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I think I am falling for him...but how does he feel about me?
The question is
"Is he in love with me?"
I'm completely new to horary so please try to explain how you got your interpretations as well. It would be helpful for me so I can learn.
Since some people say they will not give their opinion unless the poster tries to at least interpret a little themselves let's see, I'll give it a shot. So, I am Mercury, he is Jupiter. Mercury is in scorpio and in the 3rd house so I think about him obsessively which is very true... No idea how to tell if moon is void of course. Oh, the moon is in the 11th that means I am also looking for his companionship. Yes, that's true. We're friends but I think I'm falling.
Edit: oh I found this
" Mutual reception is not limited to exchange of the signs of dignity of rulership. Ancient and medieval astrologers gave equal force to mutuality obtained by planets being in each other's signs of exaltation--for example, Jupiter in Taurus in a chart where the Moon is in Cancer. Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer; Moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus. This is a very powerful mutual reception, not only because Taurus and Cancer are in a sextile aspect to one another, but also because the Moon is also in its own house in Cancer."
and this
"Aspects – again – are actions. No aspect, no action (in the vast majority of the cases).
This stands especially true with Moon. As she is the significator of the whole question, if she doesn’t form aspects, there will be no action. Moon Void of Course is one of the main aphorisms (and one of those who can answer your horary straight away).
Actions alone can not bring a desired result. Say X asks if Y proposes a business deal.
You cast the chart and see that Y applies opposition to X. Answer is: No, Y will not propose. This is a decent answer but can get more exact as seen in the following.
Say X asks if Y proposes marriage. You cast the chart and see an opposition again but in each other’s positive dignities (mutual reception). Answer is: Yes, he will propose but you will regret it. If each other are in mutual reception through debility, answer could prove to be: He will not propose and you will brake up in a most ugly way.
An exception can happen if you have a strong and active moon, no aspects between your significators but, said significators being in strong mutual reception."
So the moon (me) is strong in cancer and in mutual reception with jupiter (him), but it's also square him (sun) and opposite him (jupiter). On the other hand mercury is in mutual reception with him (jupiter). So since both our significators are in mutual reception with each other I guess that means that we feel the same way, but the opposition means if we get together we will regret it (which i can easily believe because he's black and that will bring me problems with my family) and that there will be problems to be sorted through before we can be together (which i can also believe). But the only thing i really care about is that we both feel the same. I do hope so. Can anybody interpret any different?
EDIT no.2: Ok so, so far what I have from the chart is that mercury and jupiter are in dignity by triplicity
and moon and jupiter are in dignity by exaltation, and moon in cancer is strong so that means that I'm not being made a fool of here by liking this guy.
"Exaltation is the strongest, it is like being idolized or idolizing a person to such an extent that it almost has to end in disillusion somewhere along the line because you see this person in a better light than he or she is. You put him or her on a pedestal and as we know too well, nobody can be that fantastic in real life.
Triplicity comes next. It shows compatibility and probably great liking of one another, even love
Term is already way weaker but still nice. You like the person in who's term your significator is placed
Face is not strong at all. Here we tolerate the other person but that is about all. We are polite towards him but have no feelings
Fall is bad. You very much dislike the person and dont want anything to do with him or her
Detriment is the worst. You really hate that person in who's detriment your significator falls."
So according to this, not only do we have love and compatibility but we also idolize each other. However the chart seems to show with moon square saturn and sun conjunct saturn that it would end very badly for both of us. Also both of our significators being square each other (both the moon and sun and mercury and jupiter) means we will have some serious opposition to us being together. Like I said, this makes sense because he is black, and so I expect this from my family and friends on both sides. His family is racist against whites, too. What I don't like too much is that I am mercury in scorpio in his 3rd house, meaning he is obsessively on MY mind, but it doesn't seem that I am on his. I read that jupiter loves freedom and jupiter in the 9th is at home. On top of that it is in taurus, a somewhat lazy self-indulgent position. Maybe i am on his mind but his freedom is also important to him so he doesnt want me to limit it (which i tend to do)...and his tendency right now is definitely towards laziness in our friendship, he's expecting me to do most of the hard work right now because he feels entitled to it since i treated him like **** pretty recently over something he did.
Like it said above, dignity is how the people feel, and aspects are action. So at least I know he does love me even if things will not end well between us or it will be a struggle to stay together (we are only friends right now)
I have no idea if any of this is correct, but I tried. I really don't know what I'm doing. lol.
Actually, what you said about the opposition being a separating aspect showing our separation coming to an end seems about right because we had a falling out where we didnt talk for a bit but now he is finally talking to me, and it seems we will keep talking.
Funny because the sun which is him shows his natal sun in libra, and the moon which is me shows my natal sun in cancer. But that's just how horary works, so i hear
The question is
"Is he in love with me?"
I'm completely new to horary so please try to explain how you got your interpretations as well. It would be helpful for me so I can learn.
Since some people say they will not give their opinion unless the poster tries to at least interpret a little themselves let's see, I'll give it a shot. So, I am Mercury, he is Jupiter. Mercury is in scorpio and in the 3rd house so I think about him obsessively which is very true... No idea how to tell if moon is void of course. Oh, the moon is in the 11th that means I am also looking for his companionship. Yes, that's true. We're friends but I think I'm falling.
Edit: oh I found this
" Mutual reception is not limited to exchange of the signs of dignity of rulership. Ancient and medieval astrologers gave equal force to mutuality obtained by planets being in each other's signs of exaltation--for example, Jupiter in Taurus in a chart where the Moon is in Cancer. Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer; Moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus. This is a very powerful mutual reception, not only because Taurus and Cancer are in a sextile aspect to one another, but also because the Moon is also in its own house in Cancer."
and this
"Aspects – again – are actions. No aspect, no action (in the vast majority of the cases).
This stands especially true with Moon. As she is the significator of the whole question, if she doesn’t form aspects, there will be no action. Moon Void of Course is one of the main aphorisms (and one of those who can answer your horary straight away).
Actions alone can not bring a desired result. Say X asks if Y proposes a business deal.
You cast the chart and see that Y applies opposition to X. Answer is: No, Y will not propose. This is a decent answer but can get more exact as seen in the following.
Say X asks if Y proposes marriage. You cast the chart and see an opposition again but in each other’s positive dignities (mutual reception). Answer is: Yes, he will propose but you will regret it. If each other are in mutual reception through debility, answer could prove to be: He will not propose and you will brake up in a most ugly way.
An exception can happen if you have a strong and active moon, no aspects between your significators but, said significators being in strong mutual reception."
So the moon (me) is strong in cancer and in mutual reception with jupiter (him), but it's also square him (sun) and opposite him (jupiter). On the other hand mercury is in mutual reception with him (jupiter). So since both our significators are in mutual reception with each other I guess that means that we feel the same way, but the opposition means if we get together we will regret it (which i can easily believe because he's black and that will bring me problems with my family) and that there will be problems to be sorted through before we can be together (which i can also believe). But the only thing i really care about is that we both feel the same. I do hope so. Can anybody interpret any different?

EDIT no.2: Ok so, so far what I have from the chart is that mercury and jupiter are in dignity by triplicity
and moon and jupiter are in dignity by exaltation, and moon in cancer is strong so that means that I'm not being made a fool of here by liking this guy.
"Exaltation is the strongest, it is like being idolized or idolizing a person to such an extent that it almost has to end in disillusion somewhere along the line because you see this person in a better light than he or she is. You put him or her on a pedestal and as we know too well, nobody can be that fantastic in real life.
Triplicity comes next. It shows compatibility and probably great liking of one another, even love
Term is already way weaker but still nice. You like the person in who's term your significator is placed
Face is not strong at all. Here we tolerate the other person but that is about all. We are polite towards him but have no feelings
Fall is bad. You very much dislike the person and dont want anything to do with him or her
Detriment is the worst. You really hate that person in who's detriment your significator falls."
So according to this, not only do we have love and compatibility but we also idolize each other. However the chart seems to show with moon square saturn and sun conjunct saturn that it would end very badly for both of us. Also both of our significators being square each other (both the moon and sun and mercury and jupiter) means we will have some serious opposition to us being together. Like I said, this makes sense because he is black, and so I expect this from my family and friends on both sides. His family is racist against whites, too. What I don't like too much is that I am mercury in scorpio in his 3rd house, meaning he is obsessively on MY mind, but it doesn't seem that I am on his. I read that jupiter loves freedom and jupiter in the 9th is at home. On top of that it is in taurus, a somewhat lazy self-indulgent position. Maybe i am on his mind but his freedom is also important to him so he doesnt want me to limit it (which i tend to do)...and his tendency right now is definitely towards laziness in our friendship, he's expecting me to do most of the hard work right now because he feels entitled to it since i treated him like **** pretty recently over something he did.
Like it said above, dignity is how the people feel, and aspects are action. So at least I know he does love me even if things will not end well between us or it will be a struggle to stay together (we are only friends right now)
I have no idea if any of this is correct, but I tried. I really don't know what I'm doing. lol.
Actually, what you said about the opposition being a separating aspect showing our separation coming to an end seems about right because we had a falling out where we didnt talk for a bit but now he is finally talking to me, and it seems we will keep talking.
Funny because the sun which is him shows his natal sun in libra, and the moon which is me shows my natal sun in cancer. But that's just how horary works, so i hear
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