Is Astrology a Religion?

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david starling

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Apr 23, 2015
I'm basically an agnostic, or so I thought. My relationship with Astrology is intrinsically spiritual, so maybe I am religious after all! Believing in invisible forces, "communing" with them through the ritual of drawing charts, and being linked to the past through this ancient practice...and seeking its guidance; councilling others on their life paths. Gods and goddesses aside! If Astrology is a Religion, it's noncoercive, egalitarian and very loosely organized!
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ancient cultures did not distinguish between gods and planets. planets were gods and gods were correlated to planets , so the basis of religion has always been planets.
the word neflim in the torah is usually translated as those you fell from heaven, were cast from heaven etc. but this name can also be translated as those who fell/came from the planet. immanuel velikovsky noted in 1940 that this could be a reference to aliens but refrained from publishing this as the world was not ready for such as concept to be offered
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I'm basically an agnostic, or so I thought. My relationship with Astrology is intrinsically spiritual, so maybe I am religious after all! Believing in invisible forces, "communing" with them through the ritual of drawing charts, and being linked to the past through this ancient practice...and seeking its guidance; councilling others on their life paths. Gods and goddesses aside! If Astrology is a Religion, it's noncoercive, egalitarian and very loosely organized!

I started believing in a God or a Divine energy after I began studying Astrology. IMO, It seems like an impossible task to remain an atheist once you begin studying your chart, and the charts of others and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes and how much people manifest their charts to a T along with their life experiences.

It does sometimes feel like a religion. I know it's made me a much more spiritual person, more open and understanding to others as well. I'm definitely not as quick to judge as I once was.

I'm a devout Astrologer:wink::joyful::joyful: We should have a symbol to wear, lol.
Interesting. So for today's big religions, maybe underneath it all: Christianity/Sun, Islam/Mars, Hinduism/Moon?

well yes one could see it that way Christianity did infect incorporate element of the sol invictus religion such as the halo around divine figures. the halo was a symbol of sol invictus of th eromans and sol invictus was a linear off shoot of mazda ahura . . islam symbol is more directly the moon. as medina, the city of islams birth was a city founded by nabunaid a Babylonian king who was dedicated it to nannar/sin the the moon god. the symbol of islam,the crecent moon is exactly that of nannar/sin ..the crecent moon. mt Sinai and the Sinai desert are named for nannar/sin and the crossroads of the Sinai werenamed after his consort nikkal. to this day there is a city in the Sinai called in Arabic nikhl. nannar/sin ruled the city of harran which was considered in ancient times the hereditary home of the jews through Abraham. when the jew were exiled to Babylon ,only the royalty ,soldiers and artisans were taken , the rest of the jewish population was sent to haran. it was ouside of harran that ezekiel had his vision of god and was taken up to the firery chariot

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I am taking this thread a bit off of what the OP intended but has anyone ever wondered why the ancients held the planets in such awe and terror. these are today little dots in the sky, why did the ancients see in these spots awesome and potentially terribly destructive forces?
the ancients saw history as sequence of ages or epochs and each age was rule by a planet. each age was initiated by a planet . all a great ancient civilizations have been destroyed by catastrophic changes in the earth. oringinally ,darwins theory of evolution stated that all forces acting now on the earth such as erosion etc have always acted in the same way in the past. but this has been proven false as now scientist acknowledge there have been 5 or 6 great extinctions, the geological conditions that exist today have not be steady and constant through the eons.
the ancients experienced that the transition of the great ages were catastrophic with the planets causing the destruction of the old age and ushering in a new era.
this means that planets actually left their orbits and careened and collided with the earth. the last time was march 23 687bc when
the chinese records show the sun set and then rose back up.
this date is archeologically the date given when king sennscherib's army was utterly destroyed by hail and brimestone,according to the hebrew commentaries and the torah.
this episode is well known from the bible and archeology .

the planet mars was responsible during this catastrophic encounter.
Babylonian texts baffle archeologist because these cuniform documents tell of all cities on fire, of great earth quakes and of the great river reversing there flow.
archeologist call these "troublesome" because they do not believe or know that the axis of the earth was repeatedly twisted in the 7th century should read the books of velikovsky ( ) to see why the ancients held the planets in awe in terror. the planet periodically caused catastrophic changes on the earth.the Iliad written by homer about the Trojan war tells of Venus and mars fighting and coming down to earth. this is no myth,in the 16thcentury bc, venus did catastrophically interact with the earth. modern science denies such occurrences but the archeological facts do support this truth as in the 16th century bc, all the great megalithic civilization were laid waste by catastrophic earth quakes. this was the age of troy. the walls of troy were 20 ft.high and 40 ft. wide. these walls were found thrown on their sides when excavated. not only troy but Mycenae and the entire agean area were subject to totally destruction.
when we read in mythology that Jupiter overthrew Saturn, when Saturn overthrew Uranus, these are remembrances of ancient catastrophes caused by the planets. this is why the ancients feared the planets, the knew that periodically the planets left their stable orbits and reign terror and death upon the earth.
generally the ancients believed the ages were around 2600 years. which means that we are living near a period when a planet should again reign down fire and brimstone on us

A Western Book of the Dead — A Soul Traveler's Guide to Death, Dying, and the Other Side Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Sun’s Magnetic Field 230% Stronger

Strange things are happening in both outer and inner space. Scientists are discovering that the Solar System, the sun, and life itself are mutating in totally unprecedented ways.

They are reporting changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before. Studies show that the Sun and the planets themselves are physically changing at an accelerated pace. Most notably, they are undergoing major changes in their atmospheres.


Astrology isn't technically a religion; it's one of the hermetic arts along with magic and alchemy.

Astrological magic will get you pretty close to there, though, even books like Picatrix written by those good Muslims will tell you about the angels and plantetary intelligences and how to contact them, just like the Harranians and the Greeks tell you about. And later the Christians, though the Muslims and Christians are technically monotheist.

You might want to look into hermetic philosophy if it intrigues you. There's a lot there.
I am taking this thread a bit off of what the OP intended but has anyone ever wondered why the ancients held the planets in such awe and terror. these are today little dots in the sky, why did the ancients see in these spots awesome and potentially terribly destructive forces?

Yes, I've wondered about that a lot. I think that if one were to live in a primitive time without much science, I could see how people might think that the activity in the skies, with the weather, and so on, were some kind of independent/intelligent forces at work.

Making peace with it only makes sense if someone thought that the stars, planets, Sun and Moon had demands, "or else."

A lot of people seem to think we have it kind of bad today but we are pretty lucky to know so much about so many different things.
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Read "Worlds in Collision" by Velikovski--very impressive.
"Science" means "knowledge" as does "Gnosis". There are Christian Scientists and Gnostics who are very religious. Modern-science isn't a religion because it's entirely materialistic. So, if you believe Astrology can be explained in an entirely materialistic way (I, myself, am not certain it can) then it's not a religion. But there is an Art to it either way!
Alchemists who believe in Hermes as an actual god might be considered religious.
What about Vedic? Isn't it part of or at least connected to the Hindu Religion?
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Yes, I've wondered about that a lot.

I think that if one were to live in a primitive time without much science,

I could see how people might think that the activity in the skies,
with the weather, and so on, were some kind of independent/intelligent forces at work.

Making peace with it only makes sense if someone thought that the stars, planets, Sun and Moon had demands, "or else."

A lot of people seem to think we have it kind of bad today but we are pretty lucky to know so much about so many different things.
Asumptions of "a primitive time without much science" is a misnomer [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]:smile:
'…..The Sumerians
and even the Egyptians
inherited all their knowledge
from an earlier advanced civilisation that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago
in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago.
South Africans Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine
and a team of leading scientists, have researched this important subject over a seven-year period.....'
well yes one could see it that way Christianity did infect incorporate element of the sol invictus religion such as the halo around divine figures. the halo was a symbol of sol invictus of th eromans and sol invictus was a linear off shoot of mazda ahura . . islam symbol is more directly the moon. as medina, the city of islams birth was a city founded by nabunaid a Babylonian king who was dedicated it to nannar/sin the the moon god. the symbol of islam,the crecent moon is exactly that of nannar/sin ..the crecent moon. mt Sinai and the Sinai desert are named for nannar/sin and the crossroads of the Sinai werenamed after his consort nikkal. to this day there is a city in the Sinai called in Arabic nikhl. nannar/sin ruled the city of harran which was considered in ancient times the hereditary home of the jews through Abraham. when the jew were exiled to Babylon ,only the royalty ,soldiers and artisans were taken , the rest of the jewish population was sent to haran. it was ouside of harran that ezekiel had his vision of god and was taken up to the firery chariot


Interesting. Reminds me of a book by Zecharia Sitchin, the 12th planet.
I wonder if the Cross symbol often found in the cover of Bible and Star of David are actually originated from the same symbol of Anu, god of Annunaki. I was told that early Christianity (prior to Council of Nicea) did not use the Cross as a symbol. The Star of David, no one knows whose star it really is.
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Astrology today is neither a religion or a science. It was both at various times in the past. Astrology does not meet the basic definition criteria of either religion or science today. Some astrologers define astrology as a system of divination, which seems about as good as anything.

The legitimacy of Velikovsky's and Stichin's theories are not accepted by expert scholars in the field of archaeoastronomy and its cognate disciplines.

Members of different faiths and of no faiths have practiced astrology and found it compatible with their beliefs.

Interesting. Reminds me of a book by Zecharia Sitchin, the 12th planet.
I wonder if the Cross symbol often found in the cover of Bible and Star of David
are actually originated from the same symbol of Anu, god of Annunaki.
I was told that early Christianity (prior to Council of Nicea) did not use the Cross as a symbol.
The Star of David, no one knows whose star it really is
Interesting links between Astrology and Religion also include :smile:

Sirius, brightest star next to the sun = Star of Bethlehem.
The stars of Orion the hunter = the Son of Man.
Orions three stars that form its narrow waistline = Wise Men from the East
because they align with Sirius, the star of Bethlehem on December 25.
Virgo = Virgin Mary
Bootes = Joseph.
John the Baptist = Aquarius the Water Bearer
Most religions are syncretic (drawn from various sources, primarily other religions).

I'm familiar with astrotheology as well as prophets and priests being astrologers, but I'm not sure that astrology itself has ever qualified as a religion. It's only a skip and a hop, granted, but I don't think it's been a religion proper.
Interesting. Reminds me of a book by Zecharia Sitchin, the 12th planet.
I wonder if the Cross symbol often found in the cover of Bible and Star of David are actually originated from the same symbol of Anu, god of Annunaki. I was told that early Christianity (prior to Council of Nicea) did not use the Cross as a symbol. The Star of David, no one knows whose star it really is.

velokovsky's work predate sitchin but stichin had a better knpowedge of Sumerian cuniform, while velokovsky had a much broader field of knowledge . he was a mutiple PhD.

establishment science is a fraud. velikovskys theories are validated my the new information from space probes etc. I will not get into a discussion with detractor of velikovsy as they are just like the detractors of astrology, the skeptics have never studied the subject.
just one example out of hundreds of velikovskys validity.
one basic premise is that venus is a captured comet . well quess what it turns out that venus has an inonized tail following it around in its orbit. secondly the concentration hydroxyl ions in venus's atmosphere are the same as in comet and no other planet has such ghogh concentratinhydroxyl concentration in their atmospheres if any at all. this goes on and on but the scientific establishment just uses the same blinders that they use to discredit tesla for a 100 years.

the ancients considered planets gods, what more do you need to say about astrology and religion.

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I guess I see a difference between the study of the stars and the worship of the stars.
I'm basically an agnostic, or so I thought. My relationship with Astrology is intrinsically spiritual, so maybe I am religious after all! Believing in invisible forces, "communing" with them through the ritual of drawing charts, and being linked to the past through this ancient practice...and seeking its guidance; councilling others on their life paths. Gods and goddesses aside! If Astrology is a Religion, it's noncoercive, egalitarian and very loosely organized!
It's actually more like a science. But since we only know how astrology works and not why, there's a faith factor involved, too.