Is my Pluto "weak"

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Hmm.. maybe you were finding scorpios that were on the “Scorpion” side and not the “eagle” side

There are three levels of scorpio: 1. Scorpion (to give you the sting) 2. Phoenix (to be reborn) and 3. Eagle (to spiritually soar.)

It is no coincidence that pluto rules scorpio!

I’m not saying that you are picking bad women, just that younger females have a tough time in todays world, especially scorpio… scorpio is moreso about spirituality than sex.. and.. We are living in a dark, dark place right now… where women think it is okay to objectify themselves (which in turn amplifies their own ego and weakens the ego of their male counterpart)… and it takes some time for women to learn that. Trust me I've been there lol.

But your pluto symbolism is all about sticking up for the underdog through mental determination and spreading love to others. And with your north node there in the house of love & relationships. How heavy. I think you will end up finding success. :love:

This is exactly the case. There are different level of Scorpions. I think Guy should take a look of the nature of Scorpio in multiple levels.

I also have very positive sense that your Pluto in 7th house with North node will turn out much positively later in life. Which is why I shared the real example of how Pluto in 7th house retrograde, later in life, will experience the greatest transformation through partnership and even through business contact as meeting powerful people that are the better level of Scorpions.
I can only say it doesn't really get better as you get older :surprised:

But you have a little more self control, and recognize the bad pluto, once you really experience it,..

Put relationships will always have a Pluto theme..

My strongest Pluto relationship started around 37, it was having a t.pluto/n Pluto/n Venus t square..

Also Pluto square Pluto...

I'm still trying to get through this one.
No I'm not vulnerable..

Someone may think I am, but ohh no, not in the least.

I'm a full fledge fire gal, I'm not intimated especially by men.

(U realize that's my Pluto taking, right.. Lol)
Meaning, I would never allow anyone to control me...
I would jump out the window in a heart beat :innocent:
I don't seek revenge or go after people...
I let karma do it :surprised:

I live by fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me..

Anyone that's not a benefit to my higher self, is no longer a part if my life.
When I say "vulnerable" I don't mean easy target, I just mean that it is more likely for a disturbed personality to want to make you their target, I have heard that Pisces influence can attract people like that and I have found it to be true.
With all of that Leo I know you're a fighter.

I don't seek revenge or go after people...
I let karma do it

That is good, holding on to anger is not something you should do, I am still working on this though. it's hard with my mars-pluto aspect, it's hardwired into me.

I live by fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me..

Anyone that's not a benefit to my higher self, is no longer a part if my life.

Exactly, we much always learn from our lessons, and we must always rid the negativity in our lives which cause unnecessary stress/anger.

You have to take care of yourself first, never let anybody bring you down like that, you don't deserve it.
Thank you, I will try Reiki for a few weeks to see if it works.

I have been told by people that meditation would heal me since I have mars in pisces.

Never tried it, but since you're mentioning a specific type i might as well give it a try.

thanks :)
Mediation is great, I find it hard to sit still for so long though.

I have some visual ones, I will pm them to u a bit later... I'll have to look for them.
I can only say it doesn't really get better as you get older :surprised:

But you have a little more self control, and recognize the bad pluto, once you really experience it,..

Put relationships will always have a Pluto theme..

My strongest Pluto relationship started around 37, it was having a t.pluto/n Pluto/n Venus t square..

Also Pluto square Pluto...

I'm still trying to get through this one.

The key for Pluto in 7th to get better is to address whatever issues it represents early in life to let the Pluto transforming to the higher form. I have seen it done even the Pluto was t-square both Sun in 1st and Moon in 4th in natal. All three in angular houses. It is done under the Pluto and Uranus square transit we are having at the moment, it really dig out all the rubbishes and toxins. And of course, you have to do your self internal work to attract the right kind of Pluto into your life. Never forget, the Pluto in 7th is your partner as well as yourself in the mirror.
I forgot to mention, the person I know with Pluto in 7th house. He has a lot of business connections and work with very powerful people....but early in life, he had to learn all the nasty lessons first.
I also have Pluto in 7th house and my nasty lessons is way too much(Saturn square Pluto, Mercury cnj Pluto, Pluto semisextile 3811 Karma)
I'm a Scorpio Ascendant with Pluto in the 1st house and I agree that Pluto on the Ascendant can be really nasty and harsh. I used to be such a cruel kid all throughout elementary and middle school - it wasn't until High School when I started to grow up and become a kinder person but even then I was still struggling with bad habits like manipulating and shiz.

I find that many times it takes Scorpio Ascendants life lessons and experiencing their own hardships before they begin to evolve and become better people who are able to sympathize with others and use their power for good.

Here's an interpretation of Chiron in the 5th House you may find resonates:
Chiron in the 5th House
Chiron in the 5th house is especially dependent on the sign that Chiron sits in. This 5th house wound is all about a deep hurt relating to the Inner Child, sexuality, romance, self-expression, or creativity.

If you have Chiron in the 5th house, you probably hide what is unique about you, especially in the sign of your Chiron. You take many various reactions from others as rejection, even when they’re not.

Your inner infant wasn’t given nonjudgmental freedom to play, so now you are hyper self-critical and aware. You are afraid of how others would receive your most vulnerable self. To try and cloak this fear, you simply suppress that part of you.

The Chiron in the 5th house person might be extra-self conscious. It’s hard for them to let go and have fun.

Although I find that Chiron in the 5th house often manifests in this way, there are a few other ways it can manifest instead.

Sometimes, Chiron in the 5th house can be about children. You might want children but are unable to have them, so you live with this wound, or you might become hyper-critical of your children because you don’t want them to experience the wound that you felt.

Alternatively, the Chiron in the 5th house person might be wounded or betrayed by partners and by romance in general.

The path to healing Chiron in the 5th house largely depends on the scenario and the Chiron sign. Learning to be vulnerable with yourself is always a good first step, as well as finding the will to create and shine, especially in your specific Chiron sign.

The goal with Chiron in the 5th house is to live from the heart with honesty and integrity.