Is Pluto an astrological planet?

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It is not about size. It’s about strength of power. Pluto’s power is strong. What is observed astrologically, matters not about size of the entity, all that matters is the power of the energy gifted.
It is not about size. It’s about strength of power. Pluto’s power is strong. What is observed astrologically, matters not about size of the entity, all that matters is the power of the energy gifted.
Yes, as transits of Pluto are always strong, especially when connected to my major life events.
It is not about size. It’s about strength of power. Pluto’s power is strong. What is observed astrologically, matters not about size of the entity, all that matters is the power of the energy gifted.
I have a love/hate relationship with Pluto, as the America is falling right now, and USA is going through its 1st Pluto Return, and the last one is at the next year's election...
Interesting. Thanks! Transformation. Not out of the realm of possibilities.
The Pluto/MC is my favorite line in astrocartography, because I can change and transform the focus of my egoic self to my real, spiritual self (In my astrocartography chart, the Pluto/MC line crosses Israel and Palestine, which are both disputed countries). I want to go to Israel, and so this is more likely than expected (or maybe vice versa).
The Pluto/MC is my favorite line in astrocartography, because I can change and transform the focus of my egoic self to my real, spiritual self (In my astrocartography chart, the Pluto/MC line crosses Israel and Palestine, which are both disputed countries). I want to go to Israel, and so this is more likely than expected (or maybe vice versa).
In my reality, my Pluto is conjunct my MC. I must have pissed somebody off in my last life!🤣
The Pluto/MC is my favorite line in astrocartography, because I can change and transform the focus of my egoic self to my real, spiritual self (In my astrocartography chart, the Pluto/MC line crosses Israel and Palestine, which are both disputed countries). I want to go to Israel, and so this is more likely than expected (or maybe vice versa).
I was born and have lived nearly my entire life on the Pluto MC line. I grew up in Los angeles, lived in sacramento county the last 38 years. It's been a blast.Dave astrocartography calif.PNG

Everything that "..represents.." modernist dwarf planets can be explained

the placement of other planets in charts.
Or even using the fixed star

Explore the Etymology and Symbolism of the Constellations! :)

Astrology is born in ancient mesopotamia/egypt/greece,
by tracking the movements of the 2 luminaries SUN and MOON
the 5 classical wandering stars, MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN

along with the placement of the fixed stars and constellations:


Dwarf planet Pluto doesn't reflect light & doesn't carry a message for us.

You can't see dwarf planet pluto with the naked eye.

There are thousands of Pluto Like objects in the orbit of the sun

so - if we are using dwarf planet pluto
then we should be using those dwarf planets too.


Interesting that factually Dwarf planets are the "..rule changers.." :)
Traditional astrology precedes modernistic astrology

modernistic astrology is newer than traditional

In my reality, my Pluto is conjunct my MC. I must have pissed somebody off in my last life!🤣
Then you are like me as I have Pluto conj. M.C. too, within three and a half degrees. Those born with Pluto on their Asc. are an even more interesting lot. the book I wrote is the result of my having met, and became intimate with. she has a Taurus Moon conj. the M.C., while I have an Aquarian one, conj. the I.C. We had a Tantric experience, fully clothed but, in a loving embrace sitting on Her couch. the Taurus Moon conj. M.C. is by some accounts the "Green Thumb" aspect. combined with the Pluto conj. Asc. aspect, which confers a kind of high frequency eyesight, produced an ultra earth mother type. seen her turn a wilted garden overnight into Eden in full bloom.

Everything that "..represents.." modernist dwarf planets can be explained

the placement of other planets in charts.
Or even using the fixed star

Explore the Etymology and Symbolism of the Constellations! :)

Astrology is born in ancient mesopotamia/egypt/greece,
by tracking the movements of the 2 luminaries SUN and MOON
the 5 classical wandering stars, MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN

along with the placement of the fixed stars and constellations:


Dwarf planet Pluto doesn't reflect light & doesn't carry a message for us.

You can't see dwarf planet pluto with the naked eye.

There are thousands of Pluto Like objects in the orbit of the sun

so - if we are using dwarf planet pluto
then we should be using those dwarf planets too.


Interesting that factually Dwarf planets are the "..rule changers.." :)
Traditional astrology precedes modernistic astrology
modernistic astrology is newer than traditional

Yeah, cute poster. Pluto has the evidence now that by all rights it should be declared a "Binary Planet". Thus recognized it becomes an entirely different "ballgame".
I found that not many are affected by Pluto. Edgar Cayce had also said the same thing, but He also predicted that very soon there would be more, and more, of those born with what puts them under the influence of the planet.
You should be able to tell by the conversation here among us, that are under its influence, that it is not a smooth journey. It gets to be as like a roller coaster at times. Thus, it's not for everyone, just those that are ready for it, or God decided they need a dose of it.
Just remember, that, just because all you see with your two eyes is flat earth all around you, it doesn't mean that the whole earth is flat.
Pluto conjunct the M.C. confers a sensitivity to frequencies. whereas Pluto conj. the Asc. gives the eyesight to see such energies, we get a "radar like" attunement to them. As I was attempting to get across is that when the two of us get together, all sorts of things happen... or perhaps it's more as to that She has an audience [me] that knows that when She demonstrates what she can do and explains how, and why, they need no further convincing. I initiated the Tantric experience that we had. It startled her, but not in a bad way. Her energy can get so intense, its easy to hone in on.... but it has to be open. As I said, we were in loving embrace, and fully clothed. It is one of the most memorable relationships that I've had in my life.
Then you are like me as I have Pluto conj. M.C. too, within three and a half degrees. Those born with Pluto on their Asc. are an even more interesting lot. the book I wrote is the result of my having met, and became intimate with. she has a Taurus Moon conj. the M.C., while I have an Aquarian one, conj. the I.C. We had a Tantric experience, fully clothed but, in a loving embrace sitting on Her couch. the Taurus Moon conj. M.C. is by some accounts the "Green Thumb" aspect. combined with the Pluto conj. Asc. aspect, which confers a kind of high frequency eyesight, produced an ultra earth mother type. seen her turn a wilted garden overnight into Eden in full bloom.
The MC is the midpoint of my Pluto 9th and NN 10th.

Same here for degrees.

It’s intense.

For now, IAU standard continues to hold on
and Pluto continues to be classified as a dwarf planet. :)

However, it would be interesting to see if in the future,

it gets reclassified as a comet or an asteroid

But...they have no size!
Pluto certainly is a planet and may be small but packs a powerful punch. Who cares what scientist designates what it is called.
It rules my midheaven, is strongly aspected and without it my chart would be incomplete. Mars does not rule Scorpio but Pluto does. There is so much attention given to Chiron which is not a planet and not sure what the nature of it is and that is more of a concern.