Is SK jealous of TK and I

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Nov 27, 2015
Let me see if I can put my question right this time.We are a group of three friends - me and other two are business partners male and female
, I am 10 years younger than them- the female is very controlling but a good friend, male friend is kinda scared of her and tries to please her- around June his daughter was getting married and I got involved with a few projects with him, and one day I sensed some weird vibes from her and she was cold- I have a strong feeling that she has gotten a bit jealous ( she has a tendency)
Now I am keeping my distance I don’t want to force anything, my question is she mad at me would she stop TK (male) from seeing me should I stay away or is this all just in my head.IMG_5500.png
No, its not all in your head.
The female is L11 Mercury conjunct her business partner/Sun. You are Saturn Rx that is conjunct Merc/Sun by antiscia and in the fall and detriment of Mercury, as well as being inconjunct.

She likely believes that she is the closest to him (merc/sun conjunct) because she is his business partner/friend, so should be the one to assist him with wedding projects, rather than you. She perceived you Saturn inconjunct as a third wheel who was intruding. So despite the fact that you are all friends, she believes that she is the dominant friend, iykwim.