Is he in a committed relationship?

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You are mercury in the very last degree and very last minutes of the sign of libra (marriage), about to change to scorpio, when you will be approaching an opposition to Uranus poised on the cusp of your 12th house cusp.
Scorpio is the natural ruler of the 8th, again subconscious energy, sexual primal energy.
The 12th house is the subconscious, things going on that you are not aware of, and are hidden deep below the surface.
Uranus also rules the 9th, the house of dreams.
This all explains why you are using this channel to work out what is hidden in your deep conscious.
He is Jupiter, in a cool earth sign, in his fall, in your 8th of sex and about to conjunct Pluto of the underworld, co-ruler of scorpio.
Moon, your co-significator, is in the practical analytical sign of virgo the virgin, about to oppose Neptune in psychic pisces. Moon is positioned in your 5th of love affairs.
Do we seem to see a repeated theme here?
The ascendent is in playful gemini while the descendent is in flirty sagittarius. Neither is a particularly physical sign. So this tells us something about the general type of energy that went on between the two of you.
The sun is both the male and the ruler of the 4th in this chart, of childhood/home/family/endings. Sun from scorpio separates from a trine to psychic intuitive Neptune. And sun is located in your 6th of healing and health, his 12th of subconscious.
So the male here was linking up with intuition, igniting in you this subliminal energy, unleashing the inner search that you have been apparently been needing in this point of your spiritual and sexual development.
Note that moon links with Venus of love, and after the psychic searching it will proceed to sun, and then a trine to him, Jupiter. Jupiter in fact is also a planet of spirituality and religion, as is sagittarius.
This chart seems to point not so much to him and any relationship he might be having (which doesn't seem to be the case, at any rate), but to him as the spark that is setting off important inner searching on your part. He is the media not the object.
Listen carefully with your inner ear to what your subconscious is trying to tell you.
If anything, the woman in your dream is you yourself coming to grips with energy within you that you have for some reason neglected up to now.