Sun in Leo gives me the picture of someone with a need to be creative.
NN in 5th tells me you ought to be creative in this life time and work from within yourself. You need to deal with that creativity to find balance.
Neptune conjunct Uranus in 6th adds intelligent imagination to your every day work. Graphic design? If you use them well they give you access to the not so easily accessed Mercury in 12th. Smart imagination and intellect working in balance. This could be beautiful!
MC and PoF in Aries tells me that you are well equipped to take your career into your own hands. Start your own company? Chiron in 2nd might support a theme around you finding a way of making your own money or living by your own standards (rather than those of a boss) or help others do the same. PoF helps you help others with their careers.
9th in Pisces suggests higher learning surrounding piscean principles. Dive in head first and see what you find in the depth of your soul! Pluto in Scorpio in 5th supports this theme.
6th in Sag is another point that tells me you shouldn't be someone else's lackey. You need to be free and independent in your work or work for someone who will give you that freedom.
Totally intuitive: Study some form of art, earn your living with graphic design type of work or restoration. Start your own company. Be known for getting the job done and acting responsibly with your clients' budget (Saturn in 8th). Then later, once established and once you've dealt with that theme around creativity, which encourages and demands that you be somewhat self-centered (within reason), start giving back by making use of your Aquarian SN memory and training others do the same (Chiron in Leo/2nd trine PoF in Aries/9th, Chiron opp Saturn in Aqu/8th). Draw from your intuitive understanding for the needs of the masses - like-minded people - your students/trainees. This is where you'll find further food for your soul and come full circle.
Feedback welcome!