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I am now working as an assistant to the boss of a Commercial Council, sometimes it is very intersting and meeting different people but sometimes the work is just a little boring
,I want to know if there is another better job for me.
Below is my take on the chart(Date: 19th Feb 2010 Time: 22:46 29N, 113E
I will try another take of my chart:
It seems not optimistic at all. ASC falls in too early degree, the question is not even mature or I need to consider more before cast a chart, all angular in fixed signs denotes not much change recently.
ASC Scorpio 0 degree, Mars and Moon is me, retrograde in the H10, means I will withdraw my decision or leave my current company then return again....? Mars is ruled by Sun, it seems I like my company very much.
The new company is H10 from H10=H7, venus is the new job,exalted in pisces, mutual reception with Jupiter, separating conjuction with Jupiter(Rule H2-H5) in 3(weeks/months), the good time has passed.
Moon 3 4'46"Tau Sextile Sun 1 Pis in H7-H4 (separating in 1.5 month):Current Company has just turned from a bad state(Aqu fall) to a little better(Pis Peregrine) condition.
Moon 3 4'46"Tau Square Mars applying in 0something: Something dangerous will happen to me, all something I was trying to hide will be discovered, for Moon and Mars all both me. Mars is the H6 ruler, maybe my health, or the relationship with my colleagues will getting worse.
Retro Mars is just conjucting MC: Something critical isl happenning in my career, and it may be started by myself
Moon 3 4'46"Tau will Sextile Jupiter in 4-5 (months/weeks): Jupiter rules H2-H5, maybe some money will come.
Moon 3 4'46"Tau will Sextile Venus(ruler of H7-H12) in 8(weeks/months) in House 5: In that time, maybe something hidden will come out of surface in a nice way. Or the the new company (H2 from H7)will want me.
Last aspect :Moon 3 4'46"Tau will Square Exaltation Aqua Mercury(ruler of H11-H8) in 11(weeks/months) in House 4=ending of the matter,receive only decan, very weak. The money the new company offer me is not what I expected. The money from the current job is also Mercury, it seems no big difference at all.
-Is there any possibilities that I could get a new job?
-Should I find a new one when the Saturn is directed?
-Will the new one be better than my current one?

Below is my take on the chart(Date: 19th Feb 2010 Time: 22:46 29N, 113E
I will try another take of my chart:
It seems not optimistic at all. ASC falls in too early degree, the question is not even mature or I need to consider more before cast a chart, all angular in fixed signs denotes not much change recently.
ASC Scorpio 0 degree, Mars and Moon is me, retrograde in the H10, means I will withdraw my decision or leave my current company then return again....? Mars is ruled by Sun, it seems I like my company very much.
The new company is H10 from H10=H7, venus is the new job,exalted in pisces, mutual reception with Jupiter, separating conjuction with Jupiter(Rule H2-H5) in 3(weeks/months), the good time has passed.
Moon 3 4'46"Tau Sextile Sun 1 Pis in H7-H4 (separating in 1.5 month):Current Company has just turned from a bad state(Aqu fall) to a little better(Pis Peregrine) condition.
Moon 3 4'46"Tau Square Mars applying in 0something: Something dangerous will happen to me, all something I was trying to hide will be discovered, for Moon and Mars all both me. Mars is the H6 ruler, maybe my health, or the relationship with my colleagues will getting worse.
Retro Mars is just conjucting MC: Something critical isl happenning in my career, and it may be started by myself
Moon 3 4'46"Tau will Sextile Jupiter in 4-5 (months/weeks): Jupiter rules H2-H5, maybe some money will come.
Moon 3 4'46"Tau will Sextile Venus(ruler of H7-H12) in 8(weeks/months) in House 5: In that time, maybe something hidden will come out of surface in a nice way. Or the the new company (H2 from H7)will want me.
Last aspect :Moon 3 4'46"Tau will Square Exaltation Aqua Mercury(ruler of H11-H8) in 11(weeks/months) in House 4=ending of the matter,receive only decan, very weak. The money the new company offer me is not what I expected. The money from the current job is also Mercury, it seems no big difference at all.
-Is there any possibilities that I could get a new job?
-Should I find a new one when the Saturn is directed?
-Will the new one be better than my current one?
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