With regards to the second marriage if I am going for the divorce, will it be dictated by the 9th house? How would you interpret my 9th house?
Venus in the 9th place or the ruler of the 7th in 9th indicates marriage to a foreigner but it does not indicate divorce or 2nd marriages.
Venus angular or in the 11th or 5th and in a tropical sign or a bicorporal sign is an indicator of multiple marriages but not an indicator of divorce.
Capricorn is both a tropical sign and a bicorporal sign so it does hint at more than one marriage.
Does the 9th house represent the second marriage?
In the chart of a female (regardless of their orientation):
1) Mars is the archetype of the romantic partner
2) Venus is the general indicator of marriage
3) Mars is the primary indicator of marriage
4) Fortune is a significator of marriage
5) Lot of Marriage
Diurnal: count the signs from Saturn to Venus starting with Saturn the use that number and count from the ASC starting with the ASC. If one or both stars are in later degrees you might want to count the degrees because it could put the Lot in a different sign.
Nocturnal: count the signs from Venus to Saturn starting with Venus the use that number and count from the ASC starting with the ASC. Again, if one or both stars are in later degrees you might want to count the degrees because it could put the Lot in a different sign.
6) Lot of the Husband
Diurnal: Count from Mars to Venus just like counting from Saturn to Venus. Add that number to the ASC.
Nocturnal: Count from Venus to Mars
In a male's chart (regardless of orientation) the Lot of Marriage (see above) is the Lot of the Wife and the Lot of the Husband (see above) is the Lot of Marriage. In other words they're reversed.
Venus in a man's chart and Mars in a woman's chart tells you the kind of people they chase after but the two Lots will give you more detailed info.
The Lot of Marriage will tell you about your marriage. The sign opposite Marriage is the Place of Adultery. That'll give you a clue if your partner is the adulterous type.
You can direct Marriage through the bounds using ascensional times (not rising times) based on the latitude of your birth-place to get an idea of how things are going. If Marriage is moving through the bounds of Jupiter and he's diurnally placed in a diurnal sign in a good place and direct and not attacked by a malefic or a waning Moon things will be peachy. If not it'll be tepid and if he's in really bad shape things might appear to be good on the surface but not underneath.
Since you're kinda new you should start out with profections. I rarely use the ASC for marriage. For you I would profect Mars and Fortune and if I saw what I liked I'd profect Spirit to see how that works out and if I liked what I saw I'd cast a solar return and if I still liked what I saw then I would cast a transit chart.
You can't use solar returns or transits until you first make a prediction using a primary method (like profections). In a man's chart I'd use Venus and Spirit and then take a look at Fortune and then cast a solar return and then cast a transit chart.
While I'm at it, I'll explain the correct technique for solar returns since the Arabs and Persians mangled it and made a mess of it.
Everyone thinks you cast a solar return chart and you're done, like this:
That's wrong. No wonder no one can predict anything. That's only the 1st step. See Moon at Libra 19°?
In the natal chart Moon is at Aquarius 3°33'.
You have to use the dynamic/animate function to step through the chart and move Moon to its natal position like this:
See how Moon's now at Aquarius 3°33'?
See how the Ascending Degree is now at Aries 3°52'?
That is the actual ASC for your solar return. You can mark it in the chart like so:
That's your solar return chart. Well, not yours. Someone else's. So solar return Sun is actually in the 7th place not the 1st place.
On a similar topic. Do not be misled by people who tell you to cast lunar return charts. That's the wrong technique because the stupid Arabs and Persians butchered it.
Just before you were born there was either a New Moon or a Full Moon.
Most software will tell you the position and some will even show you the position on the chart.
Count the number of degrees from the prenatal New Moon to the position of the natal Moon in your chart. That's your magic number. If you had a Full Moon before birth then count the number of degrees from the prenatal Full Moon to the position of the natal Moon in your chart and that will be your magic number.
Now for any month, if you were a New Moon baby, you cast a New Moon chart for that month then use the dynamic/animate function to move the Moon so that it is the same number of degrees from the Sun as it is in your natal chart and that will be your lunation chart.
This relationship between the two Lights in your natal chart is very important. If you understand that then now you understand why when we cast a solar return chart we move the Moon to it's natal position and use the corresponding Ascending Degree as the ASC for the solar return because you must keep the same relationship always.