I'm sorry that it was not clear that I meant you being that Venus or love that he holds on to, yet is not around.
If it's not to blunt of a question, can I ask where you actually stand? What you want, from him, from this relation.
You're the Leo ascendant, Taurus Sun, Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Scorpio. So my guess, a general observation, is that usually you know very well what you want and are more then capable of expressing this desire. I can be wrong.
What I see in his chart is that Neptune is not just 'dreaming'. His Natal Mars opposite Neptune is activated by a Mars return. Mars in Cancer in itself can be a bit of a 'search for Mars' as Mars isn't very at home in the water.
Maybe that's also why in general Mars in aspect to Neptune can be harsh on the mental health.
Neptune in transit is aspecting his Asc and MC.
If you take the Mars return as some being-a-man issues, possibly coming into focus, you add the possibility for a temporary instability in the mental field and add to that a dissolving feeling around 'how to face' the world... there is a bit of the things he could be dealing with.
It adds up to the somewhat strong Saturn in his house of 'values, self value is there as well' a potentially blockage kind of energy there, in aspect to the MC as well and so also involved with the Neptune transit.
What he possibly needs is clarity, to find with and within himself.
That's why I'm asking about you as I don't really get a clear idea of what you want, apart from answers to questions and possibly being together on you guys 's birthdays.
It might be me that's not clear as others seem to feel you want to get back together.
In hopes you don't mind me asking, warm greets