If I want to apply for a new job, when can I get it?

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Feb 13, 2010
I am now working as an assistant to the boss of a Commercial Council, sometimes it is very intersting and meeting different people but sometimes the work is just a little boring:pinched:,I want to know if there is another better job for me.


Below is my take on the chart(
Date: 19th Feb 2010 Time: 22:46 29N, 113E

I will try another take of my chart:

It seems not optimistic at all. ASC falls in too early degree, the question is not even mature or I need to consider more before cast a chart, all angular in fixed signs denotes not much change recently.

ASC Scorpio 0 degree, Mars and Moon is me, retrograde in the H10, means I will withdraw my decision or leave my current company then return again....? Mars is ruled by Sun, it seems I like my company very much.

The new company is H10 from H10=H7, venus is the new job,exalted in pisces, mutual reception with Jupiter, separating conjuction with Jupiter(Rule H2-H5) in 3(weeks/months), the good time has passed.

Moon 3 4'46"Tau Sextile Sun 1 Pis in H7-H4 (separating in 1.5 month):Current Company has just turned from a bad state(Aqu fall) to a little better(Pis Peregrine) condition.

Moon 3 4'46"Tau Square Mars applying in 0something: Something dangerous will happen to me, all something I was trying to hide will be discovered, for Moon and Mars all both me. Mars is the H6 ruler, maybe my health, or the relationship with my colleagues will getting worse.

Retro Mars is just conjucting MC:
Something critical isl happenning in my career, and it may be started by myself

3 4'46"Tau will Sextile Jupiter in 4-5 (months/weeks): Jupiter rules H2-H5, maybe some money will come.

3 4'46"Tau will Sextile Venus(ruler of H7-H12) in 8(weeks/months) in House 5: In that time, maybe something hidden will come out of surface in a nice way. Or the the new company (H2 from H7)will want me.

Last aspect :Moon
3 4'46"Tau will Square Exaltation Aqua Mercury(ruler of H11-H8) in 11(weeks/months) in House 4=ending of the matter,receive only decan, very weak. The money the new company offer me is not what I expected. The money from the current job is also Mercury, it seems no big difference at all.

-Is there any possibilities that I could get a new job?
-Should I find a new one when the Saturn is directed?
-Will the new one be better than my current one?
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So, you are Ma rx and Moon, present job is Su and next job (according to Frawley) is ruler of next sign in 10th house that is Me. If we look receptions Su, present job is in Ma's triplicity, and Ma is in Su's sign, so you like job, job likes you it seams that job really suite you.
Me, ruler of next job is in no dignity of Ma or Moon, new job does not "like" you at all. Also your ruler Ma is in no dignity of Me, only Moon is in Me's face so that job will be good for you only in case when you have noone job. You excellent noticed that Su change sign resently, so situation about present job changed and promise more fun, because Su will soon enter 5 house. If I were you I would not think about changing job.
Thank you very much!

As the job and I like each other, I maybe shouldn't quit the current job

There are some other methods to find the significator of the next job:
-Lily suggested to use the H7 to be the next job as it is the 10H from the 10H.(In this chart, it will be the venus in exaltation and in Moon's triplicity)

-Some suggested to use the second triplicity lord of the MC.

-You suggested that next job (according to Frawley) is ruler of next sign in 10th house that is Me.

-Some suggested that next job is the H3 from the H10,which is H12(venus)

I am a little confused about this....which one to choose?

So, you are Ma rx and Moon, present job is Su and next job (according to Frawley) is ruler of next sign in 10th house that is Me. If we look receptions Su, present job is in Ma's triplicity, and Ma is in Su's sign, so you like job, job likes you it seams that job really suite you.
Me, ruler of next job is in no dignity of Ma or Moon, new job does not "like" you at all. Also your ruler Ma is in no dignity of Me, only Moon is in Me's face so that job will be good for you only in case when you have noone job. You excellent noticed that Su change sign resently, so situation about present job changed and promise more fun, because Su will soon enter 5 house. If I were you I would not think about changing job.
Chart ASC is infant. You have to ask this question again, because from this chart, question can't be answered.
There are some other methods to find the significator of the next job...
Yes, it was confusin to me too, then I contact J.Frawley and his explanation is quite logic to me, here is his explanation:

"10th from the 10th makes no sense: it isn't the job's job!
This error comes from the fact that if we need to distinguish between
my brothers, I can take LOrd 3 for the eldest, or the one I happen to
be thinking about, and the 3rd from the 3rd to show the next one. So
we regard the next one as 'my brother's brother'. Which of course he
is. This doesn't mean we can do the same with other houses, though,
by repeating the number.
Nor, of course, is the other job the 3rd from the 10th: that would be
my job's brother.
This error is most common when people are looking for the second wife
in the chart. It is common to take the 3rd from the 7th: but that
would mean I was marrying my wife's sister. Or the 7th from the 7th,
which would mean I am marrying myself."
(You can use whichever method that, from your experience, works for you!
Candiceaqua, I can say your advice for finding my lucky element in Chinese astrology was excellent! You said:"If any period is your best time in life, we could take that period element to be your lucky element." So, I do as you said and it proved my lucky element is Water! It was so hard upon chart to find it! I just want to say, if some of these methods you mention works for you, use it!)
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My call is NO.... at least not yet
0 asce tells me that the question is too premature unless you have something at 0 degrees in scorpio in your natal or progressed chart
The question is radical because Mars your main ruler is in 10th house
Unfortunately you have problems
1. all fixed angles tell me dont expect changes that soon
2. Sun and Mars do not aspect
3. to make matters worse Mars is rejected by Sun ...
4. moon already passed Sun.
5. some will say well moon is translation of light to mars BUT in this case it is a problematic because MOON is in 7th house *other person* and it is squaring Mars. I rather see square where Moon and Mars sharing the strength
6. Mars is hovering over sextile with Saturn. which has nothing to do with the question or a ruler.
7. your finances are ruled by Mars as well ... it seems like you are not doing too good in that department
8. Mars is very weak at the moment. Not only it is retro but it is peregrine. I think you should look into taking classes or something i dont think you are ready for this change if you ask me
sorries for the bad news
That's brilliant!

Thank you so much! And I am glad that way of finding lucky element working for you!

Best wishes,

My call is NO.... at least not yet

3. to make matters worse Mars is rejected by Sun ... (How?)

5. some will say well moon is translation of light to mars BUT in this case it is a problematic because MOON is in 7th house *other person* and it is squaring Mars. I rather see square where Moon and Mars sharing the strength

7. your finances are ruled by Mars as well ... it seems like you are not doing too good in that department (I am using Jupiter as my finances ruler, can it work as well?)

8. Mars is very weak at the moment. Not only it is retro but it is peregrine. I think you should look into taking classes or something i dont think you are ready for this change if you ask me(Yes, Mars is really weak, I am not ready for the next job......:sad:)

Wait ..

no it is you rejecting or not seeing the job.

there is no reception from Mars to sun but there is sun/mars reception by sign...
so basically ... there is a job out there but you are not reayd or you dont see it
your second house is ruled by Mars ... it is at 29 Scorpio - critical degree

does this help?
no it is you rejecting or not seeing the job.

there is no reception from Mars to sun but there is sun/mars reception by sign...(Moon is also me, and it is received from sun in triplicity)

so basically ... there is a job out there but you are not reayd or you dont see it(I see no inconjuct here....)
your second house is ruled by Mars ... it is at 29 Scorpio - critical degree(Yes, just find out that the almuten of H2 is truely Mars)
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okay ... use Mars/Sun reception and vice versa
Moon is separating from the SUN which NOT in your favor
your 2nd house is NOT intercepted

your main significators are Mars/Moon and Sun ...
There are no aspects
so my call is NO

use Regio for horaries.. I dont know any other system working as good as Regio.. William Lilly used to for a reason

Thank you for your reply tikana, I will not leave my current job and learn more skills needed.

And try to be a strong significator in strong house and never retrograde in my next career horary chart!:pinched:

the key rule when you want to advance into something.. direct ruler of your 1st house and strong moon. Mars is not STRONG.. actually it is peregrine... even with a MR.. you want to have strong ruler of your 1st

I will be stronger in my next horary! :cool:


the key rule when you want to advance into something.. direct ruler of your 1st house and strong moon. Mars is not STRONG.. actually it is peregrine... even with a MR.. you want to have strong ruler of your 1st


Goca you are quite right, till now my job is more interesting and funny!! Everything seems getting better when Asc ruler Mars turned direct. I really love my job!

My job Sun has to go through the peregrine pisces to the exaltation Aries and 5th house, when sun actually in Aries, I feel energetic, and have a better relationship with my boss.

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