Is it over between us?

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He/Jup is still interested in you and cares for you, being in your/1st house and also receiving you/Merc by dignity. But he is in a world of hurt, Jup in detriment and retrograde. And these two significators are disjunct, do not aspect, and so neither of you is able to regard or see the other's point of view.

Moon brings your/Merc's energy to unfavorable Mars by translation of light, with Mars made more unfavorable by being in its fall and also retrograde. And while to me, it doesn't look like it is over for sure, it does appear that it may be a hard time ahead between you? Not because he doesn't really like you a lot, but because the two of you cannot see or understand the other's point of view.
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Hi ChildofVenus,

Can I ask if this is the same guy, man that you asked about involving your birthday, a little while ago?
He/Jup is still interested in you and cares for you, being in your/1st house and also receiving you/Merc by dignity. But he is in a world of hurt, Jup in detriment and retrograde. And these two significators are disjunct, do not aspect, and so neither of you is able to regard or see the other's point of view.

Moon brings your/Merc's energy to unfavorable Mars by translation of light, with Mars made more unfavorable by being in its fall and also retrograde. And while to me, it doesn't look like it is over for sure, it does appear that it may be a hard time ahead between you? Not because he doesn't really like you a lot, but because the two of you cannot see or understand the other's point of view.
He's a Cancer Mars and right now he currently has transit Mercury square Moon and
transit Mars square Moon We were texting and he just kept bringing up all this old stuff that happened between us from months ago. Saying he couldn't get over certain things. Like how I flirted with a bartender which wasn't true (I went to the bar after we argued), how I mistreated him when he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Stuff that I couldn't even remember. I kept telling him I was sorry and that I wanted to be with him. But he just wasn't hearing me he could only express how I'd mistreated him. He just kept telling me he couldn't look past everything. That he couldn't trust me because of my past behavior. He said he still cared about me. He hasn't blocked my number. He was just expressing all of the emotions that he had been suppressing.
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What is in hiding is Combust Pluto in the eves. Pluto is fixed in Aquarius on the 10th house of Destiny and although he is yet in the 9th house (the latter half of the house) it is still a fixed sign on cadent 9th of higher values, mind stuff, and in a 12th house (troubles) position to 10th, or judgement house, it can be a hard pill to take) Pluto is a stuck stickler in that house next to the 10th. A fixed sign doesn't make up its mind for a while, and once the mind is made up it doesn't usually sway for a long while, so maybe just take it in stride and let it ride? This thiarid can go on and on like a broken record, as your sentiments are stated here. One of you may insinuate your on the verge of quitting the relationship but intimacy always heals your upsets. Pluto is change and powerfully felt charisma and passion. Speak softly and listen and let him have the floor for a while, in time he will answer your worry and any 'questions' you have about the solid wishes for the relationship... Just listening can be a cathartic power that heals the ego, and men have such boyish egos anyway don't they? Take care and listen and wait and play the dutiful wife for a while....things will probably change for the better no matter how the coin is tossed for future activity between the two of you.
He's a Cancer Mars and right now he currently has transit Mercury square Moon and
transit Mars square Moon We were texting and he just kept bringing up all this old stuff that happened between us from months ago. Saying he couldn't get over certain things. Like how I flirted with a bartender which wasn't true (I went to the bar after we argued), how I mistreated him when he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Stuff that I couldn't even remember. I kept telling him I was sorry and that I wanted to be with him. But he just wasn't hearing me he could only express how I'd mistreated him. He just kept telling me he couldn't look past everything. That he couldn't trust me because of my past behavior. He said he still cared about me. He hasn't blocked my number. He was just expressing all of the emotions that he had been suppressing.
I think there may be something that you are not understanding about him and this situation. If the relationship matters to you, it may be worthwhile to reflect upon what that might be? What you are not understanding within or beyond his complaints about you?

I also think there is something he is not understanding about you in this matter, too.

But maybe it can't be worked out based on the lack of aspect between your primary significators and Moon's next aspect being a square?
Yes, it's the same guy.
Thank you for your reply.

I brought it up because it seems your last chart already gave this opportunity, if that wasn't obvious.

To add to the great observations here above:
A Saturn ruled Mercury, bringing up the past over and over, is very much in line with what you wrote as well.
The Neptune and Chiron on the twelfth can have that same feel, Piscean energy not swimming far and deep enough to the real root of the problems.
Saturn conjunct Venus (12th house co-ruler) in his fifth is a pointer towards him seeking or holding on to a conjunction in seperation with a 'loved person to share his fun with'.

Good luck, I hope this pans out for the both of you!!
So all you told us about his cancer-mars, I saw it in this position: mars in the house of communication and in the sign of family/emotions,/past affairs/child behaviour... has a speach-action without significant effects but isn't that tender as you wantedt it to be.
Therefore you, the mental juvenil and trickery mercury looks a little bit stubborn because being in capricorn. Perhaps you didn't enough telling him?
Capricorn don't like emotional crises at all, his coldness shows a wall against sentimental demonstrations. And as you are in the house of grand transformations, you are not open for his argumentations as they are too agressively in your mind. Could this be? So, take it easier just like a mercury behaviour can do it.
He brought up things that happened months ago. He said I degraded him because I said other men were going to be upset with me for picking him. I don’t understand how that’s degrading it was a joke. Am I missing something here? Like does that come across as degrading?
Well to justify that as being degrading, he may have thought that all those men see someone else, any man, as a better match. In a mind battling with self respect issues this can go wrong.

It being so obvious to the world that he's not the best pick, leaves him with a fight against almost every man in the world, until he finally sees this is him fighting his lack of healthy pride about 'being the one for you'. He will possibly compare any men that comes close to you to himself and not be really able to let them close.

It does very much not come across as degrading but it can be pointing towards some deep-seated self esteem issues he is dealing with.

Those boyish egos that were talked about earlier can hold some nasty pitfalls, because the 'standard to life up to' is unclear and very much revolving around being perfect.

And as I read it you have very possibly meant the exact opposite with what you were saying. Maybe this is how he's trying to communicate to you the deeper issue, perhaps in an unconscious way revealing something.

But, I'm no psychologist so maybe I'm just very very mistaking.
I said other men were going to be upset with me for picking him
If I understand well, that would mean to him, that you did with him a very bad choice because he will be under your level, and yes, that is degrading. And if you said this to him with an air of aristrocracy ....? like capricorn can do so well .... ?
Moon is exactly opposite Chiron on the 6th/12th cusps. Deep subconscious hurting.
Moon is about to square angry mars in your 3rd, ruling your 12th, intercepted ruler of his 12th.
Your 4th of endings, sun, about to conjunct volatile Pluto.
Mars in cancer can carry hurt very deeply.
As Ilene wrote, your significators jupiter and mercury are inconjunct and not agreeing at all.
This in spite of him, jupiter, being in the 1st house.
He does care, but that may not be enough this time.
Moon is exactly opposite Chiron on the 6th/12th cusps. Deep subconscious hurting.
Moon is about to square angry mars in your 3rd, ruling your 12th, intercepted ruler of his 12th.
Your 4th of endings, sun, about to conjunct volatile Pluto.
Mars in cancer can carry hurt very deeply.
As Ilene wrote, your significators jupiter and mercury are inconjunct and not agreeing at all.
This in spite of him, jupiter, being in the 1st house.
He does care, but that may not be enough this time.
So he’s really done with me for good?
Thank you for your reply.

I brought it up because it seems your last chart already gave this opportunity, if that wasn't obvious.

To add to the great observations here above:
A Saturn ruled Mercury, bringing up the past over and over, is very much in line with what you wrote as well.
The Neptune and Chiron on the twelfth can have that same feel, Piscean energy not swimming far and deep enough to the real root of the problems.
Saturn conjunct Venus (12th house co-ruler) in his fifth is a pointer towards him seeking or holding on to a conjunction in seperation with a 'loved person to share his fun with'.

Good luck, I hope this pans out for the both of you!!
Saturn conjunct Venus in his 5th house. Are you saying there is someone else?
In March when Venus and Mercury goes Retrograde these will be the transits to our Composite Chart.
Retrograde Venus and Mercury will be conjunct our Composite Venus and Mercury.

During the same time we will also have retrograde Mercury and Venus aspecting our natal Mercury’s and Venus. He has a natal Retrograde Venus in his chart in the 3rd house along with Mercury in the 3rd house I was hoping that he and I would at least talk during this time.



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They say, Hope is always the last to die.
At this point you can only wait and see.
The synastry and composites are not at all bad.
You have natal neptune square Nodes so you will always tend to dream on.
Wishing you well.
This isn't the problem.
He's been very hurt.
But that’s the thing though even after we got into it. He asked to see me which was the end of last month. But then he changed his mind. And now the last couple of days this is when he talks about how I did all these things to him bringing up the past. Saying how he can’t get over it. He said we may cross paths again in the future. But for now I should find someone else that’s better than him.