You are born under the sensitive cancer lagna. Pranams to you (respect to cancer sign's nature). Your lord is Moon. She (moon) is exalted in 11th house but also with ketu. 11th house is about income and earnings. Ketu is supposed to detach you from the house it is in. That does not mean you are devoided of income but your mindset is expected to be away from income. I mean, ketu will teach you a lesson (wisdom). If you understand the intentions of ketu here, you have to develop that attitude in accordance with that planet's plans for you. Please have low expectations with regard to income. ( Never mind, never complain about it). Also, the lord of income house, Venus is hiding at 8th house. This is also a reason for low income. (However he will do good for 8th house because a bad planet sitting in bad house is good).
Currently Rahu dasa is going on. Luckily it will end soon - soon means in another 2 years. By 2025 March. Rahu behaves like Saturn. Saturn is not a benefic planet for you. So will be Rahu. People say Rahu dasa will give first half good & second half bad. (9 + 9 years = 18 years). Do you think so?
By '25, your Jupiter dasa will start which has to be better. He is the lord of 6th and 9th houses. Luck will favour you by that period (16 yrs), I think.
Coming to 7th and 10th houses (marriage and career). Saturn in 7th house - that too own house - is wrong. (wrong means it will do wrong things for you). You will get delayed marriage and hurdles, obstacles, hard path towards your aim. However Jupiter's aspect over it will make Saturn to lessen such things.
10th house lord Mars is in 12th place. This is not good. He is a benevolent but he hides himself there. Also he is in vakra gathi (retrograde). Also he is in Mercury's house where he cannot perform well. However, Jupiter gives aspect to here also which will keep things in some control.
These are general observations. Hope this helps.
Note - Moon represents mind and emotions. Ketu creates confusions. Both together in your chart means you need to follow remedies.