IMP:Should he continue working here or should he move on?

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Dec 9, 2015
Should my husband continue working in his current job or should he move on?

He is a workaholic, he is the one who is up at the office till late nights. When all other colleagues are partying or sleeping, he is working hard. His promotion is due since last year, but instead he got low raise this time which wasn't expected at all. I see his dedication everyday, this has really upset us and I suggested him that its time to move on (they already promoted someone local, so it has got him into thinking about what company would be planning for him), Currently we are in Mexico and I suggested to look for the opportunities in USA although he doesn't have work visa, so its gonna be tough, long and complicated.
So should he keep on working here (of course its a well know mnc, a good company, could there be a promotion in the near future) or should he move on?

There is also a job in his company at another location - San Francisco. Job is in little different domain and he says it wont be easy to execute, he doesnt have courage for that domain and of course as soon as he applies, his current manager (who just go promoted) will be notified first. I suggested internal transfer could be the best way to get visa. But this situation is very risky and dicey. I had casted a chart for this yesterday.

So what should he do?


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you asked two questions while the bottom line is whether he should leave his let's cut a long story short.
it's your question so in the last chart question he is mars=l7

leaving this job will be better for him..this job=moon is not good and mars soon to enter his exaltation !!!!there's no need to analyze why the job is not good, you already know that..and is besieged between two malefics and in via-combusta and soon to enter her fall. (also in the other chart again his job is in his fall as sun)

Still i would advise you to refrain yourself from third party questions in such is always better to ask for himself, this way the chart can give a clearer picture
Thank you AriaVenue. But what do you say about this job and visa in San Francisco! As I mentioned, its in the same company another location, so if he applies and if it doesn't work out, it will be really messy. This was the first chart I had casted and we talked about the possibilities. And he doesn't feel ready for that job, and I felt he was not willing to apply for it. I asked him about it again today & he said lets see. So the next day, it got into my mind, if he should leave or not, so I casted chart. When I came here to take help, I felt lets attach both the charts rather than starting two different threads.

So will they hire him and and will they do the visa? And are you suggesting that he should ask & we make a new chart?
let him ask when he is ready to do so.
i said both charts say that his job/company is not good..cause overall you mentioned about how his company treats him, its not the actual duties that he dislikes..he doesn't take what he deserves, he is not appreciated for his efforts and his daily struggle and that can be seen also since in the one chart moon(his job) in mars detriment, in the other one where he is jupiter in his term and fall he is under the domicile of saturn, while his job-position=sun (in his fall) also under saturn and if the other job-position you said is saturn (l10)(cause your question was like if he applies will he take that in that case the job is not his job yet so we speak about raxix 10th) still saturn in jupiter's i don't think that taking another position in that company would be great help.if we regard this as his turned 11th(should he keep his current job or apply for an internal transfer to the other position), while his current one is his turned 10th then mercury=turned 11th(next position), though in jupiter's domicile is severely debilitated also and soon to get retrograde.a " should i"question is not judged the same way as a "will i " question

if he leaves though the second chart tells also that he will find a decent job.So there's no use to complicate your questions while they are also third party ones.
still, let him ask the questions so we can be sure about the receptions also and please let him do that when he feels so_Otherwise we end with charts that someone says he asked about something while in reality, he asks for something else and this is confusing and you won't get a clear answer.
then you are mixing a visa with a if in reality, he needs a visa to work to a company the problem is the visa, not the company. if indeed there is such a case where an internal transfer can take place without a visa then you have to clarify this out.But you cant mix all these questions in a chart, while its not his question to begin with and moroever they are both ypothetical.dont expect the chart to tell you if this going to happen in a should i question...he needs to make all the necessary steps first ..application he can ask..will i take this job? if he never applies for a job/visa etc...for sure he won't get it.a should i question speaks about whether this idea will be favorable to him or not.

So leaving this job will be favorable to him
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will i take this job? if he never applies for a job/visa etc...for sure he won't get it.a should i question speaks about whether this idea will be favorable to him or not.

Yes, I was thinking about this 'should I' thing already. I got your points and much clarity and thanks for that. Anyways he mentioned yesterday, that he wont be applying to this internal position. So if he sees any opportunity elsewhere and applies to it, and feels to ask a question, then I will post a chart. But I am much more into astrology not him, but when something really bothers him, once in a while he asks a question and tells me exact question (of course, little bit of training there :smile:), as he has never cast the chart by himself. So he asked, I created the chart and posted. In that case also, it becomes very difficult whether he gets the ascendant or me. But about these two questions, I asked those for him. So will post a chart when he asks a question. But if he asks by himself, should he cast his own chart and post it or I can do that for him, I mean just the process part? And if I do the process, who gets the ascendant?
will i take this job? if he never applies for a job/visa etc...for sure he won't get it.a should i question speaks about whether this idea will be favorable to him or not.

Yes, I was thinking about this 'should I' thing already. I got your points and much clarity and thanks for that. Anyways he mentioned yesterday, that he wont be applying to this internal position. So if he sees any opportunity elsewhere and applies to it, and feels to ask a question, then I will post a chart. But I am much more into astrology not him, but when something really bothers him, once in a while he asks a question and tells me exact question (of course, little bit of training there :smile:), as he has never cast the chart by himself. So he asked, I created the chart and posted. In that case also, it becomes very difficult whether he gets the ascendant or me. But about these two questions, I asked those for him. So will post a chart when he asks a question. But if he asks by himself, should he cast his own chart and post it or I can do that for him, I mean just the process part? And if I do the process, who gets the ascendant?

"But about these two questions, I asked those for him." so these are your questions or his? please explain this to me .did he ask and you simply cast the chart ?or you asked?

i understand you don't know astrology or horary but my dear you must try at least to read some basic rules before you post a chart here...and always try to learn..and participate.

if these(the above charts...should he leave? should he apply for the other job? )were your questions then you take the asc=l1 and he is l7=dc, cause he is your spouse...and then we have to check also the derived houses for him (third party question)

if these questions were asked by him and you simply cast the chart cause he doesn't know how to do it(the process as you said)..then is still his question, not yours, so he becomes l1, meaning he takes the asc
in that case you don't phrase your question as "should he leave? but "should i leave?" cause your husband is the one who asks.

another example:

if you are worried about your child's education grades whatever and suddenly a question pops out in your mind asking: will my child get good grades at his school?will he pass his class? then this is your question not your child's.So you take the asc and your child is l5.
but if your child comes and tell you..i am worried about my grades...will i manage to pass the class? then your child becomes l1=he takes the asc.he is the one who asks, not you..keeping in mind of course that he knows that you can cast the chart for him.

your sister comes and tells you...i wonder if i will take that job? and she knows you can cast a chart for her..then it's her question, so she takes l1=asc.if she didn't tell you..can you please cast the chart for me..and you simply want to see whether she will take the job, then you are the asc, and your sister takes l3, you are the one who asks because you are interested to your sister's welfare ...and so forth

i hope you understand now how this works.
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