Indication of divorce and second marriage

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
Hello everyone,

I need some help to interpret my natal chart to see if it indicates a divorce and a second marriage.

My marriage is currently undergoing a tough time and I am under Pluto Conjunct Venus transit. My current husband is very controlling and I just realize he has been emotionally and financially abusive to me so it is highly likely we are getting a divorce.

Looking at my chart, 7th house is empty in Aries which has Mars as its ruler in 10th house. But Mars is placed in Cancer which is Retrograde and debilitated. And since it is in Cancer, my husband is indeed from the same country. Mars opposite Venus which is the ruler of 8th house - money so we had a lot of arguments regarding money. Venus in also in the 4th house so there is a lot of domestic unrest and argument. Is there anything else you can see from my chart?

With regards to the second marriage if I am going for the divorce, will it be dictated by the 9th house? How would you interpret my 9th house?


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