Indication of divorce or second marriage?

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Jun 8, 2010
Hello everyone,

I need some help to interpret my natal chart to see if it indicates a divorce and a second marriage.

My marriage is currently undergoing a tough time. My current husband is very controlling and I just realize he has been emotionally and financially abusive to me so it is highly likely we are getting a divorce.

Looking at my chart, 7th house is empty in Aries which has Mars as its ruler in 10th house. But Mars is placed in Cancer which is Retrograde and debilitated. And since it is in Cancer, my husband is indeed from the same country. Mars opposite Venus which is the ruler of 8th house - money so we had a lot of arguments regarding money. Venus in also in the 4th house so there is a lot of domestic unrest and argument. Is there anything else you can see from my chart?

With regards to the second marriage if I am going for the divorce, will it be dictated by the 9th house? How would you interpret my 9th house?

Chart reuploaded with added fixed stars.
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Hello everyone,I need some help to interpret my natal chart to see if it indicates a divorce and a second marriage.
My marriage is currently undergoing a tough time and I am under Pluto Conjunct Venus transit. My current husband is very controlling and I just realize he has been emotionally and financially abusive to me so it is highly likely we are getting a divorce.
Your post is not traditional if it includes Modernistic Outers
If your post treats any of them as astrological planets, it belongs in
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If you want to post to ask why traditional astrologers don't use those planets
do so anywhere but this board or Modern Astrology
or search the other boards for an existing discussion on that.

It is not respectful to come into someone's house and demand why they don't do things your way.

Members who wish to explore a combination of traditional and modern ideas
should feel free to start a new thread in an appropriate forum for further discussion.

Looking at my chart, 7th house is empty in Aries which has Mars as its ruler in 10th house. But Mars is placed in Cancer which is Retrograde and debilitated. And since it is in Cancer, my husband is indeed from the same country. Mars opposite Venus which is the ruler of 8th house - money so we had a lot of arguments regarding money. Venus in also in the 4th house so there is a lot of domestic unrest and argument. Is there anything else you can see from my chart?
With regards to the second marriage if I am going for the divorce, will it be dictated by the 9th house? How would you interpret my 9th house?

Good to know thank you
no problem at all :)

There are certain rules in Medieval Astrology
which can give quite good workable methods for delineating marriage.
The rules one can learn in a short period of time
but the practice is what is needed
in order that these rules
become second nature
in delineating such things as Marriage in the chart.

The Technique

Technical data
Part of Marriage for Men:

Part of Marriage for Women:

Moon Quarters:

From 0 degrees to 90 (New Moon to 1st quarter) = 1st QUARTER (Oriental)
From 90 to 180 = 2nd QUARTER (Occidental)
From 180 to 270 = 3rd QUARTER (Oriental)
From 270 to 360 = 4th QUARTER (Occidental)

Chart Quarters:
From AC to MC = Oriental Quarter (Masculine)
From MC to DC = Occidental Quarter (Feminine)
From DC to IC = Oriental Quarter (Masculine)
From IC to AC = Occidental Quarter (Feminine)

Oriental vs Occidental Planets in regard to their position with the Sun:
Inferior planets- (Venus and Mercury- behind the Sun are Oriental
before the Sun are occidental.
Superior planets - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
behind the Sun are occidental, before the Sun are oriental.

The Compound Almuten is very practical
in almost all methods used in medieval delineation.
Bonatti and other medievals were very fond of Compound Almutens.

Finding the Compound Almuten for Marriage:

Find the Rulers of all 5 dignities for these places:
1. 7th house cusp
2. Lord of the 7th house
3. Planets in 7th house (if any)
4. Moon
5. Venus
6. Part of Marriage (According to Hermes) (ASC + VE - SA) for Men.

The Planet which gets most points over these places is Almuten of Marriage.
But consider also if there are impediments to these places.
If there is affliction to 7th house
- by some Malefic's square or opposition
- to the Moon - aspect, combust, cadent, retrograde et al

Check whether one of the individiaul Almutens over these places
is joined to the Lord of the Ascendant or its Almuten
or the Lord of the 7th or its Almuten.
If they are in trine or sextile
& if especially in reception
then the native will rejoice in living beautiful life with his wife
according to his desire.

But if the aspects were without reception
or if the aspects were square or opposition

then the significations will be judged lower.

Timing of Marriage

According to Bonatti, if Venus is angular or succedent, fortunate & strong
- without afflictions
and the triplicity rulers of her sign are also fortunate & strong
& angular or succeden
and all - with Venus - are Oriental, signifies that
the man will contract marriage when young

& the marriage will bring him delight.

The same is with Moon, if she is in her First quarter
from new moon to 1st quarter
or in Third Quarter - from full moon to the third quarter
his marriage will be delayed somewhat more
and he will contract it with a young girl,
and he will be fortunate with woman,

but a little less then in the first example - with Venus.

If Venus is impeded, i.e. cadent, combust, retrograde, joined with malefics

and also her triplicity lords are impeded
and if she and the lords are occidental and are between the AC & IC
or between DC & MC,
or in the 2nd quarter of the Moon
or in the last - occidental quarters
it signifies that the marriage of the natus is a little postponed
and he will marry a little older woman in older years

and he will be unfortunate because of women.

But if Venus is fortunate and strong, angular or succedent
but her Lords were impede
then the native will marry a good & appropriate woman
but evil detriment follows that marriage
- because of the impeded lords
and you can judge the same for the vice versa example,
i.e. when Venus is impeded
but the lords of the triplicity are in good state
then the native marries inappropriate woman
but the marriage will bring him happiness.

Just to confirm, in Traditional chart, I will remove
How about Vertex
Modernistic - was created around 1929 by Edward Johndro
an astrologer who specialized in financial cycles.

and Part of Fortune?

Ancient traditional

Also, traditional also uses fixed stars correct?
The influence of the fixed stars differs from that of the planets
in being much more dramatic, sudden and violent.
As a rule planetary effects are gradual and operate comparatively slowly
whereas the stars exercise their influence in sudden, hard, vehement bursts
producing tremendous effects for short periods

bringing a series of dramatic and unexpected events.
Fixed stars may elevate from poverty to the extreme height of fortune
vice versa
whereas the planets do not do so.
Fixed stars do not operate alone, except perhaps in those cases where they are situated on angles :)
- their chief effect is transmitted by the planets.

They seem to form an underlying basis upon which the horoscope is built
and if a planet falls upon a star its effect is greatly magnified
giving it a prominence in the life that is quite unwarranted by its mere position and aspects in the map.
Cases are known to many astrologers
in which a certain planet in a horoscope seems to be emphasized for no apparent reason
so that it acts drastically throughout the life
and in a case such as this

there is usually a fixed star in operation in the background through the planet concerned :)

Thanks for the website. I gave it a go and it is really strange that many planets now move to a different house using that calculator. Sun is now in 3rd house. POF in 8th house. Am i doing something wrong?
Thanks for the website. I gave it a go and it is really strange that many planets now move to a different house using that calculator. Sun is now in 3rd house. POF in 8th house. Am i doing something wrong?
There are more than thirty different house systems
Placidus is simply the sefault :)


Referring to traditional planets only, and the original chart, mars will by retrograde trine mercury, ruler of the 9th of foreigners, teachers, priests.
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Referring to traditional planets only, and the original chart, mars will by retrograde trine mercury, ruler of the 9th of foreigners, teachers, priests.
Asteroid Juno, the marriage asteroid, is also in the 9th.
Your post is not traditional if it includes ASTEROIDS
If your post discusses Asteroids it belongs in
either Modern Astrology or any of the other boards :)
If you want to post to ask why traditional astrologers don't use asteroids :)

do so anywhere but this board or Modern Astrology
or search the other boards for an existing discussion on that.
It is not respectful to come into someone's house and demand why they don't do things your way.

Members who wish to explore
a combination of traditional & modern ideas

should feel free to start a new thread

in an appropriate forum for further discussion.

In theory, the first marriage is the 7th house, the second marriage is the third from the 7th, therefore the 9th.
The third marriage would be the third house from the 9th, etc.
Hopefully you won't have to go that far!!!
we have a separate horary board for questions on RELATIONAL ISSUES :)



One of the possible time periods for Predicting Marriage
when the Profected 7th house come to the Ascendant.

These are the years 18, 30, 42, 54, 66 et al

It is possible to marry when the Profected 7th House
comes to the house where the ruler of 7th is in natal chart

Also note the years when Ascendant or DC
comes to the Signs which are ruled by the ruler of the 7th house.

Watch out when the 7th house becomes Ascendant in the Solar Return.
Direction of the Moon to the planet which is significator of Marriage in the chart.

In women's chart, Significator is the ruler or Almuten of the 7th.



One of the possible time periods for Predicting Marriage
when the Profected 7th house come to the Ascendant.

These are the years 18, 30, 42, 54, 66 et al

It is possible to marry when the Profected 7th House
comes to the house where the ruler of 7th is in natal chart

Also note the years when Ascendant or DC
comes to the Signs which are ruled by the ruler of the 7th house.

Watch out when the 7th house becomes Ascendant in the Solar Return.
Direction of the Moon to the planet which is significator of Marriage in the chart.

In women's chart, Significator is the ruler or Almuten of the 7th.


Marriages of Women

In Women's charts the Sun is of great importance.
According to Ptolemy :)
we seek to find the Sun in the two Oriental Quadrants:
from AC to MC, and from DC to IC
this signifies that the woman will be married in her youth
and that she will take young man in her older years, but not an older husband.

But when the Sun is in the Occidental quadrants
- from AC to IC, and from DC to MC
then her marriage is delayed
or in youth she will take older man.

If the Sun is from the beginning of Aries till the middle of Taurus,
or from the middle of Leo all the way to the end of Virgo,
or from the beginning of Libra all the way to the middle of Scorpio,
or from the middle of Aquarius till the end of Pisces
and the significator
- In women's chart this is the Lord or Almuten of the 7th house
- is Occidental, she will marry in old age or with older man.

If the significator is under the Sun's beams
it signifies that she has no marriage.

If the Sun is in a fixed sign - signifies that she will be married to one man only.
But if in that sign there is Oriental planet
you will judge that the man will be young
or that she will marry another one after that.
If the planet is Occidental, then he will be older.

If the Sun is in mutable sign she will have two husbands.

If the Sun is in cardinal sign she will have many men.

Can you clarify this? Its very interesting. What is an oriental planet?
The planet which rises before the Sun :)
is the oriental planet

Lol, this is too technical to understand. But looks like my Sun is in the quadrant between AC and IC so it is occidental, correct?

Also, can you explain

If the Sun is in mutable sign she will have two husbands

The four mutable signs are:
Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini :)

Yes but it cant be possibly right that everyone born in December will have 2 husbands???
.That refers to Marriages of Women
clearly men are also born in December :)

keep in mind assessment of

for example:
"..If the significator is under the Sun's beams
it signifies that she has no marriage.

What does it mean by the siginicator is under the Sun beams?
.That refers to Marriages of Women
clearly men are also born in December :)

keep in mind assessment of

for example:
"..If the significator is under the Sun's beams
it signifies that she has no marriage.
What does it mean by the siginicator
read this thread :)
already answered
In women's chart, Significator is the ruler or Almuten of the 7th.

. under the Sun beams?

In his Introduction, William Lilly stated that a combust planet
should be in the same sign as the Sun and within 8° 30'
- beyond this distance, but within 17 ° of the Sun
the planet is said to be under the Sun's beams.

This condition is debilitating, but not as severe as combustion.
My Sun in the Occidental quadrant and married later, 30, and to someone older than me, not just a few yrs. older. Fixed Sun, only one husband, which is what I plan.
My Sun in the Occidental quadrant and married later, 30, and to someone older than me, not just a few yrs. older. Fixed Sun, only one husband, which is what I plan.
But when the Sun is in the Occidental quadrants
- from AC to IC, and from DC to MC

then her marriage is delayed
or in youth she will take older man.

If the Sun is in a fixed sign - signifies that she will be married to one man only.
I have Jup/7th, he had one marriage before me, which I think can be suggestive of Jupiter there?

link your traditional source for that

My Sun in the Occidental quadrant and married later, 30, and to someone older than me, not just a few yrs. older. Fixed Sun, only one husband, which is what I plan.
Interesting. Mine is also in occidental quadrant but I married young and husband is only 5 years older. And it is in a mutable sign so looks like it is gonna end in a divorce

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