Long after I left this forum,decided to come back with a little horary question...
To get you in the subject: last week I took a male friend of mine with me to a party.At some point he asked me to go outside with him and he took the initiative to hug me and put my arms around him,he was talking very smoothly to me,telling me I could attend an event in town with him the following week if I wanted to,sort of a cuddling thing.I was very puzzled when he said "Let me ask me you a question-you like me,don't you?"(the answer was no!).After that he seemed a little weird,not as enthusiastic as before,but he said he was ok and relieved that I didn't like him,but we were getting closer again after that.After that day we talked about it and he said he wanted to me ask me because he'd have never cuddled with me if I liked him because he only likes me as a friend and didn't want to hurt me.However the way he posed the question I had the feeling he was expecting the answer to be yes!He's the king of guy who has tons of girl friends and gets on with girls easily(according to what he says),so I just assumed he acts like that with all his girl friends.We don't have many friends in common so there's no way for me to know.So,I kind of feel like he's playing games with me.
To start,I'm not sure if this qualifies as a pure relational horary question,as I am not romantically interested in the guy.I find him to be quiet charming and really enjoyed being close to him but he is immature and irresponsable and I would never be in a relationship with him.Second-I don't know which house to use!Usually I always take the 7th when asking about other person as the ASC/DSC axis clearly shows the duality between me vs him,but he is a friend,not a romantic prospect.The asc and my significators don't describe me at all,but the 7th may describe him as Venus is in a double bodied sign,which describes him quite well as he tends to run hot and cold,a bit moody and unpredicatble.Jupiter conjunct DSC in Taurus describes him physically very well as he is very big-very tall and bulky and a bit on the heavy side.However,I've been advised to take him as the 11th as he is a friend.If we take the 11th,my significator(Mars) and Mercury(ruler of 11th) are in each others signs so in love with each other,which isn't true on my part.However,if we take the 7th as him and read the 11th as my wishes-I'm Mercury,receiving Venus(him),in my sign...to be honest,I secretly wish I could be physically close to him again!
Not sure how to read this chart as it isn't about action..rather about someone's thinking/feelings.Would very much appreciate input on this!
To get you in the subject: last week I took a male friend of mine with me to a party.At some point he asked me to go outside with him and he took the initiative to hug me and put my arms around him,he was talking very smoothly to me,telling me I could attend an event in town with him the following week if I wanted to,sort of a cuddling thing.I was very puzzled when he said "Let me ask me you a question-you like me,don't you?"(the answer was no!).After that he seemed a little weird,not as enthusiastic as before,but he said he was ok and relieved that I didn't like him,but we were getting closer again after that.After that day we talked about it and he said he wanted to me ask me because he'd have never cuddled with me if I liked him because he only likes me as a friend and didn't want to hurt me.However the way he posed the question I had the feeling he was expecting the answer to be yes!He's the king of guy who has tons of girl friends and gets on with girls easily(according to what he says),so I just assumed he acts like that with all his girl friends.We don't have many friends in common so there's no way for me to know.So,I kind of feel like he's playing games with me.
To start,I'm not sure if this qualifies as a pure relational horary question,as I am not romantically interested in the guy.I find him to be quiet charming and really enjoyed being close to him but he is immature and irresponsable and I would never be in a relationship with him.Second-I don't know which house to use!Usually I always take the 7th when asking about other person as the ASC/DSC axis clearly shows the duality between me vs him,but he is a friend,not a romantic prospect.The asc and my significators don't describe me at all,but the 7th may describe him as Venus is in a double bodied sign,which describes him quite well as he tends to run hot and cold,a bit moody and unpredicatble.Jupiter conjunct DSC in Taurus describes him physically very well as he is very big-very tall and bulky and a bit on the heavy side.However,I've been advised to take him as the 11th as he is a friend.If we take the 11th,my significator(Mars) and Mercury(ruler of 11th) are in each others signs so in love with each other,which isn't true on my part.However,if we take the 7th as him and read the 11th as my wishes-I'm Mercury,receiving Venus(him),in my sign...to be honest,I secretly wish I could be physically close to him again!
Not sure how to read this chart as it isn't about action..rather about someone's thinking/feelings.Would very much appreciate input on this!
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