It is my experience-reading up on Jung and Freud (only a bit)-they had occasion to bitterly quarrel public-ally and privately as to what constituted differing tastes in same sex habits and whether or not they were to be considered abborant behavior patterns (remember homosexuality was not a widely acceptable 'public' occasioning back then and many psychologist's were studying it's effects on the average populace, city by city state by state, clinically to make a mark in it's findings back then.) and too, the word abborant has many different interpretations and is not souley considered nauseous-or offensive spiritually reprehensible or dirty, as much as a consideration of as much as multitudinous diversifying traits of character in nature apart from the norm according to the times-behavior lifestyles.
From this standpoint Jung (being a student of Astrology-as was Freud-but whom later denied its value in psychology, being stressed of Christian backlash in social circles for per viewing its value) looked to the outer planets bc they were considered in his understanding to represent and hold in Astrological interpretations, an influence of Karmic/Diharma of centuries of reincarnation characteristics (Jung studied many cultures to augment his findings-often want to represent his works backed by traditional standards, so Freud took the lead in his field for his time) which he came to understand could be seen as evident statistical references of Astrological placements. When these planets-making stressful aspects (especially the conjunction and oppositions=rebelliousness, with the feeling planets, especially Uranus/Neptune conjunction's with Venus the Moon and Mars, as Pluto was not sufficiently data banked as yet, were paramount in influencing early traits of homosexual tendencies.
In a clinical study, some doctor's attest that when the mother is having a difficult pregnancy and lifestyle period when the babe is within the womb, and during childbirth, the stress of the delivery has an effect physically on the emerging child-that can somehow colour the development of the behaviorism's in the offspring that makes them gravitate 'rather than not' statistically speaking-in homosexual attitudes.
A stellium of these planetary configurations in consideration of being coupled with the heavier planets in personal houses will also give signposts to homosexual habits. Look for the parallels with Mars and Venus specifically bc the Moon remember is plastic, she is ever changing but unless fixed in sign will vacillate in her development in the formative years to accomedate emotional leanings that turn into lifelong habits 'ya or nay' to these tendencies. It is also her association with Mercury, within fixed or common signs and houses that often prove its psychology also. The Sun (identity) is below the horizon in most of these maps of study and is prominent in the 12th 3rd, 9th, and 5th houses-debilitated in power in thinking-in emotional signs...not always but to the best of my knowledge He makes few aspects to strengthen his position to emerge on his own, or is convexly (Arroyo-findings?) overpowering-with the ability to overshadow creatively other planetary configurations. It is the house and lights above and below the horizon that are statistically born here in my memories of the study. I am in no means a professional to occasion my thoughts about the diversification in this field of psychology, but was interested early on in my studies of cultural and professional media talents that made me read up on it. It is a young exposure to myriad venues of public exposures and experience's that burgeon its foundations given the opportunity to rise in world understandings-standard to the appeal to populace as to the old adage, 'What ever the traffic will bear'. The creative fields were always compassionate to same sex gender lifestyles bc the creative potential was seemingly very inspirational and ever flowing. To whit Cole Porter, amist other's that had the ability to introduce it slowly into world understanding.
This evincing is not hidden to the learned, in deed it is the exposure to many cultures that widen our understanding of our personal to gravitate to a compassionate empathetic higher power, we are constant to sifting values and change. The pendulum swings back and forth ever changing..but..we must never forget the great fall of Rome and its earlier empire. It is quality not quantity that sets standards of lengthening value we hold on to in the ordering of History & The Universe.
Will get off my soap box now.
Yours in Astrology..and 'He' calleth the Stars 'each and every one' by name. amen..Amen
All the best