Is the book in the house?

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Aug 9, 2016
IsbookInHouse.pngI've been searching for an old art book. I think my husband may have had it last. Many years ago, we gathered up old books we didn't want anymore to give away to a book store. I've been looking for it on and off for the past couple of years and now its really bugging me to find it. We changed out our book cases to nicer ones a couple of years ago and so all of the books were moved around, boxed, or set aside in various places until I could move in the new bookcases and re-load them in some orderly fashion. I've looked everywhere I can think of, have looked through all the shelves and can't find it. I finally did this question about it. I figured if he didn't give it away the chart should show that its still in the house somewhere. We have a good size library though I'm pretty sure I eyeballed every book. We have a basement which I've searched for old boxes and a second floor.

Saturn rules me and the 2nd in chart. (I'm a Capricorn with Pisces rising so it fits me) Saturn is intercepted in 2nd house with one other planet, Neptune which seems to suggest its just stuck someplace out of sight. The Moon and natural ruler of 2nd Venus are angular in 7th. Moon was last over Venus in 7th house. If I'm to consider if my husband was last to handle this book, I'm not sure if I'd use 7th or the 11th as he is my 3rd marriage. If I recall the 9th is 2nd marriage and 11th is 3rd. But not sure if such considerations matter in a Horary chart? I've read that if both the Moon and sun are over the horizon then you will find the item. In this chart Sun is on 7th cusp but still partially cadent. Moon's next conjunction is Mercury of books in another sign.

My first instinct was that Saturn shows the book is here but out of clear sight on the shelves. Maybe still in a box somewhere? I am not sure yet how to add the points in this chart but it appears somewhat promising that book is still in house with Pt. of Fortune also angular in 1st, co-ruler of 2nd - Uranus angular in home 4th and the three other Significators all angular in 7th.

I don't know where else to look. Any suggestions? I could use some help. I would try to replace the book but I don't know the title! I bought it used over twenty years ago. If he did accidentally give it away, I hope it would show that as the question was specifically, "Is the book still in the house?" If I'm not seeing what I don't want to see which is NO, then at least I can give up the search and accept it.
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I noticed after posting that Moon opposes Fortuna in first house. It's only other applying aspect is then to Neptune, co ruler of intercepted 2nd. I'm not sure if that alone would mean no, book is not in house.