this is why... I have never read the Odyssey but picked up a copy for cheap who knows when. I opened the book while in thought about everything related to this post and this is where my eyes hit the page.
scylla and charybdis
"she is hidden in the cave as far as the waist, but she pokes out her heads from the gloomy depths; and there she fishes, hunting all round for dolphins and swordfish, or any of those leviathans of the deep which amphitrite breeds in the thousands..etc etc " the other cliff is lower, as you will see odysseus. they are not far from one another, you could shoot an arrow across. There is a wild fig-tree growing from it, a tall tree covered with leaves..etc etc "dont you be there when she swallows! no one could have saved you from destruction, not earthshaker himself! you had much better go by scyllas rock, keep close, and be quick about it. to lose six of your crew is much better than to lose them all at once!"
one "cliff is lower" or one "hip" is lower than the other
very interesting! in the bible we have leviticus
levite means "attached"
leviathan is "twisted, or coiled" and in modern hebrew it means whales? these are the great whales in genesis?
anyways leviathan is in the bible and here we are going to follow this!
We have to see that the most important muscles of the body are those which "hold up" your spine. You want your spine at length not all twisted and coiled so to say. This is why we make the "two one" I am really not wanting to post this cause I am not happy with the way I am saying could be better!
whatever you think is good lower back posture is wrong!
look at the virgin mary in the leonardo da vinci painting you can clearly see her good posture!
the key is the true lower abdominal muscle
we need to lift up our complete body via the line of the waist, now how do we define this? well one hip is lower than the other if you are a twisted coiled one like me, and we must balance everything clearly!
"Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain."
at the foot of the mountian
once you "lift up the stone" once you make your "two" .."one" you will be as is,
the stone is your body, you must lift your body up back to the womb days, where everything is in union and not resting on your lower spine or pelvis , everything should be lifted up
"But if their souls departed at the first word, how could they receive the second word"
this is called the "saggital"
this is the saggitarus place! the hips, the arrow etc
because here man aims to find his place in the stars being half man half beast
this is why we have the arch, people would have started looking at the human body once they started to study things, and would have being creative beings thought of the arch, the "keystone" which is the center of the arch, where your fig tree grows!
this is why we have "ancient alien" babies or skulls, the reason is woman had tighter hips, they actually considered it very sacred knowledge! this is the "true knowledge the egpytian priests gave to the greeks and they defiled" the equal-body alignment
tighter hips = baby head shape
again christ says, "you only measure heaven and earth below, I will reject you" saying we must consider everything in measure, to be in union or equal, make order etc.. how easy to over look the body when we give into astonishment of the mind, and all things in life!
body skeleton and muscles, correct placement and strength
apollo and his bow, his musical instruments also relate I will post soon!