I’ve used astro seek and astro.com and others and say 4th house and some others 3rd. I’ve used several sites and it shows mostly the 3rd house. Help?
Hi - Yes. Your Venus is in the 3rd House using the Placidus House system, as you have here in this chart. This is the default House system used by astro.com.
However, if you use the Whole Sign House system, your Venus would be in the 4th House because Taurus would be the Sign on the 4th House cusp.
You would have an Aquarian Ascendant, ruled by Saturn which is in the 1st House. Your 2nd House would be Pisces, and your 3rd Aries and the 4th House, Taurus and so on.
You can drive yourself crazy using different House systems though! I like to use Whole Sign House system for anything connected with the natal, electional, Progressed, Directions, Transits, etc. etc.
Except for Horary. I still use Regiomontanus because that's what Lilly used. One day I might drop it for Whole Sign House system - it's certainly best I think for natal charts. It's debatable and that's why I say you can drive yourself mad! Think about it. Choose one and stick to it. That's my advice!
Ask yourself : Am I a more of a 4th House Venus person? Or am I more of a 3rd House person? in terms of one-to-one relationships?? _______