Is a career in illustration possible for me?

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New member
Dec 29, 2024
Brooklyn, New York
Hi! This is my first post here, and I wanted to ask a question if it's not too much trouble.

I know my Venus is heavily afflicted, and there's no good or standing out placements and aspects, but do you guys see an illustration/art career being at least plausible in this chart?

Any tips, advice, and guidance will be heavily appreciated. Thank you all in advance!

Venus is not necessarily a major player in illustrative art.
Neptune might offer more information in its association with art form 'arising from within one's self',
Saturn can provide the necessary structure to give art an outer form,
Moon provides the imaginative process,
and then there's the strength within natal Sun that provides the will.

The chart shows an inherent Moon behaviour pattern linked to Saturn. The two are opposites of each other, with Moon ruler of the house of career and public standing, and Saturn ruler of the home base. Where would a majority of art be created???
Natal Sun is situated in the career house, conjunct Mars and trine Pluto. An overwhelming force that, together, can suggest the strong desire to expose one's creative side from within .....the opposition to Neptune.

A major query is whether you have enough faith in your form of art illustration to go for it. The Moon-Saturn-Uranus link would suggest a distinctive 'out of the ordinary' style ( as per avatar?), yet perhaps copied from a previous source ( Moon-Saturn) rather than developing an original style (Uranus) all your own. This is something there may be a necessity to work upon to succeed in your chosen field. you are young enough for time to be on your side.
Venus is not necessarily a major player in illustrative art.
Neptune might offer more information in its association with art form 'arising from within one's self',
Saturn can provide the necessary structure to give art an outer form,
Moon provides the imaginative process,
and then there's the strength within natal Sun that provides the will.

The chart shows an inherent Moon behaviour pattern linked to Saturn. The two are opposites of each other, with Moon ruler of the house of career and public standing, and Saturn ruler of the home base. Where would a majority of art be created???
Natal Sun is situated in the career house, conjunct Mars and trine Pluto. An overwhelming force that, together, can suggest the strong desire to expose one's creative side from within .....the opposition to Neptune.

A major query is whether you have enough faith in your form of art illustration to go for it. The Moon-Saturn-Uranus link would suggest a distinctive 'out of the ordinary' style ( as per avatar?), yet perhaps copied from a previous source ( Moon-Saturn) rather than developing an original style (Uranus) all your own. This is something there may be a necessity to work upon to succeed in your chosen field. you are young enough for time to be on your side.

Sorry for the late reply!

Is the moon-Saturn, and sun-neptune connections bad?

Should I focus more on my confidence, and originality because of these placements?

Thank you for replying and your guidance! I really appreciate it!
Sorry for the late reply!
Not on a forum where posts are read according to time zone in the world. It doesn't work the same as instant reply phone contact.
Is the moon-Saturn, and sun-neptune connections bad?
Moon makes a considered stress aspect (150*) with Neptune and a 135* degree aspect with Saturn. The latter can be taken as the 45 degree effort necessary to bring about the challenge within its square (90*) part. A sort of ' (why) put in the effort without knowing if it's ever going to come to anything?' That sets off the link to Moon's feelings in a sense of worrying mode (Cancer), bringing on the stress through Neptune's negative side of giving up instead of inwardly creating the positive 'developing the faith' in one's self that lies in its opposition to natal Sun.

Neptune rules the 6th house, associated with physical employment, also upon one's self, yet is also the house of physical compaints. Moon-Neptune can bring on a mental-emotional instability if its expectations in life (Moon, ruler 10th house) are not met in the manner as it would wish. Saturn in Gemini can have its work cut out for it in providing the seriousness of mind of adaption towards varying situations encountered. Its 9th house position is associated with 'the power of mental (Gemini) reasoning'. It depends upon how one adapts at such times ....through depression or serious considered thought.

Should I focus more on my confidence, and originality because of these placements?
Not because of the placements. Their positions indicate how one's character can work in/deal with the situations faced during life. In advanced astrology, the Sun has progressed into Virgo, THE sign of dealing with life (Sun) through a realistic and 'matter of fact' manner whilst cultivating/employing the Leo nature with which it was born, the first of which is Be Yourself.