Is he in love with me???

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May 12, 2006
I think I am falling for him...but how does he feel about me?
The question is

"Is he in love with me?"

I'm completely new to horary so please try to explain how you got your interpretations as well. It would be helpful for me so I can learn.

Since some people say they will not give their opinion unless the poster tries to at least interpret a little themselves let's see, I'll give it a shot. So, I am Mercury, he is Jupiter. Mercury is in scorpio and in the 3rd house so I think about him obsessively which is very true... No idea how to tell if moon is void of course. Oh, the moon is in the 11th that means I am also looking for his companionship. Yes, that's true. We're friends but I think I'm falling.

Edit: oh I found this
" Mutual reception is not limited to exchange of the signs of dignity of rulership. Ancient and medieval astrologers gave equal force to mutuality obtained by planets being in each other's signs of exaltation--for example, Jupiter in Taurus in a chart where the Moon is in Cancer. Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer; Moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus. This is a very powerful mutual reception, not only because Taurus and Cancer are in a sextile aspect to one another, but also because the Moon is also in its own house in Cancer."

and this

"Aspects – again – are actions. No aspect, no action (in the vast majority of the cases).
This stands especially true with Moon. As she is the significator of the whole question, if she doesn’t form aspects, there will be no action. Moon Void of Course is one of the main aphorisms (and one of those who can answer your horary straight away).

Actions alone can not bring a desired result. Say X asks if Y proposes a business deal.
You cast the chart and see that Y applies opposition to X. Answer is: No, Y will not propose. This is a decent answer but can get more exact as seen in the following.
Say X asks if Y proposes marriage. You cast the chart and see an opposition again but in each other’s positive dignities (mutual reception). Answer is: Yes, he will propose but you will regret it. If each other are in mutual reception through debility, answer could prove to be: He will not propose and you will brake up in a most ugly way.

An exception can happen if you have a strong and active moon, no aspects between your significators but, said significators being in strong mutual reception."

So the moon (me) is strong in cancer and in mutual reception with jupiter (him), but it's also square him (sun) and opposite him (jupiter). On the other hand mercury is in mutual reception with him (jupiter). So since both our significators are in mutual reception with each other I guess that means that we feel the same way, but the opposition means if we get together we will regret it (which i can easily believe because he's black and that will bring me problems with my family) and that there will be problems to be sorted through before we can be together (which i can also believe). But the only thing i really care about is that we both feel the same. I do hope so. Can anybody interpret any different?


EDIT no.2: Ok so, so far what I have from the chart is that mercury and jupiter are in dignity by triplicity
and moon and jupiter are in dignity by exaltation, and moon in cancer is strong so that means that I'm not being made a fool of here by liking this guy.

"Exaltation is the strongest, it is like being idolized or idolizing a person to such an extent that it almost has to end in disillusion somewhere along the line because you see this person in a better light than he or she is. You put him or her on a pedestal and as we know too well, nobody can be that fantastic in real life.

Triplicity comes next. It shows compatibility and probably great liking of one another, even love

Term is already way weaker but still nice. You like the person in who's term your significator is placed

Face is not strong at all. Here we tolerate the other person but that is about all. We are polite towards him but have no feelings

Fall is bad. You very much dislike the person and dont want anything to do with him or her

Detriment is the worst. You really hate that person in who's detriment your significator falls."

So according to this, not only do we have love and compatibility but we also idolize each other. However the chart seems to show with moon square saturn and sun conjunct saturn that it would end very badly for both of us. Also both of our significators being square each other (both the moon and sun and mercury and jupiter) means we will have some serious opposition to us being together. Like I said, this makes sense because he is black, and so I expect this from my family and friends on both sides. His family is racist against whites, too. What I don't like too much is that I am mercury in scorpio in his 3rd house, meaning he is obsessively on MY mind, but it doesn't seem that I am on his. I read that jupiter loves freedom and jupiter in the 9th is at home. On top of that it is in taurus, a somewhat lazy self-indulgent position. Maybe i am on his mind but his freedom is also important to him so he doesnt want me to limit it (which i tend to do)...and his tendency right now is definitely towards laziness in our friendship, he's expecting me to do most of the hard work right now because he feels entitled to it since i treated him like **** pretty recently over something he did.

Like it said above, dignity is how the people feel, and aspects are action. So at least I know he does love me even if things will not end well between us or it will be a struggle to stay together (we are only friends right now)

I have no idea if any of this is correct, but I tried. I really don't know what I'm doing. lol.

Actually, what you said about the opposition being a separating aspect showing our separation coming to an end seems about right because we had a falling out where we didnt talk for a bit but now he is finally talking to me, and it seems we will keep talking.

Funny because the sun which is him shows his natal sun in libra, and the moon which is me shows my natal sun in cancer. But that's just how horary works, so i hear :)
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First of all I have to tell you that I am a beginner at horary but I’ve looked at how a very experienced astrologer interprets horaries and said I should Mercury is in Jupiter's triplicity and Jupiter is in Mercury's triplicity so I believe that this means you like each other at the same level (what you feel for him, he feels for you). Probably he feels that he is falling in love too. But i see there a separating opposition between you two (Mercury opposing Jupiter). First i thought is was a negative think but then i said that maybe it a positive one if you think that you are both leaving the state of being "separated" let's say and you are heading towards a relationship, communion (I'm not very sure, it is just a guess).
If it is to analyze from the perspective of man and woman, i look at the Sun (he) and the Moon (you). Moon in cancer is ok, is at home, whereas Sun in Libra is not that ok. Probably he is not feeling comfortable with something. Now, you can see that it is an applying square between the Sun and the Moon which i don't now how to interpret it...probably a confrontation, some tension?
oh, thanks so much for trying! Really appreciate it.

What i heard is that an opposition means the two people will come together but then they will separate. I never planned on being with him forever so if we at least do come together and he does love me as much as I do him, then just the experience will have made me oh so happy. I really hope someone else will come along and give their input.

I'm trying to learn this stuff myself though. How do you know that mercury and jupiter are in each other's triplicity?
Please, won't someone who's more advanced give this a shot? Pretty please..
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oh, thanks so much for trying! Really appreciate it.

What i heard is that an opposition means the two people will come together but then they will separate. I never planned on being with him forever so if we at least do come together and he does love me as much as I do him, then just the experience will have made me oh so happy. I really hope someone else will come along and give their input.

I'm trying to learn this stuff myself though. How do you know that mercury and jupiter are in each other's triplicity?
Mercury is in Scorpio, Jupiter in Scorpio is in triplicity (i hope this is the good English word, I am not a native english speaker:biggrin:) so you can say that Mercury is in Jupiter's triplicity.
Jupiter is in Taurus, Mercury in Taurus is ok (in an earth sign such as Virgo), that means it is in triplicity, in Mercury's one.
As I said, I've seen this kind of interpretation at an astrologer who is very good at this and gives very accurate predictions in horary. Unfortunately, I am just beginning so I am waiting just like you, other opinions.
I'd say the same: you definitely like each other so go for it. As for the square I wouldn't interpret it necessarily as an inevitable separation, probably just tensions. Also remember, horary is only meant to be short term (up to 3-4 months). All the best to you
I asked a pro astrologer and he basically says the exact same thing you said, Nereida. So thank you :). Except he also mentioned the exaltation I was talking about. He says that even though there are bad aspects between the significators, an exaltation between the significators means a positive answer no matter what the rest of the chart shows. He says that jupiter and mercury are indeed doing a separating opposition or whatever meaning it does describe an event in the past and not in the future. He also says that the moon square saturn is in the future which would normally mean that my feelings for him will cool down in the future possibly once i get to know him better, but he says it may not actually even mean that since saturn rules the 5th house. He uses koch house system for horary.

He says he would be more worried about the moon conjuncting the brightest star in the sky, sirius in the chart because that means we might get too possessive of each other, too much sex, too much smothering, and it might burn itself out from the intensity.

About mercury in scorpio he says that does show i think about him a lot but it doesnt mean that he doesnt think about me because the chart only shows what pertains to the specific question asked. and that i am reading too much into not only that but about what jupiter and mercury might mean for us as our significators.

Thank you to the other person who replied as well! Really appreciate it

By the way, Nereida. Are you Cuban by any chance? That is a very Cuban name.
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So after our little "separation" indicated by the separating opposition, I guess, caused by the fact that he would take too long to respond to texts (30 minutes sometimes), even though we would text for hours. but we had been talking almost everyday since we met and he was the one to ask me to hang out first and was the only one who would call me (3 times). He would also always leave me hanging in texts, even though we'd been talking for a while but still that's no excuse. I would text him, then the next day he would text me. And in person he would follow me around even though he has his group of friends there too and he would laugh at literally every word I said. He would also seem really excited to see me, running up to me hugging me. And when we hung out he seemed very worried about if we would hang out again. But i stillfelt it was very unfair of him to leave me hanging so I ignored him the next time i saw him at a getogether and he looked like he was going to cry the entire night and kept making attempts to talk to me looking teary-eyed. First of all when he said hi to me he gave me a very shy smile with big sparkling eyes. And at the end of the night even though i had been ignoring him the entire time, when i payed attention to him finally he acted like before following me around and being very shy.

I said sorry the next morning for being so harsh. I really was too harsh. I made plans to hang out since last time we did he had made the plans, but then i cancelled bc it was raining and didnt want to drive in heavy rain.

The next time he saw me he was distant but wasnt ignoring me. He kept looking over at me as if expecting me to chase after him this time like he did with me that night. For some reason i felt uncomfortable and also didnt pay him much attention. He would give me glances where he would stay looking in my eyes looking really sad. That kind of behavior confused me, but when i asked an astrologer what was going on. It all made sense. The astrologer said that he just wanted me to say sorry in person and to take the initiative in person to show i was sorry because that's a lot more than just saying sorry thru text. That he feels he isnt the one that should be chasing after u after feeling humiliated. So, he invited me to his birthday, i said sorry to him in person and he denied being mad at me and said he was just busy and that we were supposed to have hung outso i was the one who was supposed to make plans (that obviously shows that he's been mad and has been thinking about this).

So he fb chats me the next day and it's obvious he is making several attempts to keep the conversation going. I text him three days after telling him i'm getting ready to sing for a wedding and we have a brief exchange where he tells me not to worry thati will do great and says he's freaking out about not sending in papers for his new job. For once he is texting back at lightning speed, even faster than me. He texts me the next day asking how the wedding was and we have a long convo. He's still texting back at lightning speed. But when i say something overly sweet he takes 20 minutes to text back for the first time. He replies in a sweet way as well, but when i texted back to that he left me hanging. He hasnt left me hanging ever since he knows i hate it, so i take that to mean he thinks that i like him and doesnt want it to be like that. So, i'm not texting him again. It's up to him to decide whether he wants to be friends or not.

The thing is we have mutual venus-pluto aspects in synastry so that can make two people very obsessed with each other but ay the same time it disinclines two people to want to get together. That's how we've been since we met. Very obsessed, texting every day, but every time he has tried to get close to me---for example saying or doing something overly sweet, hugging me in a way that shows he doesnt want to let go, being too clingy, being too woried about whether we will hang out again, giving me puppy dog eyes (which he'd do all the time even when everything was fine between us), my gut reaction is to reject him even though i'm also obsessed. He does the same thing to me. Pluto is funny like that isnt it? Major attraction but also a hesitation to get together, a kind of repulsion. So i believe that he will come back and text me again and he will eventually have to analyze his feelings like i did (why is he so obsessed and could that mean he loves me). Because i had to do the same thing. I was convinced i didnt like him in that way until two of my friends came along and tried convincing me otherwise, because they felt it couldnt be platonic when i was so obsessed. So i figure eventually he has to analyze his feelings, too.
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Looks like he likes you as a woman, the fact that both Jupiter and Sun are in the sign of Venus shows his interest primarily lies in your sexual being rather than you as an emotional/thinking being. He is attracted to you sexually, and basically that is what his main interest is. Jupiter Rx and Mercury are moving away from opposition, some weak reception between them. Shows both have been wanting to work things out yet there is regret. Both Mercury and Jupiter lack dignity, peregrine...just going with the flow, no real direction. Jupiter can't seem to make up his mind ebing RX. And Sun (his sexual nature) in fall, makes him act in negative way, and not be able to act on his desires the way he wants.

Moon square Saturn and Sun pretty much shows this relationship ending. I do think he likes you, but not the way you would want. Could be committment issues.

Also, Pluto right at the 5th house could indicate some transformations in the romance area for you...
Yes I see only into you physically, not emotionally, or not yet.

Jupiter oppose mercury you
Venus disposits Jupiter and Venus is in detriment
Moon (you) is in a good position in Cancer.
I asked a pro astrologer and he basically says the exact same thing you said, Nereida. So thank you :). Except he also mentioned the exaltation I was talking about. He says that even though there are bad aspects between the significators, an exaltation between the significators means a positive answer no matter what the rest of the chart shows. He says that jupiter and mercury are indeed doing a separating opposition or whatever meaning it does describe an event in the past and not in the future. He also says that the moon square saturn is in the future which would normally mean that my feelings for him will cool down in the future possibly once i get to know him better, but he says it may not actually even mean that since saturn rules the 5th house. He uses koch house system for horary.

He says he would be more worried about the moon conjuncting the brightest star in the sky, sirius in the chart because that means we might get too possessive of each other, too much sex, too much smothering, and it might burn itself out from the intensity.

About mercury in scorpio he says that does show i think about him a lot but it doesnt mean that he doesnt think about me because the chart only shows what pertains to the specific question asked. and that i am reading too much into not only that but about what jupiter and mercury might mean for us as our significators.

Thank you to the other person who replied as well! Really appreciate it

By the way, Nereida. Are you Cuban by any chance? That is a very Cuban name.

Thank you for your feedback. This is the first horary i try to interpret for somebody it is very important to me that you gave me feedback. I know that in horary astrology are used fixes stars but unfortunately I am not used to work with them yet, though they are very helpful.
No, I am not from Cuba..this is a just nickname I liked very much:)
to get the answer u need to give ur DATE OF BIRTH , TIME OF BIRTH and your PARTNER'S DATE OF BIRTH, TIME OF BIRTH, if possible... then easily ur question may perhaps be answered.
don't need the present question time horoscope. this is VEDIC ASTROLOGY, exceptionally correct
to get the answer u need to give ur DATE OF BIRTH , TIME OF BIRTH and your PARTNER'S DATE OF BIRTH, TIME OF BIRTH, if possible... then easily ur question may perhaps be answered.
don't need the present question time horoscope. this is VEDIC ASTROLOGY, exceptionally correct

Okay? Here you go..

2:34 PM
havana, cuba

4:00 PM <---Not sure of birthtime but try it
port-au-prince, haiti
to get the answer u need to give ur DATE OF BIRTH , TIME OF BIRTH and your PARTNER'S DATE OF BIRTH, TIME OF BIRTH, if possible... then easily ur question may perhaps be answered.
don't need the present question time horoscope. this is VEDIC ASTROLOGY, exceptionally correct

NO! This is the Horary section. You do not need any of that stuff, actually.