Is my Jupiter doomed?

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But what you've said contradicts a lot of things
life is full of 'contradictions' :smile:
the world of theoretical physics for example
is full of contradictions
in theory, works fine

.....such as the description of :sun: :conjunct: :jupiter:. I haven't read it as really bad! It's actually good. Why is it then that :jupiter: is forever doomed in my chart? I thought that :sun: :conjunct: :jupiter: made me lucky. Also the ascensional chart (lifetime events) calculates my :jupiter: as cazimi, therefore enhanced in strength? What I've seen is this (in my life)

I've had trouble with my beliefs in my mind, I'm somewhat unsecure at times about them, and I had self-esteem problems when I was younger (not anymore though)

But actually people say I am more self confident than I think I am, and I've never ended up looking insecure with my beliefs on the outside, so to speak.

Also I had a :jupiter: :conjunct: :northnode: transit not too long ago, and that's when I became confident with my beliefs and my self-esteem exploded. (I don't try to act cocky, though.)

Also I've been blessed with an excellent health ever since I was born. I was about to die when I was born (I had a disease) but I made it through by a miracle.
Good news that you survived your birth
now make the most of every opportunity
and enjoy learning and philosophy

you joined our forum only in September, just three - four months ago
keep in mind

life is full of 'contradictions' :smile:
the world of theoretical physics for example
is full of contradictions
in theory, works fine

Good news that you survived your birth
now make the most of every opportunity
and enjoy learning and philosophy

you joined our forum only in September, just three - four months ago
keep in mind


Also, I have one question. Does anybody else know about ascensional astrology besides me? I have found barely ANY information about it. Could somebody help me with ascensional astrology?

Also, if we're both right or wrong, then that means my :jupiter: is powerful but weak? I'd say it's not powerful by itself, but powerful thanks to the :conjunct: with the :sun:
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Also, I have one question. Does anybody else know about ascensional astrology besides me? I have found barely ANY information about it. Could somebody help me with ascensional astrology?

Also, if we're both right or wrong, then that means my :jupiter: is powerful but weak?

I'd say it's not powerful by itself, but powerful thanks to the :conjunct: with the :sun:

'......Rather than sort out word choice, and debate semantics, what exactly do you think the idea of " debility" means?

A debilitated planet is always going to be debilitated. Always.
If it is received by a dignified planet, then yes, that can mitigate the debility and be a bit "uplifting" if you will.
If it is received by a dignified planet and in aspect then the uplifting will be stronger.
But the reality is that the debilitated planet will always remain debilitated.

An "extreme case" example, from a story in the Bible
(it's just chock full of astrological examples)
about Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers.
In that case, we could say that Joseph was debilitated (and probably peregrine as well)
but received by a dignified Pharoh.
His debility wasn't cancelled, but it was mitigated
to the point that Joseph eventually became the second most powerful man in Egypt after Pharoh.....' Tsmall


your natal Jupiter is not received by the Sun :smile:

'......Rather than sort out word choice, and debate semantics, what exactly do you think the idea of " debility" means?

A debilitated planet is always going to be debilitated. Always.
If it is received by a dignified planet, then yes, that can mitigate the debility and be a bit "uplifting" if you will.
If it is received by a dignified planet and in aspect then the uplifting will be stronger.
But the reality is that the debilitated planet will always remain debilitated.

An "extreme case" example, from a story in the Bible
(it's just chock full of astrological examples)
about Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers.
In that case, we could say that Joseph was debilitated (and probably peregrine as well)
but received by a dignified Pharoh.
His debility wasn't cancelled, but it was mitigated
to the point that Joseph eventually became the second most powerful man in Egypt after Pharoh.....' Tsmall


your natal Jupiter is not received by the Sun :smile:

I've found some further dignities my :jupiter: has. It ended up being neutral in dignity.

-Direct in motion +4
-Swift in motion +2
-Oriental +2
-9th house +2
-Peregrine -5
-Combust -5

Final score: 0

This is without taking in account some other things:

-It's cazimi in the ascensional chart
-It's said to be dominant in my chart

There is actually a difference between a DOMINATING planet, and a DOMINANT planet in one's natal chart.

In my case, you have to look for any stelliums in a house.

We can find one stellium in the ninth house, formed by :sun::mercury::jupiter:

"Firstly, we shall look if there is a stelium in a house. There is a stelium :)jupiter::sun::mercury:) in the 9. house, and its ruler is :jupiter: . Exactly this object will be the dominant planet."

Also, my :jupiter: is in Hayz

"[...]Hayz, or planetary similitude, is when a diurnal planet is above the earth in the day, under the earth at night, and a nocturnal planet is under the earth by day, and above the earth at night.

Or, again, when a masculine planet is in a masculine sign and quarter and is oriental, but a feminine planet is in a feminine sign and quarter and is occidental."

"[...] so he says it is in its hayyiz (or hayz); meaning its 'natural place' or 'preferred position'. The placement of a planet in an unsuitable place - such as a masculine planet in a feminine sign, is considered weakening and termed 'contrariety of hayz' or contention. "

Therefore, I consider my :jupiter: to do more good than bad.

"The term is usually applied when the planetary nature agrees with either its the hemisphere placement (by itself termed halb, 'half') or the chart quadrant, and its sign. For example, when a masculine, diurnal planet is positioned in the same hemisphere as the Sun (above or under the Earth) and is also in a masculine sign. Likewise, when a feminine, nocturnal planet is placed in the opposite hemisphere to that of the Sun and is in a feminine sign. "


And how do you know my :jupiter: isn't received by my :sun:? Yes, my :sun: isn't in its own sign, but :jupiter: actually gives a lot to my :sun:'s power. A partile :conjunct: with :jupiter:, the greater benefic, is said to be fortunate.
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Ascendant of this chart is WATER ELEMENT
WATER ELEMENT has a need for emotional security

The primary motivation is what we unconsciously
and often consciously seek.
Once that motivation is interrupted, we seek to fix that in every possible way.

Robert Zoller says:

"By means of it, we may understand what the native wants. All other wants and desires are negotiable, but not the Primary Motivation. If you interfere with another person's ability to realize their Primary Motivation, they are gone."

In this chart we can see that Moon is strong by accident (being on an angle). This person would seek to satisfy their need for Emotional Security in the home, in the place of the father. The father would be the means through which this person would try to achieve their Emotional Security.

Jupiter - the exalted ruler is weakened by combustion and isn't necessarily able to provide or give the emotional security this person seeks.

Jupiter IS strong by Whole Sign location in 10th so a career could provide emotional security for the native

Jupiter by universal means suggests that the native would seek wisdom, and philosophical understanding


may have difficulty with finding the kind of career where that is possible :smile:

and Jupiter is in 9th house by Quadrant house system
so then the native could enjoy a career involving long distance travel to places far from home
as the native would then enjoy the company of people from other cultures
with plenty of philosophy and opportunities to gain wisdom


note that Jupiter is OPPOSED by angular MOON on IC

Ok, you follow this direction Chart ruler is Moon because of Cancer Rising, and Asc's exalted planet is Jupi, why we use exalted ? why not sign ruler ?
Fixed Signs ?, (there arent exalted planet in these. such as Leo, Taurus, Aquarius) then we must use the sign ruler..

then you used MC's exalted planet and own aspects for career situation
or only we must consider Asc's Exalted on both house systems ? because it placed 9th on one system, 10th on other one.
Also I just found out my H10 is ruled and co-ruled by my :sun: and my :mars:, so the matters that have to do with both affect my career.
Ok, you follow this direction Chart ruler is Moon because of Cancer Rising,
You misunderstood my brief outline of an astrological technique that determines PRIMARY MOTIVATION

NOT 'Chart Ruler'

....and Asc's exalted planet is Jupi, why we use exalted ?
why not sign ruler ?
Read my post
which states clearly that the domicile ruler of the Cancer ascendant is the Moon
while the exalted ruler of the Cancer ascendant is Jupiter

refer to the following table for clarification



Fixed Signs ?, (there arent exalted planet in these. such as Leo, Taurus, Aquarius) then we must use the sign ruler..

then you used MC's exalted planet and own aspects for career situation
or only we must consider Asc's Exalted on both house systems ? because it placed 9th on one system, 10th on other one.
I've found some further dignities my :jupiter: has. It ended up being neutral in dignity.

-Direct in motion +4
-Swift in motion +2
-Oriental +2
-9th house +2
-Peregrine -5
-Combust -5

Final score: 0
0 = no dignity :smile:

This is without taking in account some other things:

-It's cazimi in the ascensional chart
-It's said to be dominant in my chart

There is actually a difference between a DOMINATING planet, and a DOMINANT planet in one's natal chart.

In my case, you have to look for any stelliums in a house.

We can find one stellium in the ninth house, formed by :sun::mercury::jupiter:

"Firstly, we shall look if there is a stelium in a house. There is a stelium :)jupiter::sun::mercury:) in the 9. house, and its ruler is :jupiter: . Exactly this object will be the dominant planet."

With reference to there being three planets in 9th house


'…....When many planets occupy same house,
The most powerful action on house significations
is from the house ruler
then, from the exaltation ruler
then from the planet with closest natural analogy with the house meanings.
When, among many planets occupying same house,
some correspond by their analogy to the meanings attached to the house,
whereas others are contrary to them
then ascertain which of these two groups is most powerful.
If the former, the affairs indicated will be achieved
if the latter, their realization will be impeded or prevented........'

'….When the planets occupying the same house are all benefics,
they anticipate the fulfillment of good fortune
and the suppression of misfortune indicated by the house.
If they are malefics, the contrary will occur,
unless they are in good zodiacal state in a favorable house.
If some are benefics, and others malefics,
examine with care which ones of the two groups are the most powerful,
and to judge according to the result of this organization
If, in a fortunate house,
a benefic planet is followed by another benefic,
this indicates that the good produced by the house affairs will be stable.....'


'…..If the benefic is followed by a malefic, the fortune acquired will be lost
In an unfortunate house,
a benefic followed by another benefic indicates that the misfortune will not be realized,
or if it is,
in an extremely limited way.
If this benefic is followed by a malefic, however,
the misfortune signified by the house will certainly occur,
but the native will escape it.
But if a malefic is followed by another malefic,
the misfortunes caused will be very serious and the native will never escape them....'

source of the above information at


And how do you know my :jupiter: isn't received by my :sun:?

Yes, my :sun: isn't in its own sign, but :jupiter: actually gives a lot to my :sun:'s power. A partile :conjunct: with :jupiter:, the greater benefic, is said to be fortunate.
Your question proves you have not understood the meaning of RECEPTION
ours is an astrological learning forum
opportunity to learn the explanation of RECEPTION at
0 = no dignity :smile:

With reference to there being three planets in 9th house


'…....When many planets occupy same house,
The most powerful action on house significations
is from the house ruler
then, from the exaltation ruler
then from the planet with closest natural analogy with the house meanings.
When, among many planets occupying same house,
some correspond by their analogy to the meanings attached to the house,
whereas others are contrary to them
then ascertain which of these two groups is most powerful.
If the former, the affairs indicated will be achieved
if the latter, their realization will be impeded or prevented........'

'….When the planets occupying the same house are all benefics,
they anticipate the fulfillment of good fortune
and the suppression of misfortune indicated by the house.
If they are malefics, the contrary will occur,
unless they are in good zodiacal state in a favorable house.
If some are benefics, and others malefics,
examine with care which ones of the two groups are the most powerful,
and to judge according to the result of this organization
If, in a fortunate house,
a benefic planet is followed by another benefic,
this indicates that the good produced by the house affairs will be stable.....'


'…..If the benefic is followed by a malefic, the fortune acquired will be lost
In an unfortunate house,
a benefic followed by another benefic indicates that the misfortune will not be realized,
or if it is,
in an extremely limited way.
If this benefic is followed by a malefic, however,
the misfortune signified by the house will certainly occur,
but the native will escape it.
But if a malefic is followed by another malefic,
the misfortunes caused will be very serious and the native will never escape them....'

source of the above information at


Your question proves you have not understood the meaning of RECEPTION
ours is an astrological learning forum
opportunity to learn the explanation of RECEPTION at

Wait, actually my :jupiter:does have reception in terms with :venus:, therefore it gains accidental dignity :smile:

:venus: is in :jupiter:'s term and viceversa.


it is said that :jupiter: has some power due to this reception. This gives it a +2 in total, so that means it actually has a positive dignity rather than a neutral or negative one.
It took me a good chunk of time to get this through, but I think I managed to prove that my :jupiter: is well placed after all, and it is considered to be prominent, along with my :sun:

In fact, I just saw that my :jupiter: rules my H6, whilst my :sun: rules H2 and H10, therefore the three so called 'job' houses are unified by rulership, and by the best planets out there imo, :sun: and :jupiter:.
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Wait, actually my :jupiter:does have reception in terms with :venus:, therefore it gains accidental dignity :smile:

:venus: is in :jupiter:'s term and viceversa.


it is said that :jupiter: has some power due to this reception. This gives it a +2 in total, so that means it actually has a positive dignity rather than a neutral or negative one.

It took me a good chunk of time to get this through,
but I think I managed to prove that my :jupiter: is well placed after all,
and it is considered to be prominent, along with my :sun:

In fact, I just saw that my :jupiter: rules my H6,
whilst my :sun: rules H2 and H10, therefore the three so called 'job' houses are unified by rulership,
and by the best planets out there imo, :sun: and :jupiter:.
notice that you have not changed the fact that
Jupiter still lacks ESSENTIAL DIGNITY and so remains Peregrine

and is delibilitated particularly when compared with strong natal Sun

reception by terms with Venus confers some accidental dignity

note however that

Jupiter is still Peregrine

Jupiter IS received by Mars by DOMICILE
but then Jupiter receives Mars only by TERM
so this is a weaker MIXED RECEPTION

Jupiter although received by Sun's Exaltation does not receive the Sun
so there is no MUTUAL RECEPTION
between Jupiter and the Sun
which adds to weakening effect on Jupiter by conjunction with the Sun



notice that you have not changed the fact that
Jupiter still lacks ESSENTIAL DIGNITY and so remains Peregrine

and is delibilitated particularly when compared with strong natal Sun

reception by terms with Venus confers some accidental dignity

note however that

Jupiter is still Peregrine

Jupiter IS received by Mars by DOMICILE
but then Jupiter receives Mars only by TERM
so this is a weaker MIXED RECEPTION

Jupiter although received by Sun's Exaltation does not receive the Sun
so there is no MUTUAL RECEPTION
between Jupiter and the Sun
which adds to weakening effect on Jupiter by conjunction with the Sun

But to take in account a planet's strength you have to look at both accidental and essential dignities. Therefore :jupiter: in the ascensional chart has a +7 and in the ecliptical a +2

Also :jupiter: is in the :sun:'s exaltation, face and triplicity, so there is some reception between the two.

And lastly, :jupiter:'s nature and the :sun:'s overlap somewhat. They're both masculine, hot and fire planets. There's a magnificent reception from the :sun: to the :jupiter:ian nature, and this is proved because it is said that the :sun: REJOICES in the 9th house. So, both planets find themselves comfortable in the 9th house.
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But to take in account a planet's strength you have to look at both accidental and essential dignities.
accidental is 'accidental'

the two dignities cannot 'be mixed'

And lastly, :jupiter:'s nature and the :sun:'s overlap somewhat.
They're both masculine, hot and fire planets.
There's a magnificent reception from the :sun: to the :jupiter:ian nature,
and this is proved because it is said that the :sun: REJOICES in the 9th house.

that's not a proof of reception which is dependent on ESSENTIAL DIGNITY

Therefore :jupiter: in the ascensional chart has a +7 and in the ecliptical a +2
Jupiter remains peregrine and combust and therefore damaged by the Sun due to combustion

you are entitled to have your own opinion on this matter

I would encourage you to study the links I have provided
mull over
and assimilate the information
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accidental is 'accidental'

the two dignities cannot 'be mixed'

that's not a proof of reception which is dependent on ESSENTIAL DIGNITY

Jupiter remains peregrine and combust and therefore damaged by the Sun due to combustion

you are entitled to have your own opinion on this matter

I would encourage you to study the links I have provided
mull over
and assimilate the information

But wasn't combustion part of the accidental dignities? Also what about the ascensional chart? Why does nobody care about it?
But wasn't combustion part of the accidental dignities?
Also what about the ascensional chart?
Why does nobody care about it?
ESSENTIAL DIGNITY DETERMINES how essentially strong a planet is

in this case
Sun is essentially strong

Jupiter is essentially weak due to complete lack of ESSENTIAL DIGNITY


Jupiter is also combust and thus is further damaged by being 'burned' by the Sun

There are however many different opinions in astrology :smile:
so therefore those are simply my opinions
which are based in this case on traditional astrology

but there is Vedic astrology
you may find it an interesting exercise to post your Vedic chart on the Vedic forum
and invite a Vedic astrology prediction

or even a Chinese astrology opinion

My comments are simply brief
because to read any natal chart with any reliability
takes many hours, days, weeks, even months
to be realistic
it is unlikely that you shall learn everything concerning your natal chart
in a few minutes on an online forum
take time to study your natal chart

also keep in mind
that our discussion views your natal chart from the perspective of traditional astrology

there is also Hellenistic astrology which has yet another perspective
and so on ad infinitum :smile:
My comments are simply brief
because to read any natal chart with any reliability
takes many hours, days, weeks, even months
to be realistic
it is unlikely that you shall learn everything concerning your natal chart
in a few minutes on an online forum
take time to study your natal chart

also keep in mind
that our discussion views your natal chart from the perspective of traditional astrology

there is also Hellenistic astrology which has yet another perspective
and so on ad infinitum :smile:

So do you think that the ascensional chart is valid? Do you know what it is? Have you worked with it before? In our discussion we didn't even touch it, and my :jupiter: is cazimi there.
My comments are simply brief
because to read any natal chart with any reliability
takes many hours, days, weeks, even months
to be realistic
it is unlikely that you shall learn everything concerning your natal chart
in a few minutes on an online forum
take time to study your natal chart

also keep in mind
that our discussion views your natal chart from the perspective of traditional astrology

there is also Hellenistic astrology which has yet another perspective
and so on ad infinitum :smile:

Hey! I think I finally have a decisive conclusion on this. I did the cosmodynes calculations thanks to Solar Fire Gold and it turns out that my strongest planet is... none other than :jupiter:. Yes, it's regarded as the most powerful planet in my chart, and one of the best.

My most powerful house is the 9th, and my best aspect is the :trine: between :pluto: and :jupiter:. My most powerful aspects are :moon: :opposition: MC and :sun: :conjunct: :jupiter:

Also, cosmodynes regards the :sun: :conjunct: :jupiter: as one of the best aspects in my chart. (I think 3rd best)
Its peregrine and its combust but its also aspected by its ultra powerful dispositer the sun and jupiter is in hayz. So no its not doomed.

For luck the pof and its condition is more important than jupiter.