Well done Lily,
It would be helpful if you were to expand on your current situation a little, are you in a relationship now? Why the rush?
Have you read the 'welcome sticky' at the top of this forum? It has some great explanations, links etc and also has links to forum rules & regs...
My way of helping newbies is for them to do more research and learning rather than just ‘drop the answer in your lap’ and not necessarily to provide professional readings and forecast future events.
Having a Sagittarius MC is the sign of the teacher and I do indeed teach astrology. This forum is a wonderful community of all mixed levels. So instead of dropping the answer in your lap I may provide links and dangle carrots in the hope that if you are sincerely interested enough you will do the research and enlighten yourself….
We also have a 'Relational Forum' besides lots of others and these are very common questions so perhaps researching a while around there could pay dividends....Here is one of my post's with lots of info
Predicting marriage and/or having children can be done, but it is not easy, time consuming and intricate. There are lots of things to take into consideration like, secondary progressions, what interaspects one chart makes to another, Solar arcs, Solar returns,Transits etc
It's very common for progressed venus onto sun or vice versa to be involved, also the North Node of one person conj second person's sun or moon. Also Vertex is usually involved either natally, by progression or by transit.
Composite charts
If you go to www.astro.com click on free horoscopes, go to Interactive horoscopes, go down to Astroclick partner, that will bring up a composite chart and when you put the mouse over a planet will bring up a pop up box with the interpretation......
But you do need both times of birth to be accurate though.. enjoy.
Composites describe the relationship, not either one of you, but what you came together to learn or to do and how the 'pair of you' function when together....
There has just been a good thread on composites which i suggest your read
Your progressed moon at the moment is going through your 5th house of romance and love affairs in Aquarius
Progressed Moon in Aquarius
This is a more sociable and gregarious position of the Progressed Moon. Stronger social awareness and a desire to belong to a group is present at this period in your life, although sometimes it's more about expressing your own individuality and breaking the rules. Networking is the keyword for this period.
Enjoy the trip..