Ilhan Omar

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Ilhan Omar’s “Tropes” Are True
Kevin Barrett • March 5, 2019 • 1,300 Words • 419 CommentsReply


Some people just can’t handle the truth. Case in point: America’s Jewish Establishment and the Shabbat goys on their payroll, who are all squealing like stuck pigs in response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s pointed remarks about Jewish-Zionist power.
I wrote about Rep. Omar’s first (February 10) Twitter outrage in the new issue of Crescent Magazine:
Ilhan Omar’s ‘all about the Benjamins’ tweet, and the media feeding frenzy that followed, unleashed an unprecedented exposé of Jewish-Zionist money power in America. (“Benjamins” refers to $100 bills; Omar borrowed the line from a hip-hop song by Puff Daddy — which raises questions about her musical and cultural tastes). In the past, the entire America Left, led by people like Noam Chomsky, has denied the power of the Israel Lobby. Anyone who pointed out that Israel runs America’s Mideast policy through its Fifth Column, using its monstrous money power, was denounced with the obligatory nonsensical slur “anti-Semite.” Even Walt and Mearsheimer’s understated The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (2007) was vilified and marginalized.
But in the wake of Ilhan Omar’s tweet, many voices that would normally denounce “anti-Semitism” have instead admitted that Omar is right: AIPAC’s power really is “all about the Benjamins.” The Nation, America’s leading Establishment Left magazine, published Israeli Jew Ady Barkan’s confession “What Ilhan Omar Said About AIPAC Was Right.” The Jewish Daily Forward responded with Peter Feld’s “No, Ilhan Omar Is Not Anti-Semitic For Calling Out AIPAC.” Feld put it bluntly, “There are plenty of Jews, like me, whose beliefs are voiced by Omar, not AIPAC.” Mehdi Hasan of The Intercept summed it all up, “There Is a Taboo Against Criticizing AIPAC and Ilhan Omar Just Destroyed It.”
On the other side of the political divide, Donald Trump called on Omar to resign. Good luck with that one, Donnie! Most Republicans, and quite a few Democrats, ritually waxed indignant in an effort to please their Zionist paymasters — ironically proving that Omar’s tweet was accurate. Rarely has the saying “if you’re catching flak, you’re over the target” been better illustrated.
Rep. Omar quickly issued the most equivocal “unequivocal apology” ever, in essence saying that she didn’t mean to hurt people’s feelings, but was right to call out AIPAC and its money power. That didn’t satisfy the Zionists—who paid their propagandists to dog whistle up a lynch mob on various pseudo-patriotic and/or pseudo-alternative Israeli-operated platforms including Murdoch’s Fox, made-in-Israel Breitbart, and the Bronfman crime family linked Infowars.

Many of us felt that Omar never should have apologized at all. Quoting again my Crescent article:
Omar’s apology for inadvertently invoking a “trope” about Jews and money was unnecessary and unfortunate, because that “trope” is true. Jews are indeed the richest Western ethnic group. A 2008 Pew Forum study found that Jews are America’s richest religious group; nearly half of US Jews earn six figure incomes, while fewer than one in five non-Jewish Americans earn that much.
As Thomas Dalton writes in “A Brief Look at Jewish Wealth”: “Throughout history, the power and influence of the Jewish Lobby has been legendary. This power in turn derives not from political might, nor from popular support, nor from moral rectitude, nor from God. It is, simply, the power of money… Of the 10 richest Americans, five (50%) are Jews… Of the 50 richest Americans, at least 27 (54%) are Jews.” That is extraordinary, since Jews represent only 2% of the US population. Extrapolating downward, Dalton estimates that the top 1% of the Jewish population, consisting of about 60,000 individuals, owns about $18 trillion in assets, which is roughly equal to the USA’s annual GDP! That kind of money can easily purchase dominance in American politics and media… and unwavering support for Zionist Israel.
Ilhan Omar seems to have been listening to those of us yelling “stop apologizing for telling the truth!” During a talk on February 27 she said “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” The Israel Lobby and the politicians and media outlets it owns (which is pretty much all of them) went berserk. Israel-firster House Foreign Affairs Chair Eliot Engel whined about Omar’s “vile anti-Semitic slur.” Other Israeli-owned Democrats followed suit.
But this time Omar refused to back down. On Sunday, March 3, she tweeted: “I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee. I am told everyday that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel. I find that to be problematic and I am not alone. I just happen to be willing to speak up on it and open myself to attacks.” Omar’s words seconded those of former six-term Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who has exposed the fact that new Congressional representatives are ordered to sign a loyalty pledge to Israel, and are told their careers will soon be over if they don’t.

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, on a cover-up mission for Israel, smacked Omar with the worst insult imaginable: comparing Omar to President Trump. Obviously both Trump and Omar are geniuses at sparking Twitter controversy. But that is not Milbank’s point. Instead, she accuses Trump and Omar of bigotry: “(Jews) who support Israel’s policies aren’t disloyal to America. When Omar questions their patriotism, she is reading from the same bigoted playbook that launched Trump.”
But Milbank ignores a crucial difference between Trump’s idiotic and mendacious Islamophobia and Omar’s trenchant critique of Jewish-Zionist power. That difference is obvious to any well-informed observer of American politics: There is no significant Muslim power bloc in America supporting any foreign (Muslim) country. The only arguable exception is the execrable House of Saud, which consists of a handful of moronic Zionist-controlled billionaire playboys, and enjoys essentially no support among US Muslims.
But while there is effectively no dual-loyalty problem among Muslims—no “Muslim Lobby” strong-arming the US to support any foreign country—there is a massive, monstrous Jewish Lobby with an absolute stranglehold on US Mideast policy and an unwavering devotion to a foreign nation. When the slaves of the Jewish Lobby try to deny this, claiming that the dual loyalty trope is a canard, they are right in one respect: Accusing them of dual loyalty is unfair. Their loyalty is singular, and it is to Israel.
I recently cited James Petras’s trenchant analysis of the Lobby’s extraordinary power:
As sociologist James Petras has pointed out, the 52 major Jewish American organizations (MJAO) are monolithically pro-Israel. They form the core of what Petras calls the Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC): “The ideological influence of the Israel Fifth Column is concentrated on a single issue: Defending Israel and its crimes against humanity.”
According to Petras, the ZPC’s commanding heights include hundreds of billionaires and millionaires, who finance its political and media operations. Below them, national and state-wide networks “influence the nomination and financing of all candidates, elected officials, and the composition of editorial boards of the major media outlets.”
Below these networks, at the local level, “every major and minor U.S. city has local Zionist-councils that use their influence to intimidate local professional, business, political, and media groups into ensuring that critics are censored and Israel’s war crimes are covered up.”
In short, Rep. Omar’s two “anti-Semitic tropes” are both true: Jewish Americans are (compared to other ethnic groups) outrageously wealthy; and Jewish wealth has hijacked America’s policymaking apparatus in service to a foreign power. All of the Zionist-bought-and-paid-for hysteria and hoopla in the world cannot hide the fact that Ilhan Omar’s words on these critically important issues have been massive understatements.
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23 remember to copy this as the trolls are working overtime to erase my flash drive.

( omar is being castigated because she will not pledge allegiance to the perpetrators of these act of war by Israel on the United States
republican claimed we must stand by Israel, as Israeli lobbies have passed laws in Texas that make it illegal to boycott Israel and thereby setting a precedent to abrogate our constitution right to free speech.... and omar is a fiend because she does not agree with this psychotic insanity /rahu)
In Deepest Ways, Entirety of the US Mirrors Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty—in Slow Motion


The most obvious example the origin of torture at the infamous Iraqi prison ,Abu Ghraib. This caused a international uproar in in the spring of 2004 when photos and articles about the torture were made public.
In the aftermath United States Department of Defense removed seventeen soldiers and officers from duty, and eleven soldiers were charged with dereliction of duty, maltreatment, aggravated assauly and battery. Between May 2004, and March 2006, these soldiers were convicted in court-marshals, sentenced to military prison, and dishonorably discharge from service. Two soldiers, Specialist Charles Graner and PFC Lynndie England, were sentenced to ten and three years in prison, respectively.
Brigadier GeneralJanis Karpinski, the commanding officer of all detention facilities in Iraq, was reprimanded and demoted to the rank of colonel , the commanding officer of all detention facilities in Iraq, was reprimanded and relieved of her command.

A few years later cornel karpinski came out publicially and said that the torture had been instuited in to the prison without her knowledge. She continued that the Mossad brought the torture techniques into Abu Ghraib. Yet if you currently search for this topic, you will only come up with the phrase “Israelis.”
‘Mossad’s name has been expunged from all public records.


in the book Gideon’s Spies :the Secret History of the Mossad,the author Gordon Thomas reveals that the mossad knew the truck bombing was likely but did not tell the Americans. Mossad agents reportly said (para phrased)” they are the new kids on the block, let their noses get bloodied”.rahu)

The facts are stark. Twenty years ago, very early at 0622 on 23 October 1983, a lone suicide bomber drove a Mercedes truck-packed with the equivalent of 12,000 pounds of TNT-into the building housing many of the Marines of the 24th Marine Amphibious Unit (24th MAU) killing 241 Marines and members of other U.S. Services. Most of Headquarters and Services Company of Battalion Landing Team, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines (BLT 1/8) was wiped out. At the same time, another suicide bomber drove a van into the barracks housing the French Foreign Legion killing several doxen Legionnaires.

Reading and watching the news coverage now of the efforts by the Marine Corps and the Army to keep the peace in Iraq brings back many memories of peacekeeping in Beirut in 1982-84. Beirut also comes to mind when talking to veterans who tried to keep the peace in Somalia.
Only time will tell if we have learned the bloody lessons of Beirut. This article does not recount the specific events. Marines know them well enough[PP1].


Gideons Spies , author Gordon thomas details the mossad’s employment of American spy jonathan pollard 1987.
Once again Israel denies wrongdoing, or faced with incontrovertible evidence (in this case one of the spies has reportedly cooperated with the FBI) dismisses the spying with the claim that such spying is harmless, because Israel and the United States are such good friends.
Well, let us take a closer look at that idea of “harmless espionage” by recalling Israel’s most famous failed spy, Jonathan Pollard

Pollard delivered over 1000 classified documents to Israel for which he was well paid. Included in those documents were the names of over 150 US agents in the Mideast, who were eventually “turned” into agents for Israel.
But by far the most egregious damage done by Pollard was to steal classified documents relating to the US Nuclear Deterrent relative to the USSR and send them to Israel. According to sources in the US State Department, Israel then turned around and traded those stolen nuclear secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas from the USSR to Israel. Other information that found its way from the US to Israel to the USSR resulted in the loss of American agents(18 agent were killed over this rahu) operating inside the USSR. Casper Weinberger, in his affidavit opposing a reduced sentence for Pollard, described the damage done to the United States thus, "[It is] difficult to conceive of a greater harm to national security than that caused by... Pollard's treasonous behavior."
In Gideon’s Spies, the author points out that in addition to the above damage, the Mossad shared this information with European countries that resulted in the US having to pull out all it’s covert agents of Europe and who knows how many of their in those countries were compromised or worse.

Opposing any form of clemency were many active and retired U.S. officials, including Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, former CIA director George Tenet; several former U.S. Secretaries of Defense; a bi-partisan group of U.S. congressional leaders; and members of the American intelligence community.[8][9][10][11] They maintained that the damage to U.S. national security due to Pollard's espionage was far more severe, wide-ranging, and enduring than publicly acknowledged. Though Pollard argued that he only supplied Israel with information critical to its security, opponents pointed out that he had no way of knowing what the Israelis had received through legitimate exchanges, and that much of the data he compromised had nothing to do with Israeli security


Jewish* ex-Marine Corps officer Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies of the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, came on my radio show in March 2010 to state that “9/11 was a Mossad operation, period.” Mentioning Alan’s name during the Q&A at public events can get you arrested, as Jeremy Rothe-Kushel found out the hard way:
Security hired by pro-Israel group arrests questioner at Dennis Ross speech in Kansas City Public Library
Here is a crazy story about pro-Israel groups using private and government security forces to suppress free speech in the United States. The incident took place at the Kansas City Public Library last May, but became news in the last week.
On May 9, Dennis Ross, the longtime US government official on the Middle East who has been called Israel’s lawyer (and who has said that American Jews “need to be advocates” for Israel and not for Palestinians), gave a speech at the Kansas City Public Library about Truman and Israel. The speech was sponsored by the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City, among others, and the JCF insisted on extra security for the event because of a hate-crime, the shooting at the Jewish Community Foundation two years before that left three dead.
But when Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, a documentarian, rose to ask Ross a critical question, then tried to follow up, he was rushed by a private security officer. The library’s programming director, Steve Woolfolk, interceded on Rothe-Kushel’s behalf. Ultimately both Woolfolk and Rothe-Kushel were handcuffed and arrested in the library lobby, by an off-duty Kansas City police officer– who was also hired for the event by the JCF. Rothe-Kushel characterizes the arrest as an “assault,” and notes that Woolfolk suffered an injury.
The story is breaking now, it seems, because the Kansas City Public Library wanted to keep the whole incident on the q.t., but the Kansas City police insisted on pressing ahead with the charges.
Rothe-Kushel told me today that the case exposes the “nexus between the United States and Israeli security state.” Both the private security guard who grabbed him and the Kansas City police detective who charged him that night have received training in counter-terrorism from Israeli officials in visits to Israel.
Rothe-Kushel says that the private security officer, Blair Hawkins, is a security officer for the Jewish Community Foundation. He speculates that Hawkins, who has extensive national security experience, got the job through a security arm of the Israel lobby called SCN, the Secure Community Network, which describes itself in this way:


Fixing trumps election
WikiStrat: Mueller Now Cites Mossad/8200 Backed Firm for Rigging Election

Wikistrat bills itself as a ‘crowdsourced’ analysis agency based in Washington. But interviews with current and former employees and documents tell a very different story.
“According to internal Wikistrat documents marked “highly confidential and sensitive material,” 74 percent of the firm’s revenue came from clients that were foreign governments.” (Intelligence agencies of Israel, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, Trump’s primary
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Ilhan Omar’s Got Words For Barack Obama, Too – and They’re Not Nice

After attacking the Israeli lobby, Rep. Ilhan Omar has let loose on another Democratic idol, accusing ex-President Obama of “murder” and of hiding behind a “pretty face and the smile.” She later claimed her words were distorted.

10-10-2016, 11:48 PM

Re: obama

Obama also stepped up the US targeted killing campaign, using drones to strike suspected terrorists in Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Omar’s native Somalia. Around 2,500 people were killed in theses strikes, up to 800 of them civilians, according to conflicting figures from the US Government and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

U.N. Security Council Accuses Obama of War Crimes; U.S. Media Silent

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( omars idea is not new every accord and document for the Balfour declaration in 1917 on ,about the establishment of a state of Israel has included a Palestinian state and the provision that no existing population must be removed. This was followed by every government and UN accord until yitzhak rabin was assassinated with Netanyahu's blessing and instigation. Netanyahu has thrown 100 years of negotiations out the window so his masters ,the Rothschild's can have autocratic theological fiefdom based on a legendary genocidal king from 2000 years ago. rahu)

Ilhan Omar (Youtube)
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Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., whose statements prompted allegations of anti-Semitism by lawmakers on both sides of the aisles, called for a “balance, inclusive approach” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a new op-ed published Sunday in The Washington Post.

“My goal in speaking out at all times has been to encourage both sides to move toward a peaceful two-state solution,” the freshman congresswoman wrote. “We need to reinsert this call back into the public debate with urgency. Both parties must come to the table for a final peace deal; violence will not bring us any closer to that day.”

Omar noted that she recognized the historical foundations of Israel, pointed out “the founding of Israel 70 years ago was built on the Jewish people’s connection to their historical homeland, as well as the urgency of establishing a nation in the wake of the horror of the Holocaust and the centuries of anti-Semitic oppression leading up to it.” However, she added, “We must acknowledge that this is also the historical homeland of Palestinians. And without a state, the Palestinian people live in a state of permanent refugeehood and displacement. This, too, is a refugee crisis, and they, too, deserve freedom and dignity.”

“A balanced, inclusive approach to the conflict recognizes the shared desire for security and freedom of both peoples,” Omar wrote, highlighting that a two-state solution has received bipartisan support in the U.S., as well as from Israelis and Palestinians.

Still, the deep-rooted conflict between Israel and Palestine has persisted, with negotiators unable to reach an agreement on issues such as the actual borders of the two states and whether Palestinians should have the right to return and a right to the property they themselves or their relatives left behind — or were forced to abandon — in what is now recognized as Israel and the territories occupied by it, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

President Donald Trump last September expressed his support of a two-state solution, declaring it the “best” way to resolve the conflict. He later backtracked, however, and said he would endorse a one-state solution if it was agreed upon by both peoples — a position he previously cited. “I’m happy if they’re happy,” the commander-in-chief said at a news conference at the time.

Omar, a refugee from Somalia who this year became the first Somali-American and one of the first Muslim women to serve in Congress, advocated in her op-ed for “an inclusive foreign policy” that focuses on “human rights, justice and peace as the pillars of America’s engagement in the world — one that brings our troops home and truly makes military action a last resort.” The congresswoman explained that valuing human rights “means applying the same standards to our friends and our enemies” — an apparent *** at the veteran leaders of her own Democratic Party and Republicans who alleged her criticism of America’s closest ally in the Middle East was offensive and invoked anti-Semitic tropes. (Omar has apologized for her comments.)

Omar has been a vocal supporter of the rights of Palestinians and has voiced her opposition to Israeli policies, from West Bank settlements to the lobbying influence of AIPAC, since she began her tenure on Capitol Hill this January. In her new op-ed, she revealed that “peace and respect for human rights” are values which drove her to run for office and persuaded Minnesotans to elect her.

“Let us apply these universal values to all nations,” she concluded. “Only then will our world achieve peace.”




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Rep. Omar says it is about one Benjamin: Netanyahu

Kadia Tubman Tue, Mar 26 9:09 AM PDT

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Photos: Alex Edelman/Rex/Shutterstock; Jim Young/Pool/Reuters) After weeks of fending off accusations of anti-Semitism, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., responded to a gibe by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In his satellite address to the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in Washington, D.C., Netanyahu took aim at a February tweet by Omar asserting that American support for Israel was “All about the Benjamins.”
"From this Benjamin: It’s not about the Benjamins!” Netanyahu said. "The reason Americans love Israel is not because they want our money; it's because they share our values,” said Netanyahu. “It's because America and Israel share a love of freedom and democracy."

( more of Netanyahu's self serving lies.... isreal is no loger a democracy.. it is a theocracy.. the courts have been turned over to the kaballist rabbinate. his new nations description does not include the word democracy and his stated goal and the likud party is to establish a monarchy like kings david rahu)
Omar was quick to reply.
“This from a man facing indictments for bribery and other crimes in three separate public corruption affairs,” she responded via Twitter.
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