Improper Applications of Astrology

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Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Throughout one's astrological studies, it is inevitable that a student should discover at least one article that does not appear to provide any meaningful astrological insight, but rather simply affirms the superiority of the native through astrological means. I had originally posted my opinions of this matter on the thread planets on your angles: born to rule?? before belatedly arriving at this realization: the article Howl provided was certainly not the worst example I have come across, yet for whatever reason, it was the impetus needed to bring the subject of improper applications of astrology to the forefront of my mind.

The intention of this thread is not to accuse or belittle, but rather to discuss the various ways in which astrology can be used as yet another means of superficial comparison in a media-infested world and raise our awareness so that we may avoid these pitfalls ourselves.

Arian Maverick
Arian, thanks - I should have been a bit more careful reading the intro to the article. Seems there's more than just the 'little bias' that I originally registered.

The information contained may still prove of some use (ie - planets on the angles having a notably strong influence) but I am sorry for referring people to an article that talks about 'classes' of people, without at least applying my own critical disclaimer more clearly.

So sorry people, I do not believe that planets on angles actually mean you are born to rule, I do hope that that was apparent. The title of that thread was an innatentive attempt to excuse the inadequacy of the writing :). I posted the it because I'm interested in planets on angles and this was the most detailed info I could find.

If I wanted to use it I should have been clearer about what I was actually referring to (planets on angles having a distinct and strong energy) and seperated that from what I also think is hogwash (that one person is more likely or able to succeed/be influential/rule/whatever). I shall be more vigilant in future....
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Howl, you have nothing to apologize for! ;)

I believe all the members of this forum are interconnected and each post is submitted at the appropriate time...

Arian Maverick
I have no real objections to that article's premise or implications, mainly because one of the earliest application of astrology was to determine a person's potential for power, wealth and success. Why. afterall, do some many Chinese try to have babies during the Year of teh Dragon, the year in their calender that is most strongly associated with those things? This isn't modern or superficial trappings. We need to appreciate teh history of astrology - that it's has been used to do things we may now find politically incorrect, like plan wars and arranged marriages. It has certainly likewise been used to divine a person's potential as a ruler, leader, or holder of wealth and power.

We may not think this is PC now, but we have to accept that people have been using astrology in this way for many centuries. So even if you do not improve, just remember that much of the wisdom that has been passed down to you was gathered through the use of astrology in these ways.
Well said, no body of knowledge is without it's historical roots. I would just prefer to use it critically. It seems more valid to me that astrology inform us of 'how' we can best do things, rather than 'what' we can do.
I think the "born to rule" title is a bit much but I didn't really interpret like it that way. We know that many people with a significant number of angular planets in their charts don't tend to born to rule. Really, at their highest, they will be leaders and the greatest initiators to the projects of life. At the lowest, they will be the initiators of pressing the button on their TV remote control. :) I'm somewhere in the middle
I believe my original intention for creating this thread has been misunderstood: I never wished to target Howl, whose contribution to this forum I respect greatly.

If you view my posts, especially those at the beginning of a thread, you may notice that I tend to provide background information even if it is not strictly relevant to the given topic.

I apologize for the confusion! :eek:

Arian Maverick
As this is a thread on improper application of astrology, I'd like to get your opinions on a scenario and ask whether you would view this as improper.

Scenario (and it actually happened - I know the people involved) : Person A went into business with Person B; a joint venture. Person B having managed to collect the correct birth data for each employee within the organisation, including person A - went and consulted Astrologer X without their permission. The purpose of the consultation was to determine which triggers to use on each person in order to manipulate them into doing what Person B wanted them to. Person A found out about this after the joint venture crumbled - but lost a lot of capital in the process, almost leading to bankruptcy for Person A. Understandably, Person A now has a rather jaundiced view of Astrology as a whole.

Firstly, does Person B as employer of the people have the right to consult an astrologer with their details, without their permission? They usually do background checks etc on every prospective employee ... isn't this just another way of going about it?

Secondly, is trying to find the best way to manipulate a person through the triggers in their chart inherently a 'not-nice' thing to do? Don't we all in different ways - not necessarily astrologically - try and find ways to manipulate people ... at the end of the day, social niceties is just a polite word for the same.

Thirdly, is the astrologer who is willing to do such a consultation in the wrong? Are they a 'stain' on the good name of astrology? Is this an improper use of Astrology?

Your thoughts and ideas would be welcomed :)
How NOT to use astrology


Firstly - an employer can use astrology to better understand a person and to see what potential issues would be between employer and employee. This is not much different than doing some type of psychological analysis during the hiring practice, which is relatively common in some businesses.

Secondly - Manipulating people, although it may be common, is not the right thing to do. Helping people to decide what to do with their life, make better choices...YES. Manipulating people, getting them to do what we want whether or not it is best for the other person...NO. There are many things people do every day to other people: murder, steal, abuse, control them...this does NOT make such behavior right.

Thirdly - Any astrologer who knowingly participates in a scheme to help one person to manipulate another person is definitely in the wrong. Astrology should be a tool for bettering people not for abusing or controlling them. The astrologer's name should be made public and he/she should be shunned by everyone for any future astrological services. By making consequences for those who abuse astrology we can help to make the astrological experience better for all.

Thinking ideally,

Re: How NOT to use astrology

You're so right about 'thinking ideally' Tim. I'm just amazed sometimes by humans as a species. I wish I could make their names public, but the damage to the unwitting victims makes this difficult.

I agree with you. I just thought I'd pose the question on an unbiased forum - the astrological community in SA is a small one, and the amount of politics is absolutely astounding.
that, of course, is assuming the astrologer "knew" person b's intentions.
Could have just been a consulting on who is in the right positions, etc.

Of course, a competent astrologer always erects a "horary" chart for any consultation! for many reasons, the above "i.e." intentions of the querent being just one of them.
I believe the premise of the site [reported as a spamming attack site] is absolutely absurd and is yet another example of improper applications of astrology:

[deleted overly long quote - Moderator]

Arian Maverick
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I believe the premise of the site The Best Times to be Born is absolutely absurd and is yet another example of improper applications of astrology:

A.M. The article may well have been written 'tongue in cheek' regarding the implication of, and adherence to some astrological notions; i.e. "according to astrology." Although anyone going to such lengths to produce the statistical data to use to conceive the 'perfect being', even in skepticism, must surely him/herself be expressing a strong Virgo temperament!:D

Throughout one's astrological studies, it is inevitable that a student should discover at least one article that does not appear to provide any meaningful astrological insight, but rather simply affirms the superiority of the native through astrological means. I had originally posted my opinions of this matter on the thread planets on your angles: born to rule?? before belatedly arriving at this realization: the article Howl provided was certainly not the worst example I have come across, yet for whatever reason, it was the impetus needed to bring the subject of improper applications of astrology to the forefront of my mind.

The intention of this thread is not to accuse or belittle, but rather to discuss the various ways in which astrology can be used as yet another means of superficial comparison in a media-infested world and raise our awareness so that we may avoid these pitfalls ourselves.

Arian Maverick
As a Communist Revolutionary, we don't need to be superior to utilize the positive things in our natal charts, and the superiority that we want to become is actually because of the wants of the 3-dimensional human nature, but not the real wants of the 5D human nature, and our 5D nature doesn't need to be superior, it only needs happiness and positiveness, and not superficial things like money, power, superiority and so on.