I lost my MP3 player

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Nov 1, 2005
I have searched and searched for my mp3 player and cannot find it. I am super new to trying to read horary charts. If I go by what others have written when you lose something you go by the 2nd house correct..so the ruler of the 2nd house is the moon which is in the 8th house. But no clue what the 8th house refers too in finding things.. seems like 12th house would be bedroom.. or would it be 8th house? Not sure how else to look at this and any help I would be very grateful ty
I've been trying to read up on how I might read this. I would be grateful for any help. I have read a few queries where electronics were lost and the ruler was in the 8th house and people viewed that as the item was dead or out of battery life. Which is the reason I was looking for it I knew I needed to charge it.

I also have read that 8th house in horary can be garbage or sleep. I hope it did not accidently end up in the trash. As far as sleep goes that is when I use my mp3 player is while I sleep or meditate.

The last time I remember using it was laying on the couch meditating to some sound therapy that is suppose to focus on various chakras.

Another view of the 8th house in horary I read is it being stolen. I can't imagine anyone doing that that had access to it. If it was stolen would venus next to the moon indicate a woman?

Thank you
When the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 8th it's usually an argument that the thing won't be found. The south node in 1 also testifies against recovery. But...

8th house you'd want to look in bathrooms, kitchens, wet places generally - do you live near a marsh or a creek? The rubbish is also a possibility, you may, as you feared, have thrown it away.

Using Griffin's On Theft (it's public domain if anyone is worried about copyright).


A place where old tools for husbandry are laid up, dark places in houses near the ground or threshold. South.

The Lord of the Ascendant in an Angle, the goods are in his hands.

Now, you've got L1 in 10, so that suggests it hasn't been stolen. On the bad side, Mercury is combust, in fall, in detriment, and peregrine - it's not in good shape. And the Moon is also detrimented.

So the MP3 player may be damaged, but it doesn't look like anybody else took it. Unfortunately there's no aspect indicating you're likely to find it either. Hope I'm wrong.
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Thank you so kindly for the feed back. When I read your thoughts I had an instant horror of seeing my mp3 player left in my pocket and washed! So I am going to check that angle.

Today I tore apart the couch the last place I knew to have it and nothing so far. I hope I do find it. I had some wonderful motivation and positive thinking recordings on there that I am not sure I can replace.

I do remember doing a very intensive cleaning and i had one bag for items to toss and one bag for items to look at closer and file away or find a home for and I just hope in my zealousness I did not put the mp3 into the wrong bag.

I will keep looking and hopefully the part where it might not be found is wrong :(

Thank you so much.