Ironic - jupiter transit in 10th house - but career doomed!

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Jupiter started transiting my 10th house about one month ago. I have been waiting for it curiously and expected something very good is about to happen to me, in accordance with most of the books I have read on the matter. Like "This is surely one of the best transits one can ever have." "If you could analyse all the transits in your life, you would discover that this one has coincided with most of your happiest days." " Professional advancement and expansion along with public honor and recognition characterize this transit."

Instead, I'm going through one of the most difficult times of my life.

A few of my old ill-wishers suddenly appeared and with the help of some journalists started a relentless smear campaign against me in public, lying about me and portraying me in a bad light without any regard for me and my private life. This will have a long term damaging effect on my public image. A very depressing and frustrating experience.

I strongly feel the transit's influence in my profession as well. The career I have built over many years with serious effort suddenly seems to be faltering. I don't care about it anymore, the motivation to be productive has disappeared. It looks like I might even lose my position in the near future.

So this is a really bad transit for me. I know the condition of a planet influences how things turn out and I see undesirable effects on transiting Jupiter in my horoscope, but it's still shocking to see and live through this disaster.
Hello friends, I am a firm believer of the science of astrology but there is something that has
not been making sense to me offlate.:innocent: My chart for your reference is attached here. The sign in my 10th house

is pisces and as Jupiter is transiting pisces this year, it should bring luck, expansion and opportunity to my career.

But quite the opposite, my career is doomed. I lost my job at the end of last year out of blue with no reason but cruel intervention of fate.:crying:

Ever since then i had been trying hard to get a new and better job but to no avail. It feels like its not jupiter but saturn transiting my career house, which is obviously not true as saturm is in my 4th house.:mad: In fact everytime jupiter has transits my house it keeps bringing back luck to that field of my life, instead of bringing goodluck and opportunities.:surprised: Lemme know what' s your take on it and if you can see when will i get a new job this year.
OP WAS POSTED - 6 JUNE 2010 :)

thread has then remained dormant since April 15 2011 :)
29 APRIL 2023

Jupiter started transiting my 10th house about one month ago. I have been waiting for it curiously and expected something very good is about to happen to me, in accordance with most of the books I have read on the matter. Like "This is surely one of the best transits one can ever have." "If you could analyse all the transits in your life, you would discover that this one has coincided with most of your happiest days." " Professional advancement and expansion along with public honor and recognition characterize this transit."

no natal chart available

Instead, I'm going through one of the most difficult times of my life.
A few of my old ill-wishers suddenly appeared and with the help of some journalists started a relentless smear campaign against me in public, lying about me and portraying me in a bad light without any regard for me and my private life. This will have a long term damaging effect on my public image. A very depressing and frustrating experience.

I strongly feel the transit's influence in my profession as well. The career I have built over many years with serious effort suddenly seems to be faltering. I don't care about it anymore, the motivation to be productive has disappeared. It looks like I might even lose my position in the near future.
So this is a really bad transit for me. I know the condition of a planet influences how things turn out and I see undesirable effects on transiting Jupiter in my horoscope, but it's still shocking to see and live through this disaster.
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For something 'major' to happen, it should also be reflected in your transits, progressions and possibly solar arcs. So don't ignore these methods in favour of JUST transits :smile:
Transits by themselves are not sufficient to use as one's only forecasting tools. They are triggers for heavier aspects only. Used in combination with Secondary progressions (1 day = 1 year) and Minor progressions (1 lunar month = 1 year) they give much better results. See Elbert Benjamine / C. C. Zain.
Solar Arcs use the Secondary progression arc of the Sun (again, 1 day = 1 year) to "direct" all the positions in the birth chart forward to the desired date. Solar Arcs can also be used with transits, see Reinhold Ebertin. Noel Tyl claimed Solar Arcs, used in combination with Tertiary progressions (1 day = 1 lunar month) were the most accurate forecasting combination.
Note that many current astrology software programs calculate these progressions.
Books on forecasting by all the authors cited are still in print.
Transits by themselves are not sufficient to use as one's only forecasting tools. They are triggers for heavier aspects only. Used in combination with Secondary progressions (1 day = 1 year) and Minor progressions (1 lunar month = 1 year) they give much better results. See Elbert Benjamine / C. C. Zain.
Solar Arcs use the Secondary progression arc of the Sun (again, 1 day = 1 year) to "direct" all the positions in the birth chart forward to the desired date. Solar Arcs can also be used with transits, see Reinhold Ebertin. Noel Tyl claimed Solar Arcs, used in combination with Tertiary progressions (1 day = 1 lunar month) were the most accurate forecasting combination.

PROGRESSIONS board discussion :)

A discussion about the timing technique known as secondary progressions
with astrologers Kelly Surtees and Chris Brennan.
- how to calculate secondary progressions, where one day of the native's life
symbolizes one full year. :)
We also talk about how to interpret a secondary progressed chart,
and what to pay attention to, s

uch as planetary stations, exact aspects, and the lunation cycle

Note that many current astrology software programs calculate these progressions.
Books on forecasting by all the authors cited are still in print.
In 1934 Elbert Banjamine wrote (as C. C. Zain):

"The events which many people believe to be occasioned by transiting planets are really coincident with major-progressed aspects which have formed heavier temporary stellar aerials. Under such circumstances the transit, which merely aids the Major Progression, and which fails to work when no such Major-Progressed aspect is present, is often accredited full responsibility for attracting the event."

Profections in Astrology with Chart Examples :)



This is the basic technique given by Paulus of Annual Profections of the Ascendant, i.e. profection of the Ascendant from one sign to the next for each year of life. The Ruler of the Sign in which the Ascendant is falling in that particular year is called 'The Lord of the Year".
This technique is quite simple and you do not need to calculate degrees, only signs.
If you are born with Aries rising, on the Solar Return the next year (when you are 1 year old) the Profected Ascendant would be in Taurus and the Lord of the Year would be Venus.

The Ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and etc., are the 'Profection Return' (to invent a title xD), the Ascendant in those years is the same as it was at the birth, so the Lord of the Year is the same too.

Years 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97 are given to the 2nd sign from the Ascendant.

Here's a chart:

View attachment 27162

The Lord of the Year is having the same function as the Lord of the Year at nativity. It is most significant planet, ruling the place where the Soul (the Sky) and Body (earth) are merging (at the Ascendant).
Here's what Paulus says about the Lord of the year in profections:


Current transits

I believe the noted French Renaissance astrologer Johannes Morinus rejected profections as superstition.
Haha maybe Jupiter transit the 10th house is an authority figure (10th house) is being inflated (Jupiter) and abusing their power?
I am sorry some people are going through negative things during a transit that they thought would be positive!
I got a new job once when Jupiter was tr my 10th, but it was something I wasn't crazy about. Thinking back to it now, I didn't have a lot to do, but got paid for it. Another tr there, got a good raise. Jup tr my 6th seems to help me more employment wise.
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A little addition: On May 8, Jupiter, transiting my 10th house, formed an exact trine with my natal Sun. The various sources promise many good things, happiness, growth, optimism, confidence, etc. as a result of this position. In fact the same day the most humiliating event of the smear campaign I mentioned earlier came. They posted material on the internet which was deliberately made to show me in a bad light, with disastrous results: strangers have been mocking and scolding me online for two days, since Jupiter"s trine with my natal Sun became exact. The worst thing is that it will stay like this, I have to live with it forever.

I've had a few shaky transits in my life, but this is by far the most horrible of them all.
A little addition: On May 8, Jupiter, transiting my 10th house, formed an exact trine with my natal Sun. The various sources promise many good things, happiness, growth, optimism, confidence, etc. as a result of this position. In fact the same day the most humiliating event of the smear campaign I mentioned earlier came. They posted material on the internet which was deliberately made to show me in a bad light, with disastrous results: strangers have been mocking and scolding me online for two days, since Jupiter"s trine with my natal Sun became exact. The worst thing is that it will stay like this, I have to live with it forever.

I've had a few shaky transits in my life, but this is by far the most horrible of them all.
Damn, this is truly devastating. I am so sorry you are going though it. But I don't think it's Jupiter working alone though, what's going on with your transits aside from Jupiter?
A little addition: On May 8, Jupiter, transiting my 10th house, formed an exact trine with my natal Sun. The various sources promise many good things, happiness, growth, optimism, confidence, etc. as a result of this position. In fact the same day the most humiliating event of the smear campaign I mentioned earlier came. They posted material on the internet which was deliberately made to show me in a bad light, with disastrous results: strangers have been mocking and scolding me online for two days, since Jupiter"s trine with my natal Sun became exact. The worst thing is that it will stay like this, I have to live with it forever.

I've had a few shaky transits in my life, but this is by far the most horrible of them all.
Check the rulers of your 12th and 7th house too. Do they aspect your Jupiter?
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I got a new job once when Jupiter was tr my 10th, but it was something I wasn't crazy about.
Thinking back to it now, I didn't have a lot to do, but got paid for it. Another tr there, got a good raise.

Jup tr my 6th seems to help me more employment wise.

good catch :)
6th is connected with work rather than career
The state of the sixth house indicates your daily routine
and the methods you use to get your work done.
The cusp of this house describes the nature of your work
and the general environment of your workplace

This house also rules people you employ, whether at home or at work.

****, this is truly devastating. I am so sorry you are going though it. But I don't think it's Jupiter working alone though, what's going on with your transits aside from Jupiter?
Thank you so much. Jupiter is in Aries. Mars is transiting my 12th house and is in the sign Cancer, the place of its fall. There is action against me by relentless and not-so-hidden enemies involving deception and they humiliate me in public. Wonderful.

Today it got still worse, they are posting offensive stuff about me on the Internet, the mocking choir got louder. It's really bad. I tried to do something about it, but it got worse. I feel helpless and defeated (like Mars in the 12th in Cancer would). I just want this to stop, I've had enough.

Now I'm only interested in when this will end, or at least the situation will improve. When Jupiter changes signs to Taurus? Or when Mars transits to my 1st House?

Any insight would be appreciated.
Check the rulers of your 12th and 7th house too. Do they aspect your Jupiter?

They're not. But transiting Uranus (ruler of my 7th) is in the 10th House too, in conjunction with transiting Sun. Both of them are in Taurus and Venus just now enters my 12th House. Fantastic. So it doesn't matter that Jupiter enters Taurus in the next few days, the situation won't change. Right? What else do I have to endure?
They're not. But transiting Uranus (ruler of my 7th) is in the 10th House too, in conjunction with transiting Sun. Both of them are in Taurus and Venus just now enters my 12th House. Fantastic. So it doesn't matter that Jupiter enters Taurus in the next few days, the situation won't change. Right? What else do I have to endure?
The only constant in life IS change. It's just when we go through hard times, it feels like it can be forever. Not even natal chart placements are always on, all the time. I think you might want to take a break from your social media stuff. If you can, delete it. It's toxic. Every site is, pretty much.
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good catch :)
6th is connected with work rather than career
The state of the sixth house indicates your daily routine
and the methods you use to get your work done.
The cusp of this house describes the nature of your work
and the general environment of your workplace

This house also rules people you employ, whether at home or at work.

Yes, always been the case as I look back. I have Virgo intercepted in the 6th which did describe work I always did. Maybe w/ it intercepted is why it was frequ. frustrating and work I felt was more in the "background," worker bee, than "out front." I have Leo on cusp (Placidus,) Sun ruler squ Pluto(illness & life/death) in the 6th house. Health care theme again.
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Well Jupiter is transiting my 10H I have a stellium in Taurus, crossed over my mc while it was in aries, conjucted my mc's ruler once and my sun twice about to conjunct it for the third time but I see nothing in terms of employment. Not a good job, no money, no career change, no luck. Because Uranus is there also. Spreading poverty and misery all the way..