no,cause mercury doesnt see saturn.One of the "strictures" or guidelines of horary is that it isn't a parlour game that one plays for one's amusement. Be warned that when the universe is asked a question like this, it will respond in the spirit that the question was asked..
That being said, if one goes ahead and reads this chart, the answer seems fairly clear. Why don't you tell us what YOU think first?![]()
Fair enough!no,cause mercury doesnt see saturn.
i asked the question seriously,cause having free will or not affects how we read a chart.You dont decide which question is serious or not,I do
Lovely reading, Marina !Haha hopeful chart…let’s have a drink before doomsday.
Hi @socrates,no,cause mercury doesnt see saturn.
i asked the question seriously,cause having free will or not affects how we read a chart.You dont decide which question is serious or not,I do
Because saturn rules the 9th of god. The aversion suggests we are clueless of how the divine controls our destiny. Saturn in 10th suggests fixed laws and smacks of nothing like free willHi @socrates,
MarinaFFF gave us a detailed (and lovely) explanation of her reasoning, but all you said was that your chart says there is no free will "cause mercury doesn't see saturn". I gave no explanation, either!
So you are using Mercury because it is your chart and Mercury is the ruler of the first house. Why did you use Saturn as the significator of free will? It seems counterintuitive.
Since it is your chart, I'll let you go first.
Can you let us know your reasoning for using Saturn as the significator of free will?
I see. Thanks for your response. I have another question for you, though...Because saturn rules the 9th of god. The aversion suggests we are clueless of how the divine controls our destiny. Saturn in 10th suggests fixed laws and smacks of nothing like free will