catch my breath, my mental health has never been great. Career... I struggle so much. I keep changing my mind, burn outs or getting sacked...and my health is greatly affected by it—romantic relationships are a dead end. My point is that I feel like one moment I have immense luck and the next, it turns out it was a curse in disguise. People always point that out to me too. I am constantly trying to find the balance between excess and nothingness...

I'm merely finding it difficult to find my place, a perpetual feeling of alienation, the world is to me, difficult to navigate and understand. Yet I love being alive.
I also have health anxiety and this awful uranus transit is coming up.

Many thanks for reading.


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Hello fmisc001,

As for the significant transit from Uranus to Venus, it will be in 2027 - 28. The one to Sun will not be significant.

Until mid-May 2025, you will unite with the consideration you will receive while communing with what you will have to do as well as what is difficult to achieve while committing yourself to your aspirations. This will lead you to be in harmony with your aspirations and in well-being with what you like and what you love. This is what should awaken your reflection and promote your accomplishment. You will tend to have a passionate impulse in terms of being appreciated, that's what will have an impact on you. you will absolutely want to take on a challenge in terms of what you have to do, that's what will have an effect on the relationship with others.

Ecliptique. :)
Hello fmiss,

You currently have transit Pluto on your 7th house cusp which gives you the desire for some one to come into your life that is good for you and it is sextile your natal sun. You will also soon have transit neptune and transit saturn trine your natal sun. It looks like you are at the start of giving your life purpose to go in the direction that you desire and how you want your life to look as the sun is the ruler of your first house which rules your energy for giving birth to your wishes. Looks like your definitely at a new chapter in your life.
Hi fmiss,

You have posted a thread some years earlier about studying to become a music-therapist, did you become one?
I really like how that kind of a job fits nicely to seeing your nodal axis lined up, Pluto and it's opposing point, ruled by Venus in the 5th. That's one way of looking at life path and where the question comes from.

As for the intensities you describe, have you noticed the Pluto transit in the last years? Over the north node, the descendant and that means that it's opposite the ascendant, has been opposite Chiron for some time some time ago. That pluto energy is very much like what you describe, both intense and phoenix like. Building then burning, perpetually. The fire in your chart has some strong points, Sun trine Asc, MC in Aries.

You mentioned Neptune. It is transitting your 9th house for some time now. Dissolving what's there from time to time, making space for new things. The 3 - 9th axis is involved with the mind, right brain and left brain hemispheres if you will.

I would imagine that Mercuries placement and relation to Jupiter and Pluto also comes in. Jupiter blows the thinking and communication about that out of proportions like a balloon, then Pluto pops the balloon through the semi-sextile.

If work/career gets simplified to the MC. It's the Moon in sextile and Jupiter in trine making it easy to start to like a lot of things. In some sense you seem like a high spirited person, I love that you write that you love to be alive. In a mental way so Sagitarrian (or fire signs) and Jupiter,Sun, Venus Mercury. Excited somewhat fast perhaps.
Then it seems your Neptune dissolves as fast, the square to the MC is not in the chart but it's an aspect in your chart none the less. Drawing the energy towards the 6th house of health.

The excess and nothingness shows up here as well with Neptune (nothing) quincunx to Jupiter (excess). It's like you can't see both at the same time with this 150 degree aspect. Going into one ór the other, never both. It's maybe telling that the center of this is in the last degrees of Libra (and Aries). Finding balance at home, within your basis. That this point is square to the nodal axis, adds up to my last paragraph about a possible deeper level.

Maybe strange as a notion but I think that Saturn is your friend in all this, or should become one. Strong in the capricorn and the 6th is not all bad, it is self empowerment, it is also the way you go about your things in daily live, routines. All the rest in Capricorn have a bit of an uprooting nature, your chart in general can be read as that as well so Saturn there is a real anchor. You may want to invest in getting that energy right for you. In a balanced matter offcourse. Themes like earth, grounding, nature, structure and reality, this world and not what you think or dream of it.

The earth theme comes back in a possible resolving of the trouble the T-square (Moon-Jupiter and Pluto) brings. It asks for you to get into the Taurus energy a bit. Just in the 10th house. The way you show up in the world, stay grounded there, know what you want and like, stand for that (keep it nice, creative and flowing though, Venus in the fifth).

There is this possibility that some things that are coming up are coming from a deeper level, a soul level if you will. That's with Chiron on the south node and Pluto powerful in the Scorpio fourth. But that way of dealing with stuff is not for everybody, meditation, seeking out a healer (that can be a therapist,coach or something just as well).

I get the idea that working on getting to know yourself better, self development with a coach might really help you.
This world is a bit of a strange place, that strong alienated feeling can maybe come with the Chiron and Pluto placements as well. For reasons mentioned as well as they somehow point towards some trouble with getting born. Maybe the actual process of labour when you where born or having some trouble to match the body to the high spirited soul you are.
I think you are definitely missing the point and causing yourself more problems than you can handle…or control. and control in fact is the massive problem causing all this.

your tsquare jupiter moon pluto in fixed signs centered on pluto fuelled by extreme excess of jupiter to a disowned moon means that you neither see nor feel nor recognise your own volatile and extreme emotions. And that is the anxiety. How to control that which you dont own up to owning?

you are in fact, highly emotional and in desperate need to control this exaggerated outpouring of volatility. You project it to everything and everyone in your life as being the cause. but its not them, its a case of attracting equals.

and not only are emotions foreign and non existent…but the mars allows influences to agitate and irritate them from multiple points at any time. Its chaos.

You need to seek professional help to learn that you do in fact have emotions, That they are like naughty out of control children that are difficult to control and understand.

Once you start to identify and own them, you will enable categorisation and to learn ways to close up the filters agitating, bringing some peace and control. it wont be easy but since each point is the tsquare allows for help, you can in fact do it. you can learn ways to drain away the emotional chaos causing your anxiety.

Until that point, where you get to see those grey hairs at the back of your head…. I dont see any way to get a grip with what you cant see or own.

It not your Neptune in 6th! Thats not doing anything at all. There is a single sextile bringing potential for benefit. someone who doesn't know zip attributed anxiety to neptune because it is always a hook for projection of lies, misinformation and fear. if you dont know …just blame handy Neptune..always a good card to play.

Your anxiety originates from fear of what next can bang out the dark of your life unexpectedly. Fear is emotions. you are living in fear, scared to death of when and what next. Its your emotional nature out of control trying to get you to pay attention and get it some help!

Uranus opposition sun and venus coming up isnt that bad. There is likely to be some unexpected changes to work life. But since you are habitually scared I can sympathise that even this small event can just be too much to cope with.

Seek professional help. Dont pop pills. You need to identify your emotions and what each one feels like, and how to manage them, so you calm them down. And then learn to see them working and talking to the ratty children to calm them down off the walls and dissipate the emotional rage they trigger and bring to you.
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Hello fmisc001,

As for the significant transit from Uranus to Venus, it will be in 2027 - 28. The one to Sun will not be significant.

Until mid-May 2025, you will unite with the consideration you will receive while communing with what you will have to do as well as what is difficult to achieve while committing yourself to your aspirations. This will lead you to be in harmony with your aspirations and in well-being with what you like and what you love. This is what should awaken your reflection and promote your accomplishment. You will tend to have a passionate impulse in terms of being appreciated, that's what will have an impact on you. you will absolutely want to take on a challenge in terms of what you have to do, that's what will have an effect on the relationship with others.

Ecliptique. :)
Thank you for your input.
Hello fmisc001,

As for the significant transit from Uranus to Venus, it will be in 2027 - 28. The one to Sun will not be significant.

Until mid-May 2025, you will unite with the consideration you will receive while communing with what you will have to do as well as what is difficult to achieve while committing yourself to your aspirations. This will lead you to be in harmony with your aspirations and in well-being with what you like and what you love. This is what should awaken your reflection and promote your accomplishment. You will tend to have a passionate impulse in terms of being appreciated, that's what will have an impact on you. you will absolutely want to take on a challenge in terms of what you have to do, that's what will have an effect on the relationship with others.

Ecliptique. :)
Interesting, thanks a lot :)
Hello fmiss,

You currently have transit Pluto on your 7th house cusp which gives you the desire for some one to come into your life that is good for you and it is sextile your natal sun. You will also soon have transit neptune and transit saturn trine your natal sun. It looks like you are at the start of giving your life purpose to go in the direction that you desire and how you want your life to look as the sun is the ruler of your first house which rules your energy for giving birth to your wishes. Looks like your definitely at a new chapter in your life.
You are right, I feel like I am at a crossroads and all my thoughts are directed towards my life aspirations, my true purpose. Thank you for your time.