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For the back story, this is someone I met through a mutual friend for a trip we went on last month. We got along very well throughout the trip, getting to know each other and opening up to one another very easily. We suggested going to happy hour when we came home.
I thought nothing of it as I have a lot of friends of guy friends, he has a lot of girlfriends. I reached out to see if he was still interested in happy hour, he said yes and we made plans. I met him at the bar, we had a great time talking and laughing together. Of course, as inhibitions run low when alcohol is involved, I gave into inner desire and ended up being flirty to the point of kissing him. Which is something I've never done before, I usually wait for my crush/partner to make the first move. We ended up going back to his place and hooking up. I had no intentions of kissing this man, let alone sleeping with him when I asked to grab drinks but there we were. Even through that, he was a perfect gentleman. Made sure I sobered up, took me home, and reached out the next day to let me know how much he enjoyed himself and that he wanted to see me again. I felt the same way, so we made plans to go out that Friday.
For a bit of context on the last two days of the trip, he started making very subtle but flirty comments about/towards me. I didn't think much of it, given the environment we were in everyone was very open and friendly. But I guess it stuck to my subconscious when we went to happy hour as I was the initiator of the kiss.
Now here we are 3 weeks later since happy hour and very deep feelings are stirring between both of us. It's been a long time since I've felt so connected yet comfortable with someone. So fast which is crazy. Y'all know I HAD to peep the synastry after the first night and definitely can see how we ended up there.
His moon trines my Mars in a very close orb, obvious sexual attraction there. His Venus is also in my 1st house, along with Jupiter and Chiron.
My moon (chart ruler) trine his Pluto and his venus trine my Pluto are probably the aspects that interest me most as I've never experienced either aspect before and boy can I feel the intensity.
His Saturn is conjunct my descendant by 1 degree and that also is something actively manifesting. We do have obstacles to face together if we want this to work, but he's made it clear if I'm in it for the long haul then he will be too as he could see himself marrying someone like me.
I've been so happy being around him, I crave his energy and he's running through my mind all the time (moon-mercury conjunction? lol)
I've felt very called to address a lot of my ******** since we started hanging out. He's inspired me to heal a lot of my inner wounds and give myself a better life. Chiron conjunct ascendant much?
I worry about the Venus-Uranus opposition double whammy, as things could phase out just as quickly as they started. We do come from different walks of life and have both said we usually date different types of people so maybe that's how it manifests for us.
My moon opposite his Neptune also gives cause for concern. Especially with that being my chart ruler, am I not seeing him clearly? Especially with the Venus-Jupiter conjunction opposite Neptune. As a 12H Venus, 7H Neptune I've learned the hard way not to trust too blindly in love.
His NN in my 7th house and my NN in his 5th house give me hope for the potential of a long-term relationship though. Along with his moon trine my north node. We've both said it feels like we've known each other for a long time. Have I potentially found my person or am I moving too fast/not seeing a red flag? Any other insights are appreciated! Thank you!
For the back story, this is someone I met through a mutual friend for a trip we went on last month. We got along very well throughout the trip, getting to know each other and opening up to one another very easily. We suggested going to happy hour when we came home.
I thought nothing of it as I have a lot of friends of guy friends, he has a lot of girlfriends. I reached out to see if he was still interested in happy hour, he said yes and we made plans. I met him at the bar, we had a great time talking and laughing together. Of course, as inhibitions run low when alcohol is involved, I gave into inner desire and ended up being flirty to the point of kissing him. Which is something I've never done before, I usually wait for my crush/partner to make the first move. We ended up going back to his place and hooking up. I had no intentions of kissing this man, let alone sleeping with him when I asked to grab drinks but there we were. Even through that, he was a perfect gentleman. Made sure I sobered up, took me home, and reached out the next day to let me know how much he enjoyed himself and that he wanted to see me again. I felt the same way, so we made plans to go out that Friday.
For a bit of context on the last two days of the trip, he started making very subtle but flirty comments about/towards me. I didn't think much of it, given the environment we were in everyone was very open and friendly. But I guess it stuck to my subconscious when we went to happy hour as I was the initiator of the kiss.
Now here we are 3 weeks later since happy hour and very deep feelings are stirring between both of us. It's been a long time since I've felt so connected yet comfortable with someone. So fast which is crazy. Y'all know I HAD to peep the synastry after the first night and definitely can see how we ended up there.
His moon trines my Mars in a very close orb, obvious sexual attraction there. His Venus is also in my 1st house, along with Jupiter and Chiron.
My moon (chart ruler) trine his Pluto and his venus trine my Pluto are probably the aspects that interest me most as I've never experienced either aspect before and boy can I feel the intensity.
His Saturn is conjunct my descendant by 1 degree and that also is something actively manifesting. We do have obstacles to face together if we want this to work, but he's made it clear if I'm in it for the long haul then he will be too as he could see himself marrying someone like me.
I've been so happy being around him, I crave his energy and he's running through my mind all the time (moon-mercury conjunction? lol)
I've felt very called to address a lot of my ******** since we started hanging out. He's inspired me to heal a lot of my inner wounds and give myself a better life. Chiron conjunct ascendant much?
I worry about the Venus-Uranus opposition double whammy, as things could phase out just as quickly as they started. We do come from different walks of life and have both said we usually date different types of people so maybe that's how it manifests for us.
My moon opposite his Neptune also gives cause for concern. Especially with that being my chart ruler, am I not seeing him clearly? Especially with the Venus-Jupiter conjunction opposite Neptune. As a 12H Venus, 7H Neptune I've learned the hard way not to trust too blindly in love.
His NN in my 7th house and my NN in his 5th house give me hope for the potential of a long-term relationship though. Along with his moon trine my north node. We've both said it feels like we've known each other for a long time. Have I potentially found my person or am I moving too fast/not seeing a red flag? Any other insights are appreciated! Thank you!