Is Pluto an astrological planet?

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“It was asked at first whether Pluto was to be considered a real planet, largely because of the unusual eccentricity of the orbit. But we might answer this by another question: Is the seed really a part of the plant? Indeed it grows out of the plant; yet its function is not to be understood in terms of this particular plant which bears it and from which it will fall into the dark humus. It is in the plant, yet not of the plant. It is the messenger of the future vegetation. Its allegiance is to the “new life” that is to come. It belongs not to the particular plant, which, if perennial, begins to die the moment the seed reaches the very first stage of maturity, but to the species of which the particular plant is only one of billions of ephemeral manifestations.”

Dane Rudhyar
“It was asked at first whether Pluto was to be considered a real planet, largely because of the unusual eccentricity of the orbit. But we might answer this by another question: Is the seed really a part of the plant? Indeed it grows out of the plant; yet its function is not to be understood in terms of this particular plant which bears it and from which it will fall into the dark humus. It is in the plant, yet not of the plant. It is the messenger of the future vegetatiot tn. Its allegiance is to the “new life” that is to come. It belongs not to the particular plant, which, if perennial, begins to die the moment the seed reaches the very first stage of maturity, but to the species of which the particular plant is only one of billions of ephemeral manifestations.”

Dane Rudhyar

Not sure what he meant, but, what a way with words!
My opinion; Pluto is not a planet, it IS an astrological factor, just as nodes and degrees and angles and lots are astrological factors.
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That's what Pluto gets for refusing to get vaxxed!

As a fellow uranians, can you elaborate why do modernist assign uranus as aquarius' sole domicile? No trust me this is a genuine inqury.

After digging it quite recently, I do think Uranus and Neptune are legitimate planets. I just don't how to use these planets
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Astronomically of course uranus and Neptune ARE PLANETS; I use them just as I use the traditional 7 planets; I have found that Uranus and Neptune are just as much “personal planets” as say Jupiter and Saturn; I use the symbolism of modernist astrology for Uranus and Neptune, and it works just fine for me in making delineations.

...My opinion;

Pluto is not a planet,
Pluto lies in the Kuiper Belt
an area full of icy bodies and other dwarf planets :smile:

Pluto is very small, only about half the width of the United States

and its biggest moon Charon is about half the size of Pluto
