Is Reeva Steenkamp really dead?

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May 20, 2009
I know this may sound really weird but I am trying to tap into her spirit and I feel either we have a connection or she is alive.

I know its sounds delusional but I need help to let go of this thought that I'm having so I can have peace of mind but I'm asking for what the chart says.

Basically, I am wondering if Reeva was resuscitated and then smuggled out of SA by a ransom by Oscar and that would explain why he was so hush about the details of the case. The picture of the head wound sounds fabricated. How did they take a picture of her dead body in the google images IF they say Oscar took her downstairs and they carried her away to the hospital. This whole case is a bunch of bologny because Oscar is a part of the mafia that's my guess. And I think he has a lot of money to do what he wants with it and that's to save his ***. I think he wants to control her when he gets out and I think she is terrified. I am trying to help.

My relation is that I have a strong interest in her I almost am obsessed in love with her. I've had dreams of her. But I do not know her at all. Just someone that knows things.

I am submitting this now because it didn't occur to me. I asked an astrologer and paid her but she said she was dead and it didn't make sense. I need a second opinion.

I attached a pdf of Regiomantus and Whole System.



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Because you have strong interest in her I would give her 1st house ruler Venus. P/death-trad is at 29Leo32, ruler is Sun, venus has no separate aspect with Sun, so it seams she is alive. Then if we look radical 8 house ruler which signify death that is Jupiter, again Venus has no separate aspect with Jupiter, again No to your question.
Yes, it’s a weird question, but why not :smile:

With an Ascendant in Taurus sign we could also consider that you are Venus (Lord 1) in this Horary chart. Venus is in Leo sign and in the 4th Place. In a very simple way an interpretation could be that you have a kind of adoration, but it’s something private.

Reeva Steenkamp is Mars in the chart (Mars rules the 7th Place in Scorpio). Mars is at 28° Gemini in the 2nd Place (therefore in her 8th of death) and it is void of course. The Mars’ last aspect was its conjunction with the Sun.
Fensi88 said to us that the Sun was the dispositor of the Part of Death, as well, when Mars was conjunct with Sun it was completely burned by the Sun. Sun is separated from Mars by 2° and according Wikipedia Reeva was dead in early 2013, two years ago. Moreover the article I read said that it was a cremation… (very relevant here no?!)

Plus the significator of the death, Saturn, is at 29° Scorpio sign in the 7th Place.
Reeva Steenkamp is dead!
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Thanks for interpreting I couldn't log on earlier for some reason it was an "internal service error."

Fensi said she was Venus the other says Mars so whose the correct one??? Would the Moon give more clues over the true identity?

I am in adoration of her in love so to speak and if she loves me back and we are married then wouldn't it be a 7th house affair?

I am indecisive as to whether to believe Fensi or urano because both of you came to valid conclusions its just a matter of identification between the querent and the quesited.

If I talk to her in telepathy and I feel things in my heart from her does this make it a 7th house matter or a 11th house matter (since I am crushing on her and concerned)?

The fact that this picture was taken in what looks like tile behind her is so weird. But yet reports say he took her downstairs to the hospital. Could it be the photo was taken at the hospital?? Reports do not specify whatsoever. I am following this case. And I have read her mother's book things are strange.

I feel like the public is lied to because of Oscar.

Here's about him taking her away and after he shot her, who knows. The mother always stated only he knows the truth and she wants it .

Keep in mind with this link its possible Oscar hushed them up
I did another version of the facts except I asked through Oscar's eyes. I asked
"Does Oscar know she is alive?"

and I received this chart and my interpretation

I believe he is the 7th house so he is Venus in Taurus because he is a stranger according to Lilly . Mercury is there so he KNOWS OMG!

I am the 1st house ruled by Scorpio I am investigating and angry hence Mars, Saturn rules me and I feel weighed down by this and honestly its a painful thing to know about. I am also ruled by the Moon its in Virgo hence the worry mental aspect.

I think Reeva is Mercury because as a stranger/8th house matter subject too people think she's dead and SHE IS IN THE HOUSE OF OSCAR AS MERCURY. This is weird.

Sun conjunct Mars in her house 8th denotes they broke up. I just can't tell if the Mercury in his house knows she's dead or not ...

I am going by Lilly's standards I think..


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Because you have strong interest in her I would give her 1st house ruler Venus. P/death-trad is at 29Leo32, ruler is Sun, venus has no separate aspect with Sun, so it seams she is alive. Then if we look radical 8 house ruler which signify death that is Jupiter, again Venus has no separate aspect with Jupiter, again No to your question.

Lilly says to use the missing person as the 1st house. I am guessing you are using William Lilly's methods. I noticed that I think since Venus is in the 4th she is in a home and now that I did a horary on whether Oscar knows it was so bizarre that it showed that Oscar is Venus in Taurus with Reeva in his 7th house as Mercury maybe it means he knows she's alive. Please see my other posts.
I asked an astrologer and paid her but she said she was dead and it didn't make sense. I need a second opinion.

I attached a pdf of Regiomantus and Whole System.


Mars the 7th House Ruler is:

Below Earth
In Fall in Cancer.

Those are three very strong testimonies that the quesited is dead.

Some people argue the missing/absent person should be given the 1st House. In that case, the 1st House Ruler is:

Below Earth
In the 4th House
With the 8th House Ruler
Applying to conjunct the 8th House Ruler

That's four very strong arguments the missing person is dead.
Why are you people so quick to judge when I am hearing "her spirit"? Now let me explain I figured it out.

Reeva Steenkamp is talking to another man in NYC someone that was in my music class. That's the end of it and whether she is alive or not doesn't concern me anymore. I was tricked or deluded if you will by the Virgin Scary. I saw her shadow and she was speaking things to me this whole time then she confessed on account of another spirit's command who was protecting me from her deception.

I hate my moniker now JITW because its bogus I am going to make a new account. And ask another question. Thanks everyone but whether or not she is truly dead or alive she does not want to reveal it. So I don't care anymore. She's not the sweet person I was under the impression she was. The Virgin Scary was tricking me the entire time! She showed up in dreams and visions of mine. So sick of it.
Fensi said no so he who has credibility did use astrology in his own method to do so.

Here's where I'll glean in on this and if you don't have anything good to say shut your post and don't post thanks. Because I am here to figure things and not be told I'm looney I can easily report that foul language to a moderator.

Reeva = Moon (bc she is a woman) & Venus bc the first house describes the stranger , she is a stranger and is missing. I do not use the 7th house bc Mars is not descriptive of her persona etc.

In Horary:
"A mere vagabond, idle person, hating labour, a drunkard, a sot, one of no spirit or forecast, delighting to live beggarly and carelessly, one content in no condition of life, either good or ill." -skyscript

Venus in rulership of Taurus could mean she is on EARTH... Ruler of 2nd in the 4th house " Feeling physically secure depends upon family relationships. Your family is your safety net. " Another clue she needs her family wherever she is.

Venus in Leo promotes that she was a public figure and since its in the fourth house it may mean the follow:

"Death by drowning is particularly relevant. " - if for the 4th house house she should be dead it is by drowning she got shot I don't see drowning as to a clue of her death?

"Mercury in the 1st house indicates speed in regard to the matter and may be connected to a document" Mercury is there if you don't recall. .. And I am doing research.

The Moon is in Virgo if she were dead it would not be a human sign!! Therefore I think she is around healthcare or aide workers or guards in a building with gardens...


"In Horary Astrology:
The querent's father.
Property for sale, lease agreements (tenants are shown by the 6th), boundaries, and descriptions of buildings and gardens.
In questions concerning missing persons or lost items, the 4th describes the nature of the surface beneath them and in murder cases can help to describe the location of the body." -skyscript

And because it describes the nature of the SURFACE BENEATH THEM and LOCATION OF THE BODY the SUN does NOT DESCRIBE THIS AT ALL!

The Sun does not equate with WATER it should be in PISCES if she were cremated she should be in a WATER SIGN... Because I asked if she were DEAD already.

I think she is in a building and something foul is going on.

Furthermore the Sun/Leo is a house. Just because she was shot in a house it does not describe the surface BENEATH her or the LOCATION of the BODY for her bodily remains are supposedly ASHES...

You guys you can call me crazy but I think I may be onto something...

Venus at 0 degrees tells me she was just placed there????

This is who can be around here now:

People Signified:
Judges, senators, councillors, ecclesiastical men, bishops, priests, ministers, cardinals, chancellors, doctors of the civil law, young scholars and students in a university or college, lawyers, clothiers, woollen-drapers.

I did almost think she was somewhere in a hospital type convent.. maybe I'm going nuts but this is so strange.

No one said why is Jupiter conjunct Venus come on guys give it one more look.

I feel she has amnesia or had to heal the nuns or guards took her in and a paper will online in the news will come out in the future of her whereabouts.

My approach was strictly off of the horary seasoned astrologers on skyscript and Lilly... He uses the moon for missing people and Skyscript said to use the moon for women and the 1st house or 7th for the quesited. She is more along the 1st because she very much represents Venus her natal has Venus in the 1st house too.
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Fensi is a she.
And Reeva is said someone in NY is talking to her? since you want to talk to her then Reeva becomes your 7th house. she was cremated. Autopsy was done and you cant do an autopsy without a body, so you might say "it wasnt her" if there was any doubt, teeth would have been examined.

i am enterntaining a thought maybe she doesnt wanna talk to you
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Please get back to astrology. I have deleted the non-astrological suggestions and responses to those suggestions. If you don't have anything astrological to add, don't post. If you don't like the question, don't post.

Back to astrology,

Thanks to Wilson I am able to post again without feeling ashamed or harassed over beliefs. Anyway since I am crushing on her wouldn't she be a 5th house matter? In that case everyone was wrong in interpreting. I didn't realize that ok yes she is a stranger but I have a crush on her.. I am in love but how do I know its truly mutual unless there's a partnership. And she is a stranger but the additive is I am crushing on her . That leaves me to believe she is a 5th house matter.

Then I am Venus/Moon and she is Mercury . I am in the fourth house in a home (4th) expanding my consciousness (jupiter) about her whereabouts. I am obviously ruled by Venus bc I am Taurus in the 1st house and I have a crush on her .

I don't know why she would be in the 2nd house then? Is someone possessing her through finances? Perhaps she will be rich bc of the foulplay against her if she is alive. Mercury is in its own house so I think she will be rich and we will found out about via media communication . She is squaring Neptune in the 11th house bc of deception or fraud around her. Since she is trining the midheaven I take it to be that we will see her again in the news. And she is squaring me over the moon bc she probably doesn't want romance with me haha! The quintile or biquintile sign is with jupiter I don't know what that means. Btw she is in dignity status too. I wonder if she is better off than I think. I just think something is fishy about the entire case. What I don't understand is the connection I get from time to time otherwise she may be telling me something else after she is passed. Well the cloth on her head at her wake is stupid. Don't they know how to apply make up. And Oscar made phone calls before he went to jail. And he hired a US forensics team and they were all on his side through bribery. His WATCH was missing at the crime scene , he could have given it to someone. Evidence was tampered with. When people have money they can get away with anything almost. Just saying.
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From a traditional horary viewpoint, she is 7th house, as she clearly your person of interest, rather than the 5th, which is a more superficial kind of fling. This doesn't seem like anything superficial to me, so 7th house ruler would be the appropriate significator.
You're only okay because the red genie's daughter survived by my Uranus singleton's hand. She's out there and is hanging out with her gfs. You really thought she was dead? I knew she wasn't. She's buzzing as a bee in this town.