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Jan 14, 2008
Modesto, CA
Normally...I don't panic...but the eclipse February 20th is already making me nervous. The eclipse is going to trigger my 10th house Mars which is opposing my natal Moon in Aquarius in the 4th.

Is there anything GOOD that I can look forward to at all? Or...am I absolutely doomed? I can't read for myself. I only see what I want to see I'm afraid. If anyone can offer insight...it would be greatly appreciated. I am sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

I wouldn't worry too much Kizmet. I would have thought that last years solar eclipse in Virgo might have had more meaning for you? It is sometimes helpful to get some enrgy out, to work out, shout out or even spit out. Sometimes if that is done in public it might seem to others as embarrasing but in the end it feels really good in my opinion. No panic required.
Kingsley...Thanks for the reply and the reassurance. Last year was, in fact, tumultuous...for lack of a better word. I ended the year by losing my grandmother, who had raised me. I even took off two weeks (late October-early November) from my job to take care of her at the very end. I left her side...and two weeks later...was on a plane back home to attend her funeral services.

When I went back the second time...my entire family tried to persuade me to move back home...and I seriously considered doing so because of the failing health of my father.

I think what scares me most is that in July of 99...having key planets in the Fixed signs...I got hit like a hammer with the eclipse that occured. My Mars/Moon/Asc were all at odds...and I lost my job.

As far as my 10th House being activated...I work in radio...so when it comes to being heard...that's not unusual.

As it stands now...I really like where I am...my job...the people I work with...but I'm seeing someone and it's stressful. We share so many mutual aspects...ie: his Vertex is conjunct my Venus...and my Vertex is conjunct his Venus...Suns are trined...Moons in the same sign...jeez. It's as if we've been pushed together time and time again...but it just won't work. I can't tell if the eclipse will finally force our hands in that relationship...and if that does happen...I'm not sure how I'll handle it.

I don't know why I'm here in this place. The past five years have been constantly urging me and plying me to be where I am. I feel like I've been pushed to the breaking point with some things...and I'm just trying to keep it together.

Thanks again for writing. I appreciate you so much.

Thankyou for your kind words Ida, sounds like you have a "venertex" hold in your relationship. These soulful connections are quite dramatic in meaning for relationships however it doesn't mean that couples stay together, its just a potent connecting device for you both, most likely its hard for you to be apart and sometimes hard to be together too.


Hi kizmetbaby,

If I were you, I would definitely pay attention to what Saturn in Virgo will dump on you this year. Saturn by Transit is conjuncting your Natal Sun right now and in the course of 2008 will conjunct your Jupiter, Pluto and later still (2009) your Natal Uranus.

We Virgo's worry enough as it is without Saturn encouraging us to wring our hands and loose sleep at night! I am a 2 degree Virgo Sun and Saturn has been keeping me quite "crispy" of late! I obtained a Blue Sapphire Ring in an effort to nullify some of the worst effects. I've felt more calm since I started wearing it.

Also, the Moon Nodes are going to Aquarius - Leo this year and that will spotlight your Natal Moon and Mars. Beware of rash actions based on purely emotional impulses!
You are so right about the relationship. There are NUMEROUS other aspects that make both of us crazy about each other...and that polarize us, too. I almost wish that I could get some sort of reprieve from the situation...just to be able to breathe.


The Nodes are TERRIFYING. When they were active a few years ago...I had a post-operative pulmonary embolism...years later...when the Nodes were active again...I had a placental abruption...that's twice I've had brushes with death. Both occurences were completely out of my control. So you're right on with your read on that. My Natal Moon in Aquarius in the 4th...opposing Natal Mars as you can see in the picture...and sure enough...both times...the situations were related to childbirth and happened suddenly.

Wish me luck.

Thanks for your responses. It really helps. I'm a chronic worrier anyway. This has made me nauseous and I can't sleep. I never get that way over my chart...but this time...for whatever reason...I can't shake this.
Hello Kitzmetbaby, the eclips is on the 7th of February, not on the 20th, at 2°12' Aquarius and it is actually only making a sextile with Chiron. I dont take more than 1° orb with an Eclipse so I dont see how it could trigger your Mars. The eclipse will only activate your 3rd house, maybe relations with your cousins or neighbors. What the sextile to Chiron means, I find difficult to define. Maybe there will be a focus on healing hurt feelings with your peers?
Anyways, I dont see anything to be excited about, let alone afraid about.
All the best! Cheers, Starlink

OH, I just thought of this Eclipse tomorrow and guess what, I noticed that it is exactly, but absolutely exactly squaring my Mercury at 2° Taurus and that Mercury is in also exact square to my Saturn at 2° Leo. To top it all, my Mercury is ruler of my 8th house of death (amongst others) and recently I had a cardreader telling me that at least 3 people would die this year. So I should be the one really who must be concerned here. I truly wonder what will happen. Mercury also rules my 11th, so maybe a friend will die? I will keep you posted on this one.
And the Eclipse falls in my 4th house....... Wonder what is hanging above my head!! Cheers, Starlink
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Good luck, Starlink! Thanks for writing. I was referring to the nodes crossing...that was brought up in one of the other responses. Those have been detrimental...everytime.

Once again good luck!! Think good thoughts.
Hello Kizme, it is interesting that you mentioned the Nodes, I never heard about so much mischieve in relation to them before, poor you. I can imagine that you start finding it scary.
I have a similar experience but probably more to do with cycles. I had a very serious operation in 1995 on the 5th of March (Bladder, and intestinal) and last year also on the 5th of March I had an emergency operation on my intestines again. Part of the small intestine had wriggled itself inside scarrtissue from that 1995 operation and blood could not pass through it anymore so it died off. They had to cut out part of the intestine. From one minute to the others it happened. I still have not figured out why it was exactly on the same date in the same month again. There were no Mars aspects to the Ascendant, nor from the ruler of the 8th house (operations). I must look at the progressions I guess. Not enough time to go through all this, takes much time. I will have good thoughts even with the total Sun eclipse of today exactly opposing my Saturn (at 2° Leo) and squaring my Mercury in the 6th (also at 2°). That 6th house again. I better have my intestines checked before I run into trouble again next month.....!!! Mercury is ruler of my 8th house and the Eclipse falls in my 3rd (correction here, not in my 4th). Cheers, Star.
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An update...

So last night...for the eclipse...I was at a nightclub in Fresno CA...and suddenly...the club was oversold...so the fire marshall came...the police...then the band practically incited a riot because they were angry at the promoters for overselling the show and essentially stealing the fans' money...then the club security sprayed pepper spray...um...yeah...I ended up enjoying my 4th house eclipse that aspected my natal moon in Aquarius in the 4th house...by sitting with a 14 year old girl who i'd never met before...I saw her crying and screaming for help and tried to calm her down and then...sat with her for two hours in the back of an ambulance and on a sidewalk trying to help her flush the spray off her face and get some air on it...until her mother got there to get her. So it was a maternal sort of evening...sorta.

The nice thing about this is...that eclipse was also in aspect to my Midheaven and Mars I guess...because I was able to get the band to come over and talk to the girl...and they were fantastic. Not what you'd expect from a major label band.

It was one helluva night.
Sounds like a Mars in the 10th thing Kizmet. I love the way you looked after that scared and hurt young girl. Action packed night indeed.

Yes, could also have been transiting Uranus going through your 5th house of entertainment (going out) in opposition to your Jupiter in the 11th. Sudden unexpected outbreaks. It also inconjuncts that Mars in your 10th.
And have you noticed that your transiting Venus was exactly conjunct the Eclipse that day? At 2°52. Aquarius!
Quite a night indeed!! I did not notice anything (yet). Usually the workings of an eclipse happen between one month before the exact moment up to 3 month after, so it can still come. I think it will in my case....
Cheers, Star.