Is someone wishing me ill?

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Apr 15, 2024
Hello, I am hoping to get some help on an unusual question that delves more into the spiritual/occult. To preface, I do believe in bad energy/evil eye. So I've had a string of bad luck for some time now and have wondered several times if someone is wishing me ill or sending me bad energy. Most recently, I posted a cute video of my pet on social media and just a few days later my pet got really, really sick. The weird thing is as soon as I posted that, I had this gut feeling like I should delete it because I can't control who will see it and how they'll react to it. I thought I was being overly paranoid and talked myself out of deleting it. Still, when my pet became sick I immediately remembered that gut feeling. Today I did a cleanse on my pet (after proper vet care) and found some evidence of envy or evil eye. I pulled this chart with the question "is someone wishing me ill/sending me bad energy?". I am not specifically asking about my pet, that was just the most recent example. I am interested to know if someone is envious or not wanting me to be well. Please let me know your thoughts!

I am Mars and Moon, the "other" whoever they may be, are Venus. We are both in domicile and not aspecting one another. As moon, I will soon square Venus, who exalts me. Not sure what to make of that. For a question like this I would think I would find placements in the 8th or 12th house, so I'm relieved to see there are none. However, the 7th house is sometimes called the house of open enemies and we can see the large stellium there. So is someone sending me their bad energy or am I being paranoid?
You being represented by a strong dignified Mars pretty much answers the question as No. If Mars was actively being damaged or hurt then we would want to see it in its detriment or fall.