Hello. I’m a big fan of astrology and dream interpretation (thanks to my grandma). Last year I tried to read and understand my sons birth chart. Im worried about his moon aspects, (square Saturn, Pluto) sun and moon in the 8th house. I want him to be happy and I want to be a good mother. He is a funny and a smart boy, he likes to make everyone laugh and he’s full of energy!!!! He is competitive, pays a lot of attention on people’s emotions. Im not married to his father, we have been together for 6 years. We had difficult times, we love each other and both of us wanted a family and raised our son and know daughter together. I’m not an expert and I don’t know anyone with the knowledge. I would appreciate if someone could help me understand why my sons chart. I will attach my birth chart, (I don’t know if thats helpful) sorry if I misspelled something, English not my first language.
Thank you!
Thank you!