Indication of divorce and second marriage?

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Jun 8, 2010
Hello everyone,

I need some help to interpret my natal chart to see if it indicates a divorce and a second marriage.

My marriage is currently undergoing a tough time and I am under Pluto Conjunct Venus transit. My current husband is very controlling and I just realize he has been emotionally and financially abusive to me so it is highly likely we are getting a divorce.

Looking at my chart, 7th house is empty in Aries which has Mars as its ruler in 10th house. But Mars is placed in Cancer which is Retrograde and debilitated. And since it is in Cancer, my husband is indeed from the same country. Mars opposite Venus which is the ruler of 8th house - money so we had a lot of arguments regarding money. Venus in also in the 4th house so there is a lot of domestic unrest and argument. Is there anything else you can see from my chart?

With regards to the second marriage if I am going for the divorce, will it be dictated by the 9th house? How would you interpret my 9th house?
The question you ask might be answered better by Horary.
"Will there be a divorce from my husband?".
The natal chart can show possibilities, but not how you will actually materialise those possibilities.
Culture, traditions, financial considerations, children, all play a part in taking such an important step as ending a marriage. .
In the chart we might find indications, but not certainty.
Traditionally, mutable signs are more indicative of accepting change in a life situation, fixed signs less so.
Also, the presence of Mars in difficult aspects, and Saturn or Uranus in the 7th or in negative aspect with the 7th ruler.
In your chart Aires is on the 7th house, and this is a sign that is ego-oriented, and individualistic.
Its ruler mars, however, is in cancer, a sign that wants a family and home life, and generally respects traditions.
Mars in a separating opposition to the ascendent ruler Venus shows a tendency towards conflict with the partner, that could be born of differences about career and home life.
Ascendent in libra apparently wants a partner, and its ruler Venus is in the 4th house of family, but it is in Capricorn, a sign that is ambitious and expresses itself outside the home. So there is some contradiction here.
In addition, the sun, symbolically representative of the male figures in a woman's life, including a husband, is in inconjunct aspect with the moon of emotions. So we know there will tend to be an uncomfortable fit between the native and the partner, with strained emotional satisfaction.
Moon is in Taurus, an excellent place for moon, and here the emotions seek tradition, solid roots, routine, financial ease. On the cusp of the partner's 2nd house, it will seek financial security from the partner.
When compared to the sun in sagittarius entering the 3rd house, there is a drive towards freedom, risk taking, spiritual not material wealth, a desire to belong to the World and not be restrained within the walls of the home that become stifling.
So the native have an inborn conflict towards partnership, and marriage.
And this was also reflected in the mars/venus separating aspect.
So there is both a need for security and a desire for adventure. The instinct of building a family, but without being too tied down.
Not easy to reconcile, but not impossible.
The conflict is repeated in the Sun square Vertex, which is in effect a symbolic descendent in the chart.
Again, not quite fitting into the marriage mold.
Further, moon will square Chiron, the asteroid that wounds itself while helping others. The theme of this same conflict repeats itself.
Then there is the Part of Divorce, conjunct Sun. This is a natural tendency of the individual, and this can be divorce of a marriage or separation of relationships. Sun in Sagittarius needs its freedom.
Finally, in the 4th of endings (as well as family and home) we find both Uranus and Neptune, both in square to the ascendent/descendent.
Uranus is the planet Par Excellence of freedom and disruption, while Neptune deludes, disappoints and dissolves.
The Part of Marriage in this chart is at 3 Scorpio. It does not aspect anything in the chart.
Further, the marriage asteroid Juno squares Jupiter, the marriage planet.
Part of Fortune near moon at the cusp of the partner's 2nd house, squares Saturn who rules the 5th of children, as well as love affairs.
So, we understand that in any marriage/partnership situation, this native will always be in conflict, will always be looking over the hill for the end of the rainbow as dictated by sagittarius, while at the same time seeking a solid rock close by where they can anchor themselves emotionally.
North Node, our guiding light and North Star where we should head towards in this lifetime, is near the Sun in Sagittarius. It is inconjunct both emotional moon, and also descendent Mars.
This is a case of deciding to compromise oneself to remain committed to a marriage partner, or rather to live an open marriage that will provide both freedom and security.
That Part of Marriage in the 2nd house repeats the idea of financial security in the marriage state, which will also bolster the sense of self esteem.
And because these energies and contradictions are all within the native itself, in reality it doesn't matter which partner is chosen, the conflict will work itself out even with the best choice.
It's really a case of what type of commitment to make, rather than what type of partner to choose.
The same theme repeats itself again and again in this chart. It will be a lifetime theme.

Returning to the original post, you are currently in a marriage but thinking about divorce and a future partner.
This exactly defines the conflict described in the chart.
When you find a new partner, the same story could repeat itself, over and over.
The need is to find a recognition within yourself of this conflict, that will help you to arrive at a solution.
The solution will most probably always be a compromise.
This is not to say your current husband was a negative or a positive choice, it could very well be that you have good grounds for divorce.
But consider carefully what you want your future to be before committing yourself.
It's a very interesting chart, that could manifest in a very stimulating life.
It's the picture of a couple living on a yacht and sailing around the world without a set destination, living off a pension. Just an example.
Nothing wrong with that, is there?
And there are many variations of the theme that fit this chart.
Make a list, how do you envision yourself and your life in the future.
That could set you on a positive pathway.
The ruler of L7 mars has an aspect with uranus (though not a durect light but) through the neptune. The 7th cusp covers two sign indicates a possibilities of 2 marriages.
The ruler of L7 mars has an aspect with uranus (though not a durect light but) through the neptune
It's about 11 degrees, a bit too wide, don't you think?
Although it would still remain within the theme of the chart.

The 7th cusp covers two sign indicates a possibilities of 2 marriages.
Unless you do a whole sign chart, this will usually occur in all houses.
The question you ask might be answered better by Horary.
"Will there be a divorce from my husband?".
The natal chart can show possibilities, but not how you will actually materialise those possibilities.
Culture, traditions, financial considerations, children, all play a part in taking such an important step as ending a marriage. .
In the chart we might find indications, but not certainty.
Traditionally, mutable signs are more indicative of accepting change in a life situation, fixed signs less so.
Also, the presence of Mars in difficult aspects, and Saturn or Uranus in the 7th or in negative aspect with the 7th ruler.
In your chart Aires is on the 7th house, and this is a sign that is ego-oriented, and individualistic.
Its ruler mars, however, is in cancer, a sign that wants a family and home life, and generally respects traditions.
Mars in a separating opposition to the ascendent ruler Venus shows a tendency towards conflict with the partner, that could be born of differences about career and home life.
Ascendent in libra apparently wants a partner, and its ruler Venus is in the 4th house of family, but it is in Capricorn, a sign that is ambitious and expresses itself outside the home. So there is some contradiction here.
In addition, the sun, symbolically representative of the male figures in a woman's life, including a husband, is in inconjunct aspect with the moon of emotions. So we know there will tend to be an uncomfortable fit between the native and the partner, with strained emotional satisfaction.
Moon is in Taurus, an excellent place for moon, and here the emotions seek tradition, solid roots, routine, financial ease. On the cusp of the partner's 2nd house, it will seek financial security from the partner.
When compared to the sun in sagittarius entering the 3rd house, there is a drive towards freedom, risk taking, spiritual not material wealth, a desire to belong to the World and not be restrained within the walls of the home that become stifling.
So the native have an inborn conflict towards partnership, and marriage.
And this was also reflected in the mars/venus separating aspect.
So there is both a need for security and a desire for adventure. The instinct of building a family, but without being too tied down.
Not easy to reconcile, but not impossible.
The conflict is repeated in the Sun square Vertex, which is in effect a symbolic descendent in the chart.
Again, not quite fitting into the marriage mold.
Further, moon will square Chiron, the asteroid that wounds itself while helping others. The theme of this same conflict repeats itself.
Then there is the Part of Divorce, conjunct Sun. This is a natural tendency of the individual, and this can be divorce of a marriage or separation of relationships. Sun in Sagittarius needs its freedom.
Finally, in the 4th of endings (as well as family and home) we find both Uranus and Neptune, both in square to the ascendent/descendent.
Uranus is the planet Par Excellence of freedom and disruption, while Neptune deludes, disappoints and dissolves.
The Part of Marriage in this chart is at 3 Scorpio. It does not aspect anything in the chart.
Further, the marriage asteroid Juno squares Jupiter, the marriage planet.
Part of Fortune near moon at the cusp of the partner's 2nd house, squares Saturn who rules the 5th of children, as well as love affairs.
So, we understand that in any marriage/partnership situation, this native will always be in conflict, will always be looking over the hill for the end of the rainbow as dictated by sagittarius, while at the same time seeking a solid rock close by where they can anchor themselves emotionally.
North Node, our guiding light and North Star where we should head towards in this lifetime, is near the Sun in Sagittarius. It is inconjunct both emotional moon, and also descendent Mars.
This is a case of deciding to compromise oneself to remain committed to a marriage partner, or rather to live an open marriage that will provide both freedom and security.
That Part of Marriage in the 2nd house repeats the idea of financial security in the marriage state, which will also bolster the sense of self esteem.
And because these energies and contradictions are all within the native itself, in reality it doesn't matter which partner is chosen, the conflict will work itself out even with the best choice.
It's really a case of what type of commitment to make, rather than what type of partner to choose.
The same theme repeats itself again and again in this chart. It will be a lifetime theme.

Returning to the original post, you are currently in a marriage but thinking about divorce and a future partner.
This exactly defines the conflict described in the chart.
When you find a new partner, the same story could repeat itself, over and over.
The need is to find a recognition within yourself of this conflict, that will help you to arrive at a solution.
The solution will most probably always be a compromise.
This is not to say your current husband was a negative or a positive choice, it could very well be that you have good grounds for divorce.
But consider carefully what you want your future to be before committing yourself.
It's a very interesting chart, that could manifest in a very stimulating life.
It's the picture of a couple living on a yacht and sailing around the world without a set destination, living off a pension. Just an example.
Nothing wrong with that, is there?
And there are many variations of the theme that fit this chart.
Make a list, how do you envision yourself and your life in the future.
That could set you on a positive pathway.
Wow Elena. You described the conflict so well. What happened with my current marriage is the fact he is overcontrolling and abusive and my conflict with his mother who has been emotionally abusive to me for 7 years.

I migrated to overseas many years ago and live in a society where men are equal to women. There is a cultural conflict where I realize I don't act and behave like how it is expected of my culture whereas he represents that culture.

There are many interesting points you raised in the post. How do I calculate Part of Marriage and Part of Divorce in

And the 8th house the partner's 2nd house since it the second house counting from the 1st house? But if I have a second marriage, the 10th house will represent his second house?

I think the Uranus and Neptune in 4th house reflect the fact I couldn't stay where I was born and indeed I left the country since I turned 18 and now I'm 31.

How would you interpret my 9th house? And I am reading the book by Carol Rushman where she said the 11th house reflects the second marriage. At the same time, she also uses the Sun applying aspects which I don't have any in my chart lol
Part of Marriage and Part of Divorce in
These along with many other Parts can be calculated on this link:
And the 8th house the partner's 2nd house since it the second house counting from the 1st house? But if I have a second marriage, the 10th house will represent his second house?

I think the Uranus and Neptune in 4th house reflect the fact I couldn't stay where I was born and indeed I left the country since I turned 18 and now I'm 31.
Yes, this could have been an effect of their position in the 4th, which is your "homeland".

How would you interpret my 9th house?
In what sense?

Carol Rushman where she said the 11th house reflects the second marriage
I'm not familiar with her work, she might be using the angles of the chart as reference.
In which case she might assign the 1st. house to a 3rd marriage.

the Sun applying aspects which I don't have any in my chart
This refers to developing energy and contact. The sun is the male figures in a woman's chart.
The sun in your chart will make a semi-sextile with Uranus and Neptune, and then Venus, and an inconjunct with mars.
I left the country since I turned 18
The 9th house in a natal chart is also foreign countries.
Your chart has gemini, ruled by mercury.
Mercury if you recall, will make a trine to retrograde mars, finding a partner/spose overseas.
Mercury approaches sun by conjunction and you moved more or less when that aspect was activated.

Also, you might learn more about your relationship with your husband if you post in Relational astrology, the two natal charts, with a synastry.
You can do the synastry chart, and a composite, both on
It could shed some light on the difficulties you are having in the relationship.
These along with many other Parts can be calculated on this link:


Yes, this could have been an effect of their position in the 4th, which is your "homeland".

In what sense?

I'm not familiar with her work, she might be using the angles of the chart as reference.
In which case she might assign the 1st. house to a 3rd marriage.

This refers to developing energy and contact. The sun is the male figures in a woman's chart.
The sun in your chart will make a semi-sextile with Uranus and Neptune, and then Venus, and an inconjunct with mars.
In relation to the second marriage in the 9th house. Mercury would be the ruler of the 9th house and it is based in the 2nd house so again the security is what I am looking for? And Mercury conjunct Pluto which is the ruler of the 2nd house so the ruler of the 9th house - second husband conjunct ruler of 2nd house and trine my 10th house which is also his 2nd house.

Interestingly, my current husband has Ascendant in Cancer with Mars conjunct it but Mars is in Gemini but so close to Cancer so the Mars ruler in my chart in Cancer described him.

In terms of the Lot of Marriage and Lot of Divorce, I tried the calculator but didnt get the same answer as you. There are also many formulas for Part of Marriage. Which one did you use? Given I didnt tell you my birth details I understand its the reason why its hard to get the exact measurement.
Name me a person who doesn't! :ROFLMAO:
With Jupiter in 12th house, I recalled sitting on a motorcycle with my cousins in my home country with my uncle driving and suddenly he drove too fast and I fell to the ground. Surprisingly, no other motorcycles behind me drove past me and hit me nor I got serious injuries from that. After learning about astrology later, I realize maybe that was Jupiter in 12th house at work.
The 9th house in a natal chart is also foreign countries.
Your chart has gemini, ruled by mercury.
Mercury if you recall, will make a trine to retrograde mars, finding a partner/spose overseas.
Mercury approaches sun by conjunction and you moved more or less when that aspect was activated.

Also, you might learn more about your relationship with your husband if you post in Relational astrology, the two natal charts, with a synastry.
You can do the synastry chart, and a composite, both on
It could shed some light on the difficulties you are having in the relationship.
Interesting, where i live right now, Sun conjunct my Ascendant. And if we don't count Chiron and asteroids, Sun is the singleton of my chart. It is the only element in Fire. I wonder how do we interpret singleton?
Sorry herokangta, but there seems to be a bit of confusion on this thread.
What type of chart did you want to post?

Whose chart did you post?
It was my chart but I didnt tell you my DOB and Birth place so maybe thats why the measurement of Part of Marriage may not be exact?