Hi! I've joined this forum after I recently reconected with astrology, in November this year.
I was born in a house where my mom was very interested in astrology, so I guess it comes from birth!
Although I got more involved with this around my 16 y.o. I quickly got immensely interested and immersed myself in the theme. As a very introverted person with a natal rough and exact opposition of Saturn to my ASC and and Venus and a overthinker Mercury in Virgo retrograde, I found in astrology an engine to get to know people in a more profound way. And of course I also learned much while doing this that not everything can be seem through astral charts, and no human being can "see the future". Astrology just show the "energy" of the things. And is a help for us to understand ourselves especially. Astrology helped me many and many ways to better make sense and find which learning I could gather from painful situations, sudden breakups and things my heart and mind couldn't make sense.
I got involved with Evolutionary Astrology of Jeff Wolf Green along my pathway, and got so fascinanted with this that I even improved my english because of this, due to the multiple vídeos I watched over and over, lol (i'm Brazilian). You can call this love, but guess it was also an obsession.
And then I also immersed me for a while in vedic astrology. Explored my D1, my D9. Got surprised and fascinanted too but also a tad frightned with it's directness and on point style.
The pause in my studies came last year. I was struggling enormously emotionally and I decided to go to a church. I became a Christian and in my attempt to follow all the rules of that doctrine (gotta remember Saturn strongly rules my chart... ) I abandomned astrology without looking back for 16 months. I deleted all the content from my PC. I deleted many ebooks I payed for and a Very complete interpretation of my vedic chart. Just because the Bible was against this.
I came back now because of two reasons. First reason is my psychologist. She treat me for 4y. now and she also is my sister psychologist. So she knows well how I function and where my beliefs came from (from my upbringing). And she told me that in her opinion I should return to astrology If I missed and always try to scape from everything that restrict rather to expand. And my mórmon best friend gave the final pull. She said that she doesn't see this as against Christian morals herself. And she I also consider as a reliable source... So slowly I returned to this. And as I came back I noticed so many interesting stuff. I am slowly seeing I wasn't in a very unhappy of my life while I was in daily use of astrology because of astrology being a sin, as I believed in the 16 months I kept apart from this. I was unhappy because of lots of other issues and emotional codependencies. So it's about this. With astrology I feel actually more connected to God.
I was born in a house where my mom was very interested in astrology, so I guess it comes from birth!

I got involved with Evolutionary Astrology of Jeff Wolf Green along my pathway, and got so fascinanted with this that I even improved my english because of this, due to the multiple vídeos I watched over and over, lol (i'm Brazilian). You can call this love, but guess it was also an obsession.

And then I also immersed me for a while in vedic astrology. Explored my D1, my D9. Got surprised and fascinanted too but also a tad frightned with it's directness and on point style.
The pause in my studies came last year. I was struggling enormously emotionally and I decided to go to a church. I became a Christian and in my attempt to follow all the rules of that doctrine (gotta remember Saturn strongly rules my chart... ) I abandomned astrology without looking back for 16 months. I deleted all the content from my PC. I deleted many ebooks I payed for and a Very complete interpretation of my vedic chart. Just because the Bible was against this.
I came back now because of two reasons. First reason is my psychologist. She treat me for 4y. now and she also is my sister psychologist. So she knows well how I function and where my beliefs came from (from my upbringing). And she told me that in her opinion I should return to astrology If I missed and always try to scape from everything that restrict rather to expand. And my mórmon best friend gave the final pull. She said that she doesn't see this as against Christian morals herself. And she I also consider as a reliable source... So slowly I returned to this. And as I came back I noticed so many interesting stuff. I am slowly seeing I wasn't in a very unhappy of my life while I was in daily use of astrology because of astrology being a sin, as I believed in the 16 months I kept apart from this. I was unhappy because of lots of other issues and emotional codependencies. So it's about this. With astrology I feel actually more connected to God.
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