Indication of divorce or second marriage?

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Moon hates Mars by sitting in his detriment, it has no inclination to help him. Think of them as Kings.

The Moon is exalted in Venus territory is busy antagonizes Mars, who she does not like. Despite Mars being a King, his influence is severely limited because he is enemy territory so he can only take what the Moon allows.

The Moon, maintains a strong connection with Mars through a sextile which connects them both - so Mars might be saying lets do this and Moon being far more powerful and without little issue since they are connected by a sextile can just say No! Mars being in Moon's homeland must abide to it.

Venus, despite caring deeply for Mars, struggles to influence him directly due to their opposition. So Venus may be sending help and Mars has to send it back - The Moon won't let me take it, Sorry!

Venus's however has intense authority over the Moon so she may attempt to intervene and persuade the Moon to stop antagonizing Mars for example if you want to stay here be nicer to Mars! Moon who absolutely adores Venus may just say Opps, Sorry Mars!

I assume you are new to astrology - it is reception that answers the planets attitude to each other and aspect that shows whether or not they are even in conversation. It is tricky to understand but once you do it's pretty easy. For example you can have a bank that you can love, hate, or remain indifferent to - but whether or not you can connect to that bank is a different story. If you're at home then its pretty easy to walk over to an ATM and take the money out (Trine) versus if you're out of the country and the bank isn't hosted over there (No Aspect)
I've been studying Hellenistic since May so fairly new. I understand the reception and why Moon-Venus have a better reception there with Venus as the host more inclined to help Moon. I still don't think the other way means Moon doesn't help Mars at all. At least not from the books I read regarding the ruler being placed in the planet detriment. To me Moon can observe 10th house by a sextile applying aspects to Mars to it should provide some help.
I've been studying Hellenistic since May so fairly new. I understand the reception and why Moon-Venus have a better reception there with Venus as the host more inclined to help Moon. I still don't think the other way means Moon doesn't help Mars at all. At least not from the books I read regarding the ruler being placed in the planet detriment. To me Moon can observe 10th house by a sextile applying aspects to Mars to it should provide some help.
If you read it that way then you must account for Mars reception to the Moon - Mars would hate anything that the moon would give. So even though the Moon is observing Mars she’s handing him cake instead of knives. Radically different from what Mars wants.
Please correct me if I am wrong but this is the chart yes? If that’s the case both Merc and Venus is willing to help. Merc sitting in his domicile and Venus in his exaltation. I read reception as Merc loves Mars by sitting in his domicile although I do know people who read it the other way around.
Yes it is my chart. I can see where you are coming from. My understanding is Mercury in 2nd house is ruled by Mars and with Mercury placed in the same triplicity, Mars provides helps to Mercury. I'm not sure the other way around works.

With regards to Venus, not only it is placed in Mars exaltation, it is in Mars bound as well. And Capricorn obeys Cancer, Venus follows Mars rules. That's my takeaway from what DC80 has said.
If you read it that way then you must account for Mars reception to the Moon - Mars would hate anything that the moon would give. So even though the Moon is observing Mars she’s handing him cake instead of knives. Radically different from what Mars wants.
Yeah that does make sense regarding the reception. So it does provide help but not what Mars needs to operate well.
Yeah that does make sense regarding the reception. So it does provide help but not what Mars needs to operate well.
Help would not be the word. Imagine this and let me add that from my own practice I do not read reception this way and have yet to see it work but I digress. Mars is in the battle field he calls on the moon for help instead of Moon sending weapons he sends Cake. Moon is putting down Mars in this situation and thus Mars absolutely hates anything to do with the Moon. This is clear level hatred. The only way Moon is able to send this help is because of the Trine.

I think much of this has to do with the misconception that you sitting in my homeland I must help you. I do not.
re: DC80 comment you're finding confusing

Keep in mind that the twelve houses are each defined as:

angular - 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th :)
succedent - 2nd, 5th, 8th, & 11th

cadent - 3rd, 6th, 9th & 12th
the twelve houses are not equal in their strength & effect.
If a planet is placed in an angular house :)

it is much more forceful in its effects
than it would be in a cadent house.

When a planet is placed in an angular house

it is performing more powerfully.
Whatever it represents

will show its force in a swift and dynamic fashion.


I understand this don't get me wrong. This only gives Mars accidental dignity but Mars itself is retrograde so has no ability to act.
I’m really sorry you’re going through this. That kind of emotional and financial control can be incredibly draining, and I admire your strength in recognizing it. While astrology can offer some insight, what matters most is how you feel and what’s best for you. I was in a tough marriage myself, not exactly the same situation, but I remember how isolating it felt. I actually tried couples counseling nyc before making any big decisions, and while it didn’t save my marriage, it helped me gain clarity and set boundaries. As for your chart, the 9th house can relate to a second marriage, but it’s also about personal growth—maybe this chapter is about finding your independence first.
I’m really sorry you’re going through this. That kind of emotional and financial control can be incredibly draining, and I admire your strength in recognizing it. While astrology can offer some insight, what matters most is how you feel and what’s best for you. I was in a tough marriage myself, not exactly the same situation, but I remember how isolating it felt. I actually tried couples counseling nyc before making any big decisions, and while it didn’t save my marriage, it helped me gain clarity and set boundaries. As for your chart, the 9th house can relate to a second marriage, but it’s also about personal growth—maybe this chapter is about finding your independence first.
Hopefully herokangta will give us an update on how things are going with her marriage.
I've been studying Hellenistic since May so fairly new.
Venus is Universal Significator of Marriage, Relationships
& Relations of all sorts.
On Affairs - The topic of affairs is to be examined from
the Lot of Affairs the VII and Venus.

When they and the domicile rulers happen to be with
changeable, double-bodied and passionate images
also ascending from Mars, they cause many affairs.

Benefics cause good marriages.

Saturn & Mars when unfavorably placed indicate divorces
& widowers with incomplete images.

Schmidt, R. The Astrological Record of the Early Greek Sages. Project Hindsight.
Schmidt, R. Hephaistio of Thebes Apotelesmatics Book II. Project Hindsight.
Sidonius, D., & Pingree, D. (1976). Carmen astrologicum. Pingree (Hrsg.), Dorothei Sidonii Carmen Astrologicum, Leipzig.

Valens, V. Anthologia. Translated by Mark Riley. Retrieved from Valens entire.pdf

Dorotheus second book CARMEN ASTROLOGICUM
advises when delineating marriage to look at Venus
& the first, second & third lords of its triplicity

if they are with Venus,
or in a cardine
or trine to Venus
THEN this is a good indication for marriage.

If the lords of the triplicity of Venus rejoicing in their light
& direct in motion, all of this is a good indication for marriage
if you find the lords of the triplicity of Venus corrupted,
or they are under the rays of the Sun
or near the West,
those who are born will be of those who will never marry
or whose marriage is with those who are disgraced

So, Dorotheus is telling us to look at the Lords of Triplicity of Venus,
If they are in the same sign with Venus or in Trine with it :)
then this is good indication.
if they are in angular or succedent Signs this is also good indication.
If they are in succedent houses, it is good if they are direct in motion
& their light is not corrupted from the Sun's beams.
But if you find the lords of triplicity of Venus cadent, near the West

then this is a bad indicator.
Astrology can indicate divorce or second marriage through planetary positions like Venus, Mars, and the 7th house in a birth chart. Strong influences of Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn in marriage-related houses may suggest challenges or multiple relationships.
Astrology can indicate divorce or second marriage through planetary positions like Venus, Mars, and the 7th house in a birth chart. Strong influences of Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn in marriage-related houses may suggest challenges or multiple relationships.
Rahu & Ketu - is VEDIC ASTROLOGY

Traditional Western Astrology :)
Note when the Profected 7th House

is the house where the ruler of 7th is in natal chart

Also note years when Ascendant or DC
Profects to Signs ruled by ruler of 7th house.
