I'm hoping to hear your relocation recommendations or advices regarding where I'm at

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Apr 1, 2024
This might be a bit long and somewhat disturbing for I'm gonna be telling some dark sides of mine as well (ps: I might delete those things later on if I feel obsessively uncomfortable for sharing those things about myself to protect my public image) but long texts are not a big deal for curious people like us I guess. I wanna give more info than I should for you to understand the situation better. I discovered locational astrology around 2-3 years ago, but I discovered the complete version of it just 1.5 months ago. I was only checking the longitudes as it seems here:

Image 06.10.2024 at 05.23.jpeg

And then this summer I was traveling to different locations, and Valencia seemed extremely good for musical creativity and such, and I also went there to test it. After having some colliding experiences, I tried to see what I'm missing and I realized for all these years I was doing this in an incomplete way. I realized, I missed this "show details" button on astro.com:

Image 06.10.2024 at 11.51.jpeg

And after I activated this, I was in shock. I didn't know we also have to look at the latitudes alongside the longitudes. That completed the picture. And then I also checked where I normally live (Estonia) and wondered if it's written what was my problem there and yes, it was saying it's gonna be a lonely place etc. I'm also mentioning about this in my introductory topic here.

What gave me chills more is, when I come back from 3 months of traveling Europe, I was reading all the lines' explanations again and it was saying something specific like "on this location, unpleasant surprises could come in the form of necessary repairs or outstanding debts." and then I realized I was gonna meet the house owner in few days for repairing my two windows and fixing my radiators, and also because I spent all my money to travelling this summer, I had neglected to pay one of my hire purchase and it was also showing up like something bothering and that moment I wanted to learn more and more.

Normally I wouldn't share (you can understand that as a Scorpio dominant person, I'm getting uncomfortable when I give too much info about myself) but since I'm desperately in need of assistance, I'm here sharing my birth data for you to follow along this topic:

Here's my birth data:
Birth date: October 14, 1993
Birth time: 08:30 AM
Birth location: Mersin, Turkey

Here this is where I exactly live that I show in the red circle and here are the effects next to it in the right frame:

Screenshot 2024-10-06 at 12.09.12.png

In a summary, this location has only two good aspects to me. One is having good relationship with the authority, and since this is the country that I got asylum and residence permit, that's pretty true and I've never stopped by the police unnecessarily as it was happening sometimes in different locations. And the other good aspect of this place is that climbing the ladder in my career. And by thinking, at first I was in a refugee camp like a lvl 1 crook and then earned money through music production and started a music production company, that's pretty correct as well. But the thing is, this is just because jupiter/mc line. (And it feels like a bad joke of the universe that saturn/ic line also passes through the same line)

But the other aspects are so overwhelming and so bad that, I can't even stand living here, I can't even stand existing sometimes. Psychologically it feels crazy unbearable. Here I'm having the most lonely periods of my life, there's literally noone in my real life, not even a single friend. Even if I make a friend, that's being an exception, and then we are either not talking to each other for long or meeting up once in long months. That wouldn't bother me if I didn't feel any other bad effect.

Before I go to travel, I had some good opportunities and I could invest into my business and move forward in life but I chose to make these tests. Because I couldn't stand the feeling of being here.

Moreover, I was even sometimes thinking if I have a cancer in my intestines, or similar bad thoughts about my health. Let me open this more, I'm having constant diarrheas in this location and I'm mostly feeling lack of energy, as if something blocks me. I went to hospitals etc, I found my cure scientifically but nothing helped. Moreover, all the doctors said I'm pretty healthy but I didn't feel that and that frustrated me a lot. I started my journey in Athens, and specifically tested Rome, Madrid, Valencia and Paris. And surely I passed by many other cities and countries. And you know what? I had no any single problem with my health, I just had a flu in Madrid, -even right after that flu passed, I felt like a semi-god there lol, it had Sun/Asc and Pluto trine MC effect on me- and I never had digestive problems or I didn't feel lack of energy, I felt pretty energetic and strong because I was visiting positive Sun/Jupiter/Mars places. I'm aware that I'm naturally uneasy person but I looked for locational solutions to bend their effects into something positive.

The last place was Paris and actually almost all aspects of Paris is extremely good for me. There's only Saturn/Mars line that causes me to fear but it also suggests that if I give myself to what I wanna actualize in my life, that line will keep me in track. But I assume that place also would be unforgiving for any mistake and I think if that happens I may end up with getting beaten by some attackers or getting arrested/fined for some reason. I also checked astro click local space and my sun line was also passing through Paris there. Another location took my interest is Bucuresti but I've never been there, it also keeps the same lines where I live right now as longitude but I wanted to keep this jupiter/mc line and wanted to change the latitudes, so Bucuresti seems like an option too but I don't know. (continuing with the following entry to dodge 10000 character limitation)
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I won't bother by telling everything I experienced one by one in different locations now to not extend this topic too much but I just wanted to give the main theme.

As soon as I returned from Paris, the first week of where I live was like okay but I started to feel the deterioration slightly day by day and let me tell you what happened to my health within 3 weeks:

-My diarrhea came back (no matter how healthy I try to eat, or change the water brands I use, nothing literally works)
-One of my back tooth got broken
-I started to have fungus on my fingers
-I started to have back and waist pain
-I started to feel lack of energy
-I psychologically started to feel extremely uneasy
-Even my sexual thoughts got weird here by mars/chiron line (and also I guess uranus/moon's nodes is related to this) which wasn't happening when I was in different locations, literally at nowhere.

And the pros are nobody is disturbing me, I'm completely lonely also in a good meaning, and I'm having enough time to work on music production so nothing much disrupts my focus and because I don't go out (not only because of lack of friends but also because the climate sucks, very cold, and yea because I also can't connect with the society.) I'm being able to focus on my job. As long as my physical or mental health allows me.

In Paris, my dreams were like more career focused, and more positive and I had decided to stop smoking there and I was like "after I go back to Estonia, I'll stop smoking and I'll make a new beginning." but boom, this place's effects are so harsh that I only could stand 8 days. And then relapsed. And those 8 days were like an extra torture for disrupting my body's homeostasis. I'm a stoner here for a year and before that I was an alcoholic here. Because I literally can't stand the sobriety here and it makes me use extra substances to relax. I'm constantly nervous here. I'm always looking for ways to relax. So hard to be in a disciplined track.

Although it feels kinda embarrassing to reveal myself this much, I think honest contributions would also support astrology's collecting right data for the future predictions of the aspects and I revealed myself this much because I need to connect to somewhere to pour out my heart and I don't want to be insincere and I need wisdom and experience of the people here. And I think that's also respectful to be brutally honest rather than changing the things or completely hiding the truth. This also wouldn't help the astrologers who are willing to share their wisdom.

So the situation is this.

What's your recommendations? To me, although Jupiter/MC line here is pretty promising, the cons are so f*cked up that, I think I need to move to a different location. Because I got my asylum from Estonia, I have some obligations and responsibilities, I need to learn its language and this place has to be my HQ but I don't have to live here all the time, and because Estonia is a part of EU, it's possible to live different places within entire Europe.

My life purpose is to actualize myself in a musical way and learn about the unknown as much as I can before I die. I have so many stories that I wanna tell with melodies and songs. I wanna be immortal that way, with my art. And I'm aware that I'm musically extremely talented, there's a composition machine in my brain that automatically works all the time. Mozart had this as well. I don't need inspiration to create music, I always have 7/24 inspiration. And even though I'm lazy and self-destructive, it takes so less for me to make what I wanna make in art. And that's something I'm angry with myself. Although I am extremely talented in music, I don't work enough or I can't. If I only do, I know I'm gonna be in top 10 music producers of the whole world. Most probably the best even. That's why I'm looking for a fundamental solutions. Because with this extreme loneliness and with a f*cked up health and with somewhat perverted mind, how can I be successful here? Or even if I was going to be successful here, I don't want to have it if it's gonna cost my overall happiness and wellbeing or if it's gonna damage my honor and dignity in in despicable ways! (Once I learned that the zodiac Scorpio in the ancient times was framed either with Eagle or Snake, for it has a potential to be both, either the wise, honorable and spiritually high like an eagle or could be get involved in most humiliating indulgences and actions like a snake)

I need your help about this. I need to discover a new place to live or a new method to cope with these things. Because it feels like, except these musical dealings and except my sense of humor, me myself doesn't feel like me! This place also made me extremely introverted. I went from having tons of people around me to be completely lonely. (Might be related to my 12th house stellium because I'm either a leader and lonely at the top, or noone and lonely at the bottom) Saturn is already in my 3rd house in Aquarius on my natal chart and I have harsh Saturn squares, which makes me an outsider even in my own homeland in the way of thinking and this place literally adds on it in very wrong ways. And not only Sun trine Jupiter recently got activated but also Mars opposition Neptune and Mars opposition Uranus started yesterday. And this gives more concerns about the future. But deep down within me I also feel like I'll be able to overcome these things. Maybe writing these things here is a part of that search of healing.

I want to be simply a good person in every way possible, and I want order in my life but chaos is catching me either externally or internally. I'm waiting to hear for your recommendations and interpretations.
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Also for learning the truth, and to encourage astrologers, I declare that I can also pay for any effort they show, if they want. I really need to solve this mystery to move forward in my life.
This might be a bit long and somewhat disturbing for I'm gonna be telling some dark sides of mine as well (ps: I might delete those things later on if I feel obsessively uncomfortable for sharing those things about myself to protect my public image) but long texts are not a big deal for curious people like us I guess. I wanna give more info than I should for you to understand the situation better. I discovered locational astrology around 2-3 years ago, but I discovered the complete version of it just 1.5 months ago. I was only checking the longitudes as it seems here:

And then this summer I was traveling to different locations, and Valencia seemed extremely good for musical creativity and such, and I also went there to test it. After having some colliding experiences, I tried to see what I'm missing and I realized for all these years I was doing this in an incomplete way. I realized, I missed this "show details" button on astro.com:

And after I activated this, I was in shock. I didn't know we also have to look at the latitudes alongside the longitudes. That completed the picture. And then I also checked where I normally live (Estonia) and wondered if it's written what was my problem there and yes, it was saying it's gonna be a lonely place etc. I'm also mentioning about this in my introductory topic here.

What gave me chills more is, when I come back from 3 months of traveling Europe, I was reading all the lines' explanations again and it was saying something specific like "on this location, unpleasant surprises could come in the form of necessary repairs or outstanding debts." and then I realized I was gonna meet the house owner in few days for repairing my two windows and fixing my radiators, and also because I spent all my money to travelling this summer, I had neglected to pay one of my hire purchase and it was also showing up like something bothering and that moment I wanted to learn more and more.
I won't bother by telling everything I experienced one by one in different locations now to not extend this topic too much but I just wanted to give the main theme.

As soon as I returned from Paris, the first week of where I live was like okay but I started to feel the deterioration slightly day by day and let me tell you what happened to my health within 3 weeks:

-My diarrhea came back (no matter how healthy I try to eat, or change the water brands I use, nothing literally works)
-One of my back tooth got broken
-I started to have fungus on my fingers
-I started to have back and waist pain
-I started to feel lack of energy
-I psychologically started to feel extremely uneasy
-Even my sexual thoughts got weird here by mars/chiron line (and also I guess uranus/moon's nodes is related to this) which wasn't happening when I was in different locations, literally at nowhere.

And the pros are nobody is disturbing me, I'm completely lonely also in a good meaning, and I'm having enough time to work on music production so nothing much disrupts my focus and because I don't go out (not only because of lack of friends but also because the climate sucks, very cold, and yea because I also can't connect with the society.) I'm being able to focus on my job. As long as my physical or mental health allows me.

In Paris, my dreams were like more career focused, and more positive and I had decided to stop smoking there and I was like "after I go back to Estonia, I'll stop smoking and I'll make a new beginning." but boom, this place's effects are so harsh that I only could stand 8 days. And then relapsed. And those 8 days were like an extra torture for disrupting my body's homeostasis. I'm a stoner here for a year and before that I was an alcoholic here. Because I literally can't stand the sobriety here and it makes me use extra substances to relax. I'm constantly nervous here. I'm always looking for ways to relax. So hard to be in a disciplined track.

Although it feels kinda embarrassing to reveal myself this much, I think honest contributions would also support astrology's collecting right data for the future predictions of the aspects and I revealed myself this much because I need to connect to somewhere to pour out my heart and I don't want to be insincere and I need wisdom and experience of the people here. And I think that's also respectful to be brutally honest rather than changing the things or completely hiding the truth. This also wouldn't help the astrologers who are willing to share their wisdom.

So the situation is this.

What's your recommendations? To me, although Jupiter/MC line here is pretty promising, the cons are so f*cked up that, I think I need to move to a different location. Because I got my asylum from Estonia, I have some obligations and responsibilities, I need to learn its language and this place has to be my HQ but I don't have to live here all the time, and because Estonia is a part of EU, it's possible to live different places within entire Europe.

My life purpose is to actualize myself in a musical way and learn about the unknown as much as I can before I die. I have so many stories that I wanna tell with melodies and songs. I wanna be immortal that way, with my art. And I'm aware that I'm musically extremely talented, there's a composition machine in my brain that automatically works all the time. Mozart had this as well. I don't need inspiration to create music, I always have 7/24 inspiration. And even though I'm lazy and self-destructive, it takes so less for me to make what I wanna make in art. And that's something I'm angry with myself. Although I am extremely talented in music, I don't work enough or I can't. If I only do, I know I'm gonna be in top 10 music producers of the whole world. Most probably the best even. That's why I'm looking for a fundamental solutions. Because with this extreme loneliness and with a f*cked up health and perverted mind, how can I be successful here? Or even if I was going to be successful here, I don't want to have it if it's gonna cost my overall happiness and wellbeing! If it's gonna f*ck my honor and dignity in in despicable ways! (Once I learned that the zodiac Scorpio in the ancient times was framed either with Eagle or Snake, for it has a potential to be both, either the wise, honorable and spiritually high like an eagle or could be get involved in most humiliating indulgences and actions like a snake)

I need your help about this. I need to discover a new place to live or a new method to cope with these things. Because it feels like, except these musical dealings and except my sense of humor, me myself doesn't feel like me! This place also made me extremely introverted. I went from having tons of people around me to be completely lonely. (Might be related to my 12th house stellium because I'm either a leader and lonely at the top, or noone and lonely at the bottom) Saturn is already in my 3rd house in Aquarius on my natal chart and I have harsh Saturn squares, which makes me an outsider even in my own homeland in the way of thinking and this place literally adds on it in very wrong ways. And not only Sun trine Jupiter recently got activated but also Mars opposition Neptune and Mars opposition Uranus started yesterday. And this gives more concerns about the future. But deep down within me I also feel like I'll be able to overcome these things. Maybe writing these things here is a part of that search of healing.
astrocartography, the astrology of travel & relocation
can be used to find the best places to live in the world
a discussion ith astrologers Helena Woods & Chris Brennan.
Astrocartography was developed 1970s by astrologer Jim Lewis
& has become a popular application
of the astrology of how your location
in different parts of the world
can emphasize different parts of your birth chart.
Astrocartography is an extension of relocational astrology
where the birth chart is recalculated
for different locations on Earth
- uses an innovative graphic imaging approach
to visualize the planetary lines of power across the globe :)

An introduction to astrocartography
& overview of how it works
also discuss some chart examples
to demonstrate how it can be used in practice. :)
Helena specializes in astrocartography
has a popular YouTube channel where she shares
vlogs of her travels around the world.

I want to be simply a good person in every way possible, and I'd like to be a loyal man in a regular satisfactory relationship if you ask me, I want order in my life but chaos is catching me either externally or internally. I'm waiting to hear for your recommendations and interpretations.
Also for learning the truth, and to encourage astrologers, I declare that I can also pay for any effort they show, if they want. I really need to solve this mystery to move forward in my life.

Please know that you should take your own risks
if you decide to trust someone else with their astrological services
as this forum does not undertake any responsibility
for any astrological services
especially those offered against a fee :)
via this forum in any form:
through public forums or chat
private messages or emails.

astrocartography, the astrology of travel & relocation
can be used to find the best places to live in the world
a discussion ith astrologers Helena Woods & Chris Brennan.
Astrocartography was developed 1970s by astrologer Jim Lewis
& has become a popular application
of the astrology of how your location

in different parts of the world
can emphasize different parts of your birth chart.
Astrocartography is an extension of relocational astrology
where the birth chart is recalculated
for different locations on Earth
- uses an innovative graphic imaging approach
to visualize the planetary lines of power across the globe :)

An introduction to astrocartography
& overview of how it works

also discuss some chart examples
to demonstrate how it can be used in practice. :)
Helena specializes in astrocartography

has a popular YouTube channel where she shares
vlogs of her travels around the world.

Thank you for sharing this. I'll try to watch and try to contact Helena if possible about this.