Is he happy with his girlfriend?

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Mar 25, 2020
This time last year, I was happy in a relationship with my now ex-boyfriend. A few months later however, he left me for another girl.

I've noticed that he's been posting a lot of throwback photos on Instagram from this time last year, and making subtle references from moments we had spent together in his posts. I know that he's still with his new girlfriend however, so I'm wondering why he's suddenly doing this - it's not like him to even use social media at all, so this is surprising behaviour.

From this chart, I can see that he's definitely thinking about me but where is his girlfriend - is he not happy in his relationship? To clarify, I have absolutely no interest in disrupting their relationship - this is out of mere curiosity.


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Not very, judging from the chart.
He is mars, in his 11th of hopes and wishes, in his own triplicity so strong, approaching a sextile with Uranus in the 7th. Uranus co-rules Aquarius, who is intercepted in the 4th of endings. He's hoping for an ending.
Moon in 7th approaches a square with Pluto, and moon rules his 4th of endings.
She is Venus, retrograde, going back over her position, approaching Neptune of delusion.
Mars is in the terms of Venus so he does care for her, but it isn't working out too smoothly.
Thank you as always ElenaJ, that's really interesting. Am I featured in this chart in any way? I think I had interpreted myself as being Venus as I was querying his behaviour.
You are the querent but you weren't in the question.
So I used Venus for her.
Recently there have been a lot of discussions about who represents the "other".
We still need a lot of research on this I think, to be sure.
If the question were "will he be returning to me?" then you would clearly be in the picture.
I agree with ElenaJ. I just want to suggest a different delineation that would arrive at the same result.

Assume the girlfriend is Saturn, because it is natural significator of the other half (according to Frawley anyway), and the Sun is applying to a close trine to it after a sign change. This signifies an interest but difficulties, too.

Here, Saturn is in House 4 end of matter. Pluto is on the house cusp. Outer so near an angle can signify an abrupt end (as seen in a recent chart on this forum).

Doesn't look good for them.

Thank you both for your insights! That's pretty enlightening as he had told mutual friends that he's never been so love in before.
He as mars is in the exaltation and terms of Venus, so in reality he does care about her.
Apparently its the relationship together that isn't working out too smoothly.
Hi everyone, I'd thought I'd provide an update to this thread. Interestingly, he just got engaged to her. This was a little confusing to me to start with, because they haven't been together for very long, but I think it's possible that he may have been pressured into it, as he would always say to me that he wasn't particularly interested in marriage but would do it if it meant a lot to the other person.
Interesting development.
According to the chart, the engagement won't conclude in marriage.
Please keep us posted so we can evaluate the comments.
Thanks for the update. I'm a bit surprised. Now that I re-read your original post, I want to note that charts cast from curiosity don't always yield accurate results. (Of course my delineation can still be wrong.) Both Bonatti and Lilly have warned of that. Horary aside, I understand it's comforting to think he's being pressured into it but, uh, in my experience, it really is better to let go of these thoughts. He's an adult. Nobody can force him to commit to someone he doesn't genuinely love. Best for our recovery to accept he's moved on and in love with another no matter how their relationship plays out in future.
Hi all, I just wanted to provide an update to this chart - it turns out he is very happy with her, they just got married!
Interesting development.
Still don't see it in the chart.

Disclaimer that I haven't even looked at the chart, but I perused here and thought what if Saturn in the 4H was symbolic of general commitment, and thus makes sense they got married since it was in the house of the end of matters.
Disclaimer that I haven't even looked at the chart, but I perused here and thought what if Saturn in the 4H was symbolic of general commitment, and thus makes sense they got married since it was in the house of the end of matters.

Although in that case, Saturn could also be restriction and closure.
I'm still puzzled by this.

What are the correct significators here?

The querent's Ex and his new flame.
The chart confuses me too - could he possibly be represented by any other house other than the 7th as this isn't a relationship horary about me and him? Perhaps the distance between us makes him an acquaintance instead.
Moon shows what you were thinking about when you asked the question.
And moon is in the 7th house.

Moon is square pluto, approaching a square to Jupiter on his midheaven, ruler of his 11th.
Mars ruler of 7th approaches a sextile with Uranus in 7th, co-ruler of his 9th of legal matters.
Clutching straws here!
Could be that his new girlfriend is signified by Saturn. Sun rules man in relationship questions, and Sun will trine Saturn after it enters Gemini. That could point to a marriage happening.
Don't mind me inserting myself into this thread. :cool:

Although this defies ~some of the rules of Horary astrology, this is what I saw:

(Okay maybe not this part) Mars as quesited and Neptune as his significant other (now current wife).

(This is where there I've squeezed myself outside of the rules of Horary) Although these planets don't aspect each other (Mars and Neptune), they're in the house of ~lovers/love affairs (5th house).

Mars is semi-sextile Saturn, while Saturn (relationship glue) is in the 4th house (a house that represents family),
and Saturn is conjunct Jupiter (expansion) in the same house. Jupiter is conjunct Pluto, both spooning the IC.
Neptune makes a sextile aspect to Pluto, which could create a flow between Neptune and the other planets conjunct Pluto (like some sort of open gate).
Mars is approaching the 4th house (if I'm correct in that the planets move clockwise), and thus approaching the stellium between Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn (okay technically not a stellium, since Saturn is in a separate sign, but I'm not sure what term to use here).
Neptune will still be connected to Pluto (as well as the other planets) while Mars approaches the threesome taking place on the IC.
So PERHAPS this shows them getting engaged in the 5th house and then sealing the deal with marriage in the 4th.

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Don't mind me inserting myself into this thread. :cool:

The forum is open to all. In fact, you've brought new energy into the thread, thank you.
I like the way you view the movement in the chart as exchanges of energy.

(Okay maybe not this part) Mars as quesited and Neptune as his significant other (now current wife).

Mars is understandable, but how did you get to Neptune as his significant other?

(This is where there I've squeezed myself outside of the rules of Horary) Although these planets don't aspect each other (Mars and Neptune), they're in the house of ~lovers/love affairs (5th house).

Mars is semi-sextile Saturn,

Actually, semi-sextile is normally not used in horary, only the major aspects. Sometimes however, it backs up other indications in the chart and can be helpful.

while Saturn (relationship glue)

Granted Saturn is binding like glue, but are you referring to it as ruler of a house or as a significator, or just in general terms?

is in the 4th house (a house that represents family),
and Saturn is conjunct Jupiter (expansion) in the same house. Jupiter is conjunct Pluto, both spooning the IC.
Neptune makes a sextile aspect to Pluto, which could create a flow between Neptune and the other planets conjunct Pluto (like some sort of open gate).

Interesting movement .

Mars is approaching the 4th house (if I'm correct in that the planets move clockwise),

I think you mean here that the houses move counter-clockwise. It's the forward movement of the ascendent that will then envelop mars in the prior house (the 4th in this case)
Mars at 4 degrees would later be at 5 degrees, therefore on its own would be further from the 4th house.
It's the movement of the houses and their cusps that will bring it into the 4th.

and thus approaching the stellium between Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn (okay technically not a stellium, since Saturn is in a separate sign, but I'm not sure what term to use here).

You could use "cluster", but technically stellium is not incorrect. It refers to a group of three or more planets in the same sign or the same house.

Neptune will still be connected to Pluto

(as well as the other planets)
actually not to Saturn.

while Mars approaches the threesome taking place on the IC.

Can you walk me through this one?

So PERHAPS this shows them getting engaged in the 5th house and then sealing the deal with marriage in the 4th.

Which is the reality of the situation as reported to us!

What about moon squaring pluto and Jupiter?
Surely this doesn't promise a happy ending, or does it?

I've just noticed that sun (the male figure of the chart) is in the degree of the nodes.
And North Node is in the 9th of legal matters (which is what a marriage is, a legal contract).