Is it true traditional astrologers exclude modern planets?

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Right--first in the Foreground Age of Tropical Sagittarius, and then
continuing, during its still-ongoing Background Age.

Cyril practiced modern astrology, with some traditional underpinnings.
It's to be expected, since in the 20th century
no astrologer did traditional.

He was friends with CEO Carter.

Solunars” was the title of Cyril Fagan’s 17-year continuous series
introducing and forwarding Sidereal astrology.
It ran in American Astrology Magazine from 1953 until his death in 1970.
The name is picked for this site to honor his pioneering work
and to proclaim the standard to which I hope this site might rise.
I have created this site for three primary purposes:

  1. To provide a place for education concerning Sidereal astrology. :smile:
  2. To provide a forum for the intelligent and progressive discussion of Sidereal astrology.
  3. To provide (either on this main site, or in the companion forum) a convenient place to post fragments of my own writings — in most cases, works in progress — as interpretive guides.
If you are not familiar with the Sidereal zodiac and Sidereal astrology, I recommend you start with the following two articles on the Essays portion of this site:

david starling said:
First, Siderealism uses A star, not the unequal-length constellations, to locate its equal-length Signs.

Some siderealists are using the Galactic Center or the Galactic Node.
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Some siderealists are using the Galactic Center or the Galactic Node.
You're right, I forgot to mention that.
What I'm saying is, that
Earth's relationship to our own star, the Sun, is also an appropriate choice.
Earths relationship to our Sun is clear
shines from the Traditional visible planets

and furthermore
allows Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
to be EASILY noticed in night skies worldwide
without the use of artificial aids to vision

Fixed Stars, aka distant SUNS are the VISIBLE BACKGROUND :smile:
on which the VISIBLE PLANETS of Traditional astrology appear to travel
Once, long ago, after taking "acid" in the evening, I felt as if the night would literally never end. I got an understanding of why ancient Egyptians feared the Sun wouldn't rise, because the royal barge of the Sun, "Ra", had to pass through the darkness of the Underworld, surrounded by enemies of the light. The god, "Horus" from which we got the words horizon, Horoscope (Horus the Watcher), and horizontal, protected the Sun on its Underworld journey, and prayers to Horus at Sunrise were believed necessary to enable the Sun to appear above the horizon at dawn.
So, I could see the Eastern horizon from where I was, and when the Sun finally rose, it was so huge, spectacular and awe-inspiring, I couldn't understand why it wasn't worshipped as the One God, all over the planet.
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Once, long ago, after taking "acid" in the evening, I felt as if the night would literally never end. I got an understanding of why ancient Egyptians feared the Sun wouldn't rise, because the royal barge of the Sun, "Ra", had to pass through the darkness of the Underworld, surrounded by enemies of the light. The god, "Horus" from which we got the words horizon, Horoscope (Horus the Watcher), and horizontal, protected the Sun on its Underworld journey, and prayers to Horus at Sunrise were believed necessary to enable the Sun to appear above the horizon at dawn.
So, I could see the Eastern horizon from where I was, and when the Sun finally rose, it was so huge, spectacular and awe-inspiring, I couldn't understand why it wasn't worshipped as the One God, all over the planet.

Once, long ago, after taking "acid" in the evening, I felt as if the night would literally never end. I got an understanding of why ancient Egyptians feared the Sun wouldn't rise, because the royal barge of the Sun, "Ra", had to pass through the darkness of the Underworld, surrounded by enemies of the light. The god, "Horus" from which we got the words horizon, Horoscope (Horus the Watcher), and horizontal, protected the Sun on its Underworld journey, and prayers to Horus at Sunrise were believed necessary to enable the Sun to appear above the horizon at dawn.
So, I could see the Eastern horizon from where I was, and when the Sun finally rose, it was so huge, spectacular and awe-inspiring, I couldn't understand why it wasn't worshipped as the One God, all over the planet.

Once, long ago, after taking "acid" in the evening, I felt as if the night would literally never end. I got an understanding of why ancient Egyptians feared the Sun wouldn't rise, because the royal barge of the Sun, "Ra", had to pass through the darkness of the Underworld, surrounded by enemies of the light. The god, "Horus" from which we got the words horizon, Horoscope (Horus the Watcher), and horizontal, protected the Sun on its Underworld journey, and prayers to Horus at Sunrise were believed necessary to enable the Sun to appear above the horizon at dawn.
So, I could see the Eastern horizon from where I was, and when the Sun finally rose, it was so huge, spectacular and awe-inspiring, I couldn't understand why it wasn't worshipped as the One God, all over the planet.

I take the archetype of the Greek god of Light, Apollo, more seriously than other Astrologers. Derived from Horus, Apollo was the God of Sunrise, now known as the Ascendant in Astrology. Astronomers have used the name Apollo for an asteroid, but I firmly associate it with the Ascendant-- "Apollo's Ascendant". Really not sure why the Light-oriented, Ancient Greco-Roman Astrologers, left the name Apollo out of their Astrology, since he was god of Solar-light for both Greeks and Romans. I remember originally thinking that Apollo was TOO important to them to be included as just another god of the Astrological pantheon.
I take the archetype of the Greek god of Light, Apollo, more seriously than other Astrologers. Derived from Horus, Apollo was the God of Sunrise, now known as the Ascendant in Astrology. Astronomers have used the name Apollo for an asteroid, but I firmly associate it with the Ascendant-- "Apollo's Ascendant". Really not sure why the Light-oriented, Ancient Greco-Roman Astrologers, left the name Apollo out of their Astrology, since he was god of Solar-light for both Greeks and Romans. I remember originally thinking that Apollo was TOO important to them to be included as just another god of the Astrological pantheon.
I consider Apollo, ruler of the Nine Muses, to be the ruler of Astrology, not Hermes/Mercury. I also associate the Muse of Astrology, Urania, Greek goddess of the Heavens, with Nuit, the Egyptian goddess of the Heavens, and consider her to be the feminine version of Aquarian rulership:)uranus:), the male version being Ouranos, Greek god of the Heavens. [Unfortunately misspelled Uranus, in a pointless, misguided attempt to "Latinize" the Greek, so that all the planets would have Roman names--the actual Roman name for Ouranos was "Caelus"].
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I consider Apollo, ruler of the Nine Muses, to be the ruler of Astrology, not Hermes/Mercury. I also associate the Muse of Astrology, Urania, Greek goddess of the Heavens, with Nuit, the Egyptian goddess of the Heavens, and consider her to be the feminine version of Aquarian rulership:)uranus:), the male version being Ouranos, Greek god of the Heavens. [Unfortunately misspelled Uranus, in a pointless, misguided attempt to "Latinize" the Greek, so that all the planets would have Roman names--the actual Roman name for Ouranos was "Caelus"].

Yeah it usually is spelled "Nut", but "Nuit" is also a respectable version, Well, Aquarian Suns do have a reputation for being a little....eccentric! :lol:
But, Nuit fits better, because it means "night", which is when the stars of the Heavens are visible.
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Uh, I should mention that my Astrological ontology is tightly connected to the Ancient religions of Egypt and the Greco-Romans. I also consider Inanna/Ishtar to be the most comprehensive description of the planet known as "Venus", which is only the Evening-star version of the Ancient Sumerian archetype.
Uh, I should mention that my Astrological ontology is tightly connected to the Ancient religions of Egypt and the Greco-Romans. I also consider Inanna/Ishtar to be the most comprehensive description of the planet known as "Venus", which is only the Evening-star version of the Ancient Sumerian archetype.

It's highly likely the Ancient Sumerian Astrologers (I'm using the word "Astrology" as inclusive of both the divinitory and the astronomical characteristics of the practice) used Venus as a marker as well. Known as "the Queen of the Heavens", Inanna/Ishtar was vital to their Astrology, and their religion. It's also known that Inanna/Ishtar wasn't a personification of the planet, but, rather, it was her abode.
Her father was "Sin" (have fun with that!:biggrin:), the Moon god. Whereas the Greco-Romans considered the Moon female.
It's highly likely the Ancient Sumerian Astrologers (I'm using the word "Astrology" as inclusive of both the divinitory and the astronomical characteristics of the practice) used Venus as a marker as well. Known as "the Queen of the Heavens", Inanna/Ishtar was vital to their Astrology, and their religion. It's also known that Inanna/Ishtar wasn't a personification of the planet, but, rather, it was her abode.
Her father was "Sin" (have fun with that!:biggrin:), the Moon god. Whereas the Greco-Romans considered the Moon female


I notice the more esoteric beliefs of the Mayans are usually ignored in favor of their Astronomy and Mathematics. I doubt they were Atheistic, Modern-scientists. They probably had a version of Astrology as well. They were tracking Precession using the first point of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, rather than the Tropical first point of the Spring Equinox most are using today.
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