By them I mean my son, his wife, and his two little daughters.
i imagine it is possible to check who could benefit most from me...
What is it could be a good gift to them or to each?
My time?
My knowledge?
My silence?
My home?
examples, beliefs, honesty,etc.
Too hard to answer? I hope not.
Explaining a little better why this question arised: this weekend my son and one of his married friends wanted me to have both families for lunch in my house as they wanted to see each other and also introduce me and themselves their toddlers. I gladly accepted having them for lunch as I like that friend, like having my sons family over every Sunday and so I prepared them a good meal, etc. My son is a great son...but I was surprised to get a note from him brfore the event asking me not to talk about any of my beliefs, either philosophical or political or whatever. I was suprised as he, my son, finds my ideas interesting...and also his old friend likes talking to me. We talk constantly and he seems to enjoy. He was the first to have the idea to cone to my house so I would know hus wife and baby daughter.
Maybe his wife, my dil, doesnt like my conversation? Anyway I was suprised as we have had only common conversations all last meetings...nothing special.
But later, after the event, I really got upset with him. It was first time we had a serious argument. I pointed: I gladly do a nice meal for your family, your friend, offer them drinks, affection...and YOU tell me what I can talk about in my own house?
In this case I prefer not talking with you anymore...you guys do the talking. I will be silent! I really lost my enthusiasm to share my ideas with you. I will talk instead with my friends...if someobe likes me that person likes also my conversation. If not...then...well...
But this chart shows I should keep sharing my "philosophies" with them!
They are good for them all.
How do you see it?